ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.16

第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.16:他人には害だが自分には害にならず?

しかし,検閲に反対する根拠は,もう一つある。それは,露骨なポルノグラフィー(猥褻文書)でさえ,もしそれがおおっぴらで,恥ずかしいことと思わないなら,秘密に,こっそりと楽しむ場合よりも害が少ない,ということである。法律があるにもかかわらず,かなり裕福な男性はほとんどすべて,思春期にいかがわしい写真を見たり,なかなか手に入れにくいもの入手したということで自慢したりした経験を持っている(注:そういった闇で出回っているものは高価であるので貧乏人の師弟は購入できないということ)。因習的な人たちは,そういった写真が自分の害になったとはほとんど誰も認めようとしないけれども,他人にははなはだしく有害だと考えている。確かに,そういうものは,一時的な色情をかき立てはする。しかし,だれでも精力旺盛な男性の場合,この種の感情は,いずれにせよなんらかのかたちで(in one way, if not in another)刺激されるのである。



Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.16

There is, however, a further ground for objecting to censorship, and that is that even frank pornography would do less harm if it were open and unashamed than it does when it is rendered interesting by secrecy and stealth. In spite of the law, nearly every fairly well-to-do man has in adolescence seen indecent photographs, and has been proud of obtaining possession of them because they were difficult to procure. Conventional men are of opinion that such things are extraordinarily injurious to others, although hardly one of them will admit that they have been injurious to himself. Undoubtedly they stir a transient feeling of lust, but in any sexually vigorous male such feelings will be stirred in one way if not in another. The frequency with which a man experiences lust depends upon his own physical condition, whereas the occasions which rouse such feelings in him depend upon the social conventions to which he is accustomed. To an early Victorian man a woman’s ankles were sufficient stimulus, whereas a modern man remains unmoved by anything up to the thigh. This is merely a question of fashion in clothing. If nakedness were the fashion, it would cease to excite us, and women would be forced, as they are in certain savage tribes, to adopt clothing as a means of making themselves sexually attractive. Exactly similar considerations apply to literature and pictures: what was exciting in the Victorian age would leave the men of a franker epoch quite unmoved. The more prudes restrict the permissible degree of sexual appeal, the less is required to make such an appeal effective. Nine-tenths of the appeal of pornography is due to the indecent feelings concerning sex which moralists inculcate in the young; the other tenth is physiological, and will occur in one way or another whatever the state of the law may be. On these grounds, although I fear that few will agree with me, I am firmly persuaded that there ought to be no law whatsoever on the subject of obscene publications.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.15

第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.15:ポルノグラフィー(猥褻文書)の発禁

 これらの命題(主張)の第一の点について言えば,英国において,ロード・キャンベル法を行使した歴史(the history of the use)によって十分に立証(確立)されている。ロード・キャンベル法は,それに関する討論を読めば誰もが気づくように,もっぱらポルノグラフィー(猥褻文書)の発禁を意図したものであり(注:これは単なる事実),当時は,その他のタイプの文学には適用できないように起草されたもの(書かれたもの)と考えられていた(注:これは関係者がそう思っていただけのこと)。しかし,こうした信念(思い込み)は,警察官の頭のよさ(狡猾さ)治安判事の頭の悪さ(愚かさ)を十分に認識しなかったことに基づくものであった。検閲の問題は,すべて,モリス・アーンストとウィリアム・シーダルの著書の中で,見事に扱われている。(注:『純潔な人たちに』バイキング社,1928年刊)二人は,イギリスの経験とアメリカの経験をともに扱い,さらに,両国以外で行われた閲にも簡単に触れている。

 経験の教えるところでは,特に英国の演劇の場合は,色情(lust)をそそることを目的とした軽薄な劇が,堅苦しい人間だと思われたくない検閲官(the sensor)の目を簡単にパスする(合格する)のに対して,『ウォレン夫人の職業』のような大きな問題点(論点)を提起するまじめな劇が検閲官に合格とされるまでに長い年月がかかり,『チェンチ家』のような卓絶した詩的価値のある劇が,聖アントニウスにさえ色欲をかき立てるような言葉は一つも含んでいないのに,大法官の男性的な心情に引き起こした嫌悪感を克服するのに百年も要した(のである)。

Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.15

As regards the first of these theses, it is abundantly established by the history of the use which has been made of Lord Campbell’s Act in England. Lord Campbel1’s Act, as anyone may discover by reading the debates on it, was directed solely to the suppression of pornography, and it was thought at the time that it had been so drafted as to be incapable of use against other types of literature. This belief, however, was based upon an insufficient appreciation of the cleverness of policemen and the stupidity of magistrates. The whole subject of the censorship has been admirably treated in a book by Morris Ernst and William Seagle. (note: To the Pure, Viking Press, I928.) They deal with both British and American experience, and more briefly with what has been done elsewhere. Experience shows, especially in the case of the dramatic censorship in England, that frivolous plays calculated to excite lust easily pass the censor, who does not wish to be thought a prig, while serious plays which raise large issues, such as Mrs. Warren’s Profession, take many years to get past the censor, and a play of transcendent poetical merit like The Cenci, although there is not a word in it that could excite lust even in St. Anthony, required one hundred years to overcome the disgust which it raised in the manly bosom of the Lord Chamberlain. We may therefore, basing ourselves on a mass of historical evidence, lay it down that the censorship will be used against works of serious artistic or scientific merit, while persons whose purpose is purely salacious will always find ways of slipping through the meshes of the law.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.14

第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.14:猥褻な出版物を禁止する法律


Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.14

Many people will agree that these consequences of the law against obscene publications are regrettable, but they will nevertheless hold that such a law is necessary. I do not myself believe that it is possible to frame a law against obscenity which will not have these undesirable consequences, and in view of this fact, I should myself be in favour of having no law whatever upon the subject. The argument in favour of this thesis is twofold: on the one hand, that no law can forbid the bad without forbidding the good also, and on the other hand, that publications which are undoubtedly and frankly pornographic would do very little harm if sex education were rational.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.13

第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.13:わざと難しい言葉を使うこと

 ロード・キャンベル法のもう一つの興味ある結果は,(性に関する)多くの話題は,高度な教育を受けた人たちにしかわからないような,長々とした専門用語を使えば議論することができるが,大衆(一般国民)に理解できるような言葉では簡単に言及できない(述べることができない)ということである。ある程度用心しながら,印刷物性交(coitus)のことを話題にすることは許されるが,この単語の単音節の同意語(わかりやすくて短い単語)を使用することは許されない(のである)。このことは,最近,『無駄足』事件(訴訟)(Sleeveless Errand 袖のない使い走り→無駄足)で決定された。時々,こういった簡単な言葉の禁止は,重大な結果をもたらす。たとえば,働く女性に向けた(読者対象にした)サンガ一夫人の産児制限に関するパンフレットは,働く女性が理解できる(言葉で書かれている)という理由で,猥褻であるとの判決を受けた。(一方)マリー・ストーブス博士の著書は違法ではない。なぜなら,使用されている言葉がある程度の教育を受けた人々にしか理解できないからである。その結果,裕福な人びとに産児制限を教えることは許されるが,他方,産児制限を賃金労働者やその妻に教えるのは犯罪になる。私は,この事実に優生学協会の注意を促したい。協会は,賃金労働者は中産階級の人びとよりも出産率が高いといってつねに嘆いているくせに,この事実を引き起こしている法律の現状を変えることは用心深く控えているのである。
* understanded : (古い言い方) understand の過去・過去分詞形

Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.13

Another interesting consequence of Lord Campbell’s Act is that many subjects can be discussed in long technical words known only to highly educated people, which cannot be mentioned in any language understanded of the people. It is permissible with certain precautions to speak in print of coitus, but it is not permissible to employ the monosyllabic synonym for this word. This has recently been decided in the case of Sleeveless Errand. Sometimes this prohibition of simple language has grave consequences; for example, Mrs. Sanger’s pamphlet on birth control, which is addressed to working women, was declared obscene on the ground that working women could understand it. Dr. Marie Stopes’s books, on the other hand, are not illegal, because their language can only be understood by persons with a certain amount of education. The consequence is that, while it is permissible to teach birth control to the well-to-do, it is criminal to teach it to wage-earners and their wives. I commend this fact to the notice of the Eugenic Society, which is perpetually bewailing the fact that wage-earners breed faster than middle-class people, while carefully abstaining from any attempt to change the state of the law which is the cause of this fact.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.12

第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.12:同性愛を違法とすること

 『孤独の泉』(注:1928年出版のレズビアン小説)が有罪と判決されたことは,検閲のもう一つの側面,すなわち,小説において同性愛を扱うことはいかなるものであっても違法である,ということを浮き彫りにした(注:目立たせた bring into prominence)。法律が(英国と比べて)より反啓蒙主義的(反啓蒙主義者的)でないヨーロッパ諸国には,研究者たちが掘り起こした同性愛に関する膨大な知識があるが,英国では,学術的な形にせよ,小説の形にせよ,この知識を普及することは許されていない(注:1929年当時のこと)。英国では,女性の場合は別だが,男性間の同性愛は違法ではない。そして(しかるに),この点について法律の改正のための論議を提出することは,非常に困難であろう。それ(男性間の同性愛)自体は,猥褻という理由では違法にならないだろうからである。それでも,あえてこの問題を研究した人なら誰もが知っているように,この法律(ロード・キャンベル法)は,野蛮で無知な迷信の産物(結果)であり,どのような合理的な議論を提出しても,これ(野蛮で無知な迷信)を支持して進めることはできない。同様な考え方は,近親相姦についてもあてはまる。最近,ある形の近親相姦を犯罪とする法律が可決されたが,この法律に賛否いずれの議論をすることも,ロード・キャンベル法の下では,昔も今も違法である。ただし,そういう議論が,まったく骨抜きになるほど抽象的かつ,注意深く組み立ててある場合は,別である。

Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.12

The condemnation of the Well of Loneliness has brought into prominence another aspect of the censorship, namely that any treatment of homosexuality in fiction is illegal. There exists a vast mass of knowledge on homosexuality obtained by students in Continental countries, where the law is less obscurantist, but this knowledge is not allowed to be disseminated in England either in a learned form or in the form of imaginative fiction. Homosexuality between men, though not between women, is illegal in England, and it would be very difficult to present any argument for a change of the law in this respect which would not itself be illegal on the ground of obscenity. And yet every person who has taken the trouble to study the subject knows that this law is the effect of a barbarous and ignorant superstition, in favour of which no rational argument of any sort or kind can be advanced. Similar considerations apply to incest; not many years ago a new law was passed making certain forms of incest criminal, but it was and is illegal under Lord Campbell’s Act to advance arguments either for or against this law, unless such arguments are framed so abstractly and so carefully as to lose all force.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.11

第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.11:ハヴロック・エリス (著)『性心理の研究』

この法令(ロード・キャンベル法)に出てくる「猥褻(わいせつ)」という単語は,法律上,精確に定義されてはいない。実際には,ある出版物は,治安判事(注:magistrate 英国における治安判事)が猥褻だと考えるなら,法律上,猥褻となる。また,他の点では猥褻と考えられるかもしれない文書(matter)の出版が,この特殊なケースにおいては(in this particular case)ある有用な目的に役立っているということを示す専門家の証言に耳を傾ける義務は,治安判事にはない(のである)。このことは,つまり,小説や,社会科学の学術論文や,性的な事柄に関係する法律の改正案(suggestion for reform)を書く者は誰でも,たまたま,ある無知な年配の人間がその著作を読んで不快だと思うならば,自分の著作を破棄される恐れがある,ということを意味している(言っているのである)。この法律のもたらす結果は,はなはだ有害である。

 よく知られているように,ハヴロック・エリス(著)『性心理の研究』の第一巻は,この法律により有罪とされた。ただし,幸いにも,この事例ではアメリカのほうが(英国より)よりリべラルであることがわかった(注:第一巻が起訴されたため,続く巻は,英国では出版されなかった)。ハヴァロック・エリスの目的が不道徳なものであったと言うことは誰にもできない,と私は思っている(できるとは思はない)。また,あのように分量が多く,学問的で,まじめな著作が,単にみだらなスリルのみを欲求する人びとに読まれただろうとは,とても考えられない。もちろん,そのような問題を扱うためには,普通の治安判事が,妻や娘の前では口にしたくないような事柄をも論じないわけにいかない。しかし,このような書物の出版を禁止することは,まじめな研究者(serious student)はこの領域(分野)の事実を知ることは許されない,と言うことである(と言うことに等しい。
因習的な見地からすれば,おそらく,ハヴロック・エリスの著作の最も異議のある特徴の一つは,症例(case histories 病歴,事例史)の収集であり,それらの症例は,現行の方法が,美徳や精神の健康を生み出す点で,いかに成功していないかを明らかにしている。そのような文書は,既存の性教育の方法を合理的に判断するデータを提供してくれる。(しかるに)法律は,我々がそのようなデータを持つことは許されないし,この方面での我々の判断は,無知に基づき続け無ければならない,と言明している(のである)。

Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.11

The word “obscene” which occurs in this Act has no precise legal definition. In practice a publication is legally obscene if the magistrate considers it to be so, and he is not obliged to listen to any evidence by experts to show that in this particular case the publication of matter which might otherwise be considered obscene serves some useful purpose. This means to say that any person who writes a novel, or a sociological treatise, or a suggestion for reform in the law as it relates to sexual matters, is liable to have his work destroyed if some ignorant elderly man happens to find it disagreeable reading. The consequences of this law are extraordinarily harmful. As is well known, the first volume of Havelock Ellis’s Studies in the Psychology of Sex was condemned under this law, although fortunately America proved in this instance more liberal.(note: Owing to the prosecution of the first volume, the subsequent volumes were not published in England.) I do not think anybody could suggest that Havelock Ellis’s purpose was an immoral one, and it seems extraordinarily unlikely that such a bulky and learned and serious work would have been read by persons who desired merely the thrill of indecency. It is, of course, impossible to treat of such a subject without discussing matters which the ordinary magistrate would not mention before his wife or daughters, but to prohibit the publication of such a book is to say that serious students are not to be allowed to know the facts in this domain. From a conventional standpoint I imagine that one of the most objectionable features of Havelock Ellis’s work is his collection of case histories, which show how extraordinarily unsuccessful existing methods are in producing either virtue or mental health. Such documents provide data for a rational judgment upon existing methods of sex education; the law declares that we are not to be allowed to have such data, and that our judgments in this domain are to continue to be based upon ignorance.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.10

第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.10:猥褻文書



 告訴により,猥褻図書等が販売または配布の目的で家屋やその他の場所に保管されていると信ずべき何らかの理由があり,かつ,このような物品(articles 物件)が一部以上かかる場所と関係あるところで販売または配布された証拠がある場合は,治安判事(justices)は,このような物品(物件)の出版が軽犯罪とするに足る性質および種類のものであって,そのようなものとして告訴することが適当であることを確認した上で,特別な令状(special warrant)により,このような物品(物件)を押収するように命ずることができる(may order)。また,同家屋の住居人を召喚(summoning)したのち,同一の,または他の治安判事は,押収された物品(物件)が令状に記載された性質のものであり,上述の目的で保管されていたことを確認した場合には,その物件(物件)を破棄することを命ずることができる。
* デズモンド・マッカーシーの優れた論文「猥褻と法律」(『人生と文学』1929年5月号所収)を参照。

Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.10

I am not discussing in this chapter what sexual conduct ought to be, but only what ought to be our attitude on the question of sex knowledge. In what has been said hitherto as to the imparting of sex knowledge to the young, I shall, I hope and believe, have had the sympathy of all enlightened modern educators. I come, however, now to a more debatable topic, in which I fear that I may have more difficulty in securing the sympathy of the reader. This is the topic of what is called obscene literature.

In England and America alike the law declares that literature that is deemed obscene may in certain circumstances be destroyed by the authorities, and the author and publisher may be punished. In England the law under which this can be done is Lord Campbell’s Act of I857. This Act states that :

If upon complaint there is any reason to believe that any obscene books, etc., are kept in any house or other place, for the purpose of sale or distribution, and upon proof that one or more such articles has been sold or distributed in connection with such a place, justices may, upon being satisfied that such articles are of such a character and description that the publication of them would be a misdemeanour and proper to be prosecuted as such, order by special warrant that such articles shall be seized, and after summoning the occupier of the house, the same or other justices may, if they are satisfied that the articles seized are of the character stated in the warrant, and have been kept for the purpose aforesaid, order them to be destroyed. (note: See an excellent discussion by Desmond MacCarthy, “Obscenity and the Law”, Life and Letters, May I929.)
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.9

第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.9:排泄作用に対する嫌悪感が影響?

