ラッセル『結婚論』第七章 女性の解放, n.5

第七章 女性の解放 n.5; フェミニズム運動

 この運動全体は,いまだ,ごく初期の段階にあり,今後どのように発展していくか予言することは不可能である。フェミニズム運動の支持者や実践家は,今のところ,大部分非常に若い。彼らは,有力者や重要人物の間に擁護者(champions)をほとんど持っていない。警察,法律,教会(キリスト教会)及び彼らの両親といった権力の所有者たち(repositories of power 権力の宝庫)は,そういった事実(フェミニズム運動をやっていること)を知るようになると常に彼ら(注:若いフェミニストたち)に反対する。しかし,一般的に,若い人たちは,自分たちが苦しみを与えそうな人びとにそういう事実を隠しておくだけの親切心を持ち合わせている。(米国の)リンゼー判事のように,事実を公然と発表する著作家(物書き)は,年寄りたちから,若い人たちを誹謗中傷していると考えられるが,当の若い人たちは,自分たちが誹謗中傷されているという意識を持っていない。



Chapter VII: The Liberation of women, n.5

This whole movement is as yet in a very early phase, and it is impossible to say how it will develop. Its adherents and practitioners as yet are mostly quite young. They have very few champions among persons of weight and importance. The police, the law, the Church and their parents are against them whenever the facts come to the knowledge of these repositories of power, but in general the young have the kindness to conceal the facts from those to whom they would cause pain. Writers who, like Judge Lindsey, proclaim the facts are thought by the old to be libelling the young, though the young remain unconscious of being libelled.

A situation of this sort is, of course, very unstable. It is a question which of two things will happen first: either the old will become aware of the facts and will set to work to deprive the young of their new-won freedom, or the young, growing up, will themselves acquire positions of dignity and importance, which will make it possible to give the sanction of authority to the new morality. It is to be presumed that in some countries we shall see one of these issues, and in others, the other. In Italy, where immorality, like everything else, is a prerogative of the Government, a vigorous attempt is being made to enforce “virtue”. In Russia the exact opposite is the case, since the Government is on the side of the new morality. In the Protestant parts of Germany freedom may be expected to win, while in the Catholic parts the issue is much more doubtful. France is hardly likely to be shaken out of the time-honoured French convention in which immorality has certain definitely tolerated forms outside which it must not go. What will happen in England and America, I do not venture to prophesy.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第七章 女性の解放, n.4

第七章 女性の解放 n.4; 男女がお互いを縛るのではなく自由を認めあう

 男女の平等への要求は,最初から,政治的な問題(事柄)だけでなく,性道徳にも関係していた。メアリー・ウルストンクラフト(Mary Wollstonecraft, 1759- 1797:主著『女性の権利の擁護』。小説『フランケンシュタイン』で有名なメアリ・シェリー は実の娘)の態度は,徹底して現代的であったが,彼女に続いた女性の権利の開拓者たちは,この点で彼女を見習うことはしなかった。反対に,彼女らは,大部分,きわめて厳格な道徳家(モラリスト)であり,彼女たちの願いは,それまで女性だけが耐えてきた道徳的な足かせを男性にもかけてやりたいということであった。けれども,1914年以降(注:第一次世界大戦勃発以降),若い女性たちは,あまり理論武装することなく,違った路線をとってきた。もちろん,第一次大戦の感情的な興奮がこの新しい発展を促進した原因であるが,それは,いずれにせよ遠からずやって来ていたことであろう。過去において女性が貞操を守っていた動機は,主に,(罰としての)地獄の業火の恐れと妊娠の恐れであった。一つ(前者)は,神学的正統主義の衰退によって,もう一つ(後者)は,避妊法によって取り除かれた。伝統的な道徳は,しばらくの間,慣習の力や精神的な惰性の力によって,どうにか持ちこたえていたが(managed to hold out),大戦の衝撃によって,これらの障壁も崩れてしまった。


Chapter VII: The Liberation of women, n.4

The demand for equality between men and women concerned itself from the first not only with political matters but also with sexual morality. The attitude of Mary Wollstonecraft was thoroughly modern, but she was not imitated in this respect by the subsequent pioneers of women’s rights. They, on the contrary, were for the most part very rigid moralists, whose hope was to impose upon men the moral fetters which hitherto had only been endured by women. Ever since 1914, however, young women, without much theorizing, have taken a different line. The emotional excitement of the war was no doubt the precipitating cause of this new departure, but it would have come before very long in any case. The motives of female virtue in the past were chiefly the fear of hell-fire and the fear of pregnancy; the one was removed by the decay of theological orthodoxy, the other by contraceptives. For some time traditional morality managed to hold out through the force of custom and mental inertia, but the shock of the war caused these barriers to fall. Modern feminists are no longer so anxious as the feminists of thirty years ago to curtail the “vices” of men; they ask rather that what is permitted to men shall be permitted also to them. Their predecessors sought equality in moral slavery, whereas they seek equality in moral freedom.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第七章 女性の解放, n.3

第七章 女性の解放 n.3; 解放前の女性

 けれども,女性の政治的な解放は,われわれの(現在取り扱っている)主題と間接的な関わりしか持っていない。(即ち)結婚と道徳との関連で重要なのは,女性の社会的な解放である。古代においては(歴史の早い時分から),また,東洋においては今日にいたるまで,女性の道徳的美点(貞操など)は女性を隔離(分離)することで確保された。女性に内的な自制心を与えようとする試みはまったくなされなかったが,罪を犯す機会を(すっかり)取り除くためにはあらゆることがなされた。西洋においては,この方法が心から採用されたことはなかったけれども,尊敬すべき(立派な)女性は,出来る限り幼い時から,婚外性交を恐れるように教育された。この教育方法が次第に完全なものになっていくにつれて,外的な障壁は,次第に取り除かれていった。外的な障壁を取り除くのに最も尽力した人びとは,内的な障壁だけで十分だろうと信じていた。たとえば,良く教育された(躾の良い)良家の上品な子女は,どれほど身を委ねる機会(相手に屈服する機会)を許されたとしても,若い男の誘い(言い寄り)に負けることはないだろうから,付き添いの女性(注: chaperon)は不要であると考えられた。


ヴィクトリア朝時代の女性は -現在でも非常に多くの女性はそうであるが- 精神的な牢獄の中にいる。この牢獄は,はっきりと意識されることはなかった(人間の意識に明らかなものではなかった)。それは,潜在意識的な抑制(抑圧)から成り立っていたからである。今日の若い人びとの間では,この抑制(抑圧)は衰えてきており,その結果,山ほどの淑女ぶり(性的潔癖さ)の下に埋められていた本能的な欲望が再び意識のなかに現われてきている。このことは,現在,一つの国や一つの階級だけではなくて,あらゆる文明国とあらゆる階級の性道徳に,非常に革命的な影響を及ぼしつつある

Chapter VII: The Liberation of women, n.3

The political emancipation of women, however, concerns our theme only indirectly ; it is their social emancipation that is important in connection with marriage and morals. In early days, and in the East down to our time, the virtue of women was secured by segregating them. No attempt was made to give them inward self-control, but everything was done to take away all opportunity for sin. In the West this method was never adopted wholeheartedly, but respectable women were educated from their earliest years so as to have a horror of sexual intercourse outside marriage. As the methods of this education became more and more perfected, the outward barriers were more and more removed. Those who did most to remove the outward barriers were convinced that the inward barriers would be sufficient. It was thought, for example, that the chaperon was unnecessary, since a nice girl who had been well brought up would never yield to the advances of young men, whatever opportunities of yielding might be allowed her. It was generally held by respectable women when I was young that sexual intercourse was displeasing to the great majority of women, and was only endured within marriage from a sense of duty; holding this view, they were not unwilling to risk a greater degree of freedom for their daughters than had seemed wise in more realistic ages. The results have perhaps been somewhat different from what was anticipated, and the difference has existed equally as regards wives and as regards unmarried women. The women of the Victorian age were, and a great many women still are, in a mental prison. This prison was not obvious to consciousness, since it consisted of subconscious inhibitions. The decay of inhibitions, which has taken place among the young of our own time, has led to the reappearance in consciousness of instinctive desires which had been buried beneath mountains of prudery. This is having a very revolutionary effect upon sexual morality, not a only in one country or in one class, but in all civilized countries and in all classes.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第七章 女性の解放, n.2

第七章 女性の解放 n.2: 戦争協力のご褒美?


女性の(諸)権利は,当然のこと,事実において,女性が道徳的にあるいは何かほかの面で男性よりもすぐれているという信念に基づくものではなかった。女性の権利は,もっぱら,女性の人間としての権利に,あるいは,むしろ民主主義(注:誰もが平等な権利を持つという説)を支持する一般的な議論に基づいていた(のである)。しかし,抑圧された階級や国民が,自分たちの権利を主張するときに常に起こることであるが,(女性の権利の)主唱者たちは,女性には特別な長所があると主張して,一般的な議論を強化しようとした。そうして,この長所は,一般に,風紀(moral order 道徳敵秩序)に属するものとして表現されたのである。

Chapter VII: The Liberation of women, n.2

The causes of this sudden change are, I think, twofold : on the one hand there was the direct influence of democratic theory, which made it impossible to find any logical answer to the demands of women; on the other hand there was the fact that a continually increasing number of women were engaged in making their own living outside the home, and did not depend for the comfort of their daily lives upon the favour of fathers or husbands. This situation, of course, reached its height during the war, when a very large part of the work usually performed by men had to be undertaken by women. Before the war one of the objections commonly urged against votes for women was that women would tend to be pacifists. During the war they gave a large-scale refutation of this charge, and the vote was given to them for their share in the bloody work. To the idealistic pioneers, who had imagined that women were going to raise the moral tone of politics, this issue may have been disappointing, but it seems to be the fate of idealists to obtain what they have struggled for in a form which destroys their ideals. The rights of women did not, of course, in fact depend upon any belief that women were morally or in any other way superior to men; they depended solely upon their rights as human beings, or rather upon the general argument in favour of democracy. But as always happens when an oppressed class or nation is claiming its rights, advocates sought to strengthen the general argument by the contention that women had peculiar merits, and these merits were generally represented as belonging to the moral order.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第七章 女性の解放, n.1

第七章 女性の解放 n.1; 女性運動の初期の歴史

現代における性道徳の過渡的状態は(過渡的状態にあるのは),主に二つの原因による。第一は,避妊方法(避妊薬及び避妊 用具)の発明であり,第二は,女性の解放である。これらの原因のうち,前者は後から扱うことにしよう。本章の主題は後者についてである。

 女性の解放は,民主主義運動の一部(一環)であり,フランス革命(フランス市民革命)とともに始まっている。フランス革命は,すでに見たように,相続法を,ある意味で,娘たちに有利に改めた。メアリー・ウルスタンクラフトの『女性の権利の擁護』(1792年刊)は,フランス革命を引き起こし,フランス革命によって引き起こされた(もたらされた)思想の産物である。彼女の時代から今日にいたるまで,男性との平等(男女平等)を求める女性の要求は,絶えず,ますます強く主張されて,成果を挙げてきた。ジョン・スチュアート・ミル(1806-1873)の 『女性の隷属』は,とても説得力があり,十分に論理的に議論が述べられている書物であり,ミル自身の世代のすぐ後に続く世代の思慮深い人々に大きな影響を及ぼした。私の両親は,ミルの信奉者であり,母は,早くも1860年代に,女性の投票権(婦人の選挙権)を支持する演説をするのを常としていた。母のフェミニズムはとても熱烈なものであったために,私は英国の最初の女医であるギャレット・アンダーソン博士の手でこの世に誕生させられることになったほどであった。彼女は,当時,有資格の開業医になることを許されおらず,公認の助産婦にすぎなかった。こうした初期のフェミニスト運動(女権拡張運動)は,上流及び中流階級に限定されていたので,あまり大きな政治力を有していなかった。毎年,女性に投票権をあたえる法案が議会に提出された。しかし,いつもフェイスフル・ベッグ氏が提案し,ストランダウエイズ・ビッグ氏が支持したけれども,当時は,その法案が可決されて立法化される見込みはまったくなかった。けれども,当時の中流階級のフェミニストたちは,自分たち自身の領域で,一つの大きな成功を収めた。即ち,既婚婦人財産法(1882)の通過である。この法律が可決されるまでは,既婚女性がいかなる財産を所有していようとも,それは夫の管理のもとに置かれた。もちろん,信託財産(a Trust)がある場合は,夫は元金(capital)を使うことはできなかった。

