
DOKUSH57 しかし,ここで私は,最初に直面しなければならない議論にぷつかる。子供の好奇心が病的あるいは倒錯的なときにはどうするのか? 子供が猥褻なことや,虐待に関する記事に興味を持っている場合はどうするのか? 子供が他人の行為を詮索することだけに興味を示すとすれば,どうするのか? このような形の好奇心(まで)を奨励すべきなのか?

But at this point I shall be met by an argument which must be faced at the outset. What if a boy’s curiosity is morbid or perverted? What if he is interested in obscenity, or in accounts of tortures? What if he is only interested in prying into other people’s doings? Are such forms of curiosity to be encouraged? In answering this question we must make a distinction. Most emphatically, we are not to behave so that the boy’s curiosity shall continue to be limited to these directions. But it does not follow that we are to make him feel wicked for wishing to know about such things, or that we are to struggle to keep knowledge of them away from him. Almost always, the whole attraction of such knowledge consists in the fact that it is forbidden; in a certain number of cases it is connected with some pathological mental condition which needs medical treatment. But in no case is prohibition and moral horror the right treatment.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles
