
Perfectionist 私たちは,我々の友人たち欠点はあるが,全体的に見れば,好意を持てる,感じのいい人たちであることを知っている。しかし,彼らが私たちに対して同じ態度をとるのは耐えられないという自分を発見する。

perfectionist-2We know that our friends have their faults, and yet are on the whole agreeable people whom we like. We find it, however, intolerable that they should have the same attitude towards us. We expect them to think that, unlike the rest of mankind, we have no faults. When we are compelled to admit that we have faults, we take this obvious fact far too seriously. Nobody should expect to be prefect, or be unduly troubled by the fact that he is not.
出典:The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap.8:Persecution mania