 この問題には,私の考えでは,キリスト教の道学者(モラリスト)によって 蓋をされてしまった(隠されてしまった)不浄さから,性を洗い清めたいと望む人たちが十分に認識していない一面(一つの側面)がある。性という題目は,もともと,排泄作用に関連付けられてきた。そして,排泄作用が嫌悪感をもって扱われているかぎり,この嫌悪感の一部が性に付着するのは,心理的に見て自然なことである。それゆえ,子供を扱う際に,排泄作用のことで潔癖になりすぎないようにしなければならない。もちろん,一定の用心は衛生上の理由で必要であるが,子供が理解できるようになり次第,このように用心をするのはもっばら衛生上の理由であり,性の自然な働きには,本来嫌悪すべきものは何一つない,ということを説明してあげるべきである。

Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.9

There is one aspect of this question which has, I think, not been sufficiently realized by those who wish to cleanse sex from the filth with which it has been covered by Christian moralists. The subject of sex has been associated by nature with excretory processes, and so long as these processes are treated with disgust, it is psychologically natural that some portion of this disgust should attach to sex. It is therefore necessary in dealing with children not to be too fastidious as regards the excretory processes. Certain precautions are, of course, necessary for sanitary reasons, but as soon as children can understand, it should be explained that the reason for these precautions is only sanitary and not that there is anything inherently disgusting about the natural functions concerned.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.8

第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.8:偏見に満ちた大人の影響

 このように言うとき,私はアプリオリに(アプリオリなこととして/自明なこととして)論じているのではなく,経験をもとに論じていのである。私の(私が開設した)学校(注:Beacon Hill School という名称の幼児学校のこと)の子供たちの間で観察してきたことは,子供の中のみだらさ(性的いかがわしさ)は,大人の紳士淑女ぶり(性的潔癖さ)の結果であるという見方が正しいことを決定的に示している,と私には思われる。私の二人の子供(七歳の男の子と五歳の女の子)は,性や排泄(排泄作用/排泄物)について何か特別なものがあるとは一度も教えられなかったし,また,これまで,上品さとか,それに対応する下品さとかの観念をいっさい知ることがないように極力守られてきた。二人は,赤ん坊がどこから生まれるか,という問題に自然かつ健康的な関心を示したが,機関車や鉄道に示した関心ほどではなかった。また,大人がいてもいなくても,そのような話題について長々と話す傾向はまったく示さなかった。私の学校の他の子供たちに関しては,2,3歳で入学した場合には,いや四歳で入学した場合でさえ,私たちの子供とまったく同じように発達することを,私たちは発見した。


Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.8

In saying this I am not arguing a priori, but on a basis of experience. What I have observed among the children in my school has shown conclusively, to my mind, the correctness of the view that nastiness in children is the result of prudery in adults. My own two children (a boy aged seven, and a girl aged five) have never been taught that there is anything peculiar either about sex or about excretion, and have so far been shielded to the utmost possible extent from all knowledge of the idea of decency, with its correlative, indecency. They have shown a natural and healthy interest in the subject of where babies come from, but not so much as in engines and railways. Nor have they shown any tendency to dwell upon such topics either in the absence or in the presence of grown-up people. With regard to the other children in the school, we have found that if they came to us at the age of two or three, or even four, they developed exactly like our own children ; most of those, however, who came to us at the age of six or seven had already been taught to regard anything connected with the sexual organs as improper. They were surprised to find that in the school such matters were spoken of in the same tone of voice as was employed about anything else, and for some time they enjoyed a sense of release in conversations which they felt to be indecent ; finding, however, that the grown-ups did nothing to check such conversations, they gradually wearied of them, and became nearly as clean-minded as those who had never been taught decency. They now get merely bored when children new to the school attempt to start conversations which they fondly believe to be improper. Thus by letting fresh air on to the subject it has become disinfected, and the noxious germs which it breeds when kept in darkness have been dissipated. I do not believe that it is possible by any other method to get a group of children whose attitude towards subjects usually considered improper is so wholesome and decent.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.7

第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.7:性道徳を叫ぶ道徳家こそ性に執着


Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.7

So far we have been considering the bad effects of conventional methods outside the sphere of sex ; it is time to consider the more definitely sexual aspects of the question. One of the aims of the moralist is undoubtedly to prevent obsession with sexual subjects; such obsession is at present extraordinarily frequent. A former head master of Eton recently asserted that the conversation of schoolboys is almost always either dull or obscene, yet the schoolboys of whom he had experience were those brought up on the most conventional lines. The fact that a mystery is made about sex enormously increases the natural curiosity of the young on the subject. If adults treat sex exactly as they treat any other topic, giving the child answers to all his questions and just as much information as he desires or can understand, the child never arrives at the notion of obscenity, for this notion depends upon the belief that certain topics should not be mentioned. Sexual curiosity, like every other kind, dies down when it is satisfied. Therefore far the best way to prevent young people from being obsessed with sex is to tell them just as much about it as they care to know.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.