政治面における女性運動のその後の歴史は,あまりにも最近のことであり,あまりにもよく知られているので,要点をくりかえす必要はない。けれども,大部分の文明国において女性が政治的権利を獲得した速さは,それに伴ってどれほど大きなものの見方の変化が生じたかを考えると,過去に類例がないということは,述べておく価値がある(worth observing)。即ち,奴隷制度の廃止は,多少これに類似してはいるが,結局,近代のヨーロッパ諸国には奴隷制度は存在しなかったし,また,男女の関係のような親密なものと関係するものでもなかった(注:従って,類例がないと言えるのである)。

Chapter VII: The Liberation of women

The transitional condition of sexual morals at the present time is due in the main to two causes, the first being the invention of contraceptives, and the second the emancipation of women. The former of these causes I shall consider at a later stage; the latter is the subject of this chapter.

The emancipation of women is part of the democratic movement ; it begins with the French Revolution, which, as we have already seen, altered the laws of inheritance in a sense favourable to daughters. Mary Wollstonecraft’s Vindication of the Rights of Women (I792) is a product of the ideas that caused and were caused by the French Revolution. From her time down to the present day the claim of women to equality with men has been asserted with continually increasing emphasis and success. John stuart Mill’s Subjection of Women is a very persuasive and well-reasoned book, which had a great influence upon the more thoughtful members of the generation immediately following his own. My father and mother were disciples of his, and my mother used to make speeches in favour of votes for women as early as the ‘sixties. So ardent was her feminism that she caused me to be brought into the world by the first woman doctor, Dr. Garrett Anderson, who was at that time not allowed to be a qualified medical practitioner but was only a certificated midwife. The feminist movement in those early days was confined to the upper and middle classes, and had therefore not much political strength. A bill to give votes to women came before Parliament every year, but although always introduced by Mr. Faithful Begs and seconded by Mr. Strangways Pigg, it never at that time had any chance of passing into law. The middle-class feminists of that day had, however, one great success in their own sphere, namely the passage of the Married Women’s Property Act (I882). Until the passage of that Act, whatever property a married woman might possess was in her husband’s control, although of course where there was a Trust he could not spend the capital. The subsequent history of the women’s movement on the political side is too recent and too well known to need recapitulating. It is, however, worth observing that the rapidity with which women in most civilized countries have acquired their political rights is without parallel in the past, considering the immense magnitude of the change in outlook that has been involved. The abolition of slavery is more or less analogous, but after all slavery did not exist in European countries in modern times, and did not concern anything so intimate as the relations of men and women.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第六章 ロマンティックな恋愛 n.11

第六章 ロマンティックな恋愛 n.11:幻想の上に立つ結婚は長続きしない




Chapter VI: Romantic Love n.11

Marriage is something more serious than the pleasure of two people in each other’s company ; it is an institution which, through the fact that it gives rise to children, forms part of the intimate texture of society, and has an importance extending far beyond the personal feelings of the husband and the wife. It may be good –I think it is good– that romantic love should form the motive for a marriage, but it should be understood that the kind of love which will enable a marriage to remain happy and to fulfil its social purpose is not romantic, but is something more intimate, affectionate and realistic. In romantic love the beloved object is not seen accurately, but through a glamorous mist. Undoubtedly it is possible for a certain type of woman to remain wrapped in this mist even after marriage, provided she has a husband of a certain type; but this can only be achieved if she avoids all real intimacy with her husband and preserves a sphinx-like secrecy as to her inmost thoughts and feelings, as well as a certain degree of bodily privacy. Such manoeuvres (maneuver), however, prevent a marriage from realizing its best possibilities, which depend upon an affectionate intimacy quite unmixed with illusion. Moreover, the view that romantic love is essential to marriage is too anarchic, and, like St. Paul’s view, though in an opposite sense, it forgets that children are what makes marriage important. But for children, there would be no need of any institution concerned with sex, but as soon as children enter in, the husband and wife, if they have any sense of responsibility or any affection for their offspring, are compelled to realize that their feelings towards each other are no longer what is of most importance.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第六章 ロマンティックな恋愛 n.10

第六章 ロマンティックな恋愛 n.10:恋愛結婚の夢と現実



Chapter VI: Romantic Love n.11

In quite modern times, that is to say, since about the period of the French Revolution, an idea has grown up that marriage should be the outcome of romantic love. Most moderns, at any rate in English-speaking countries, take this for granted, and have no idea that not long ago it was a revolutionary innovation. The novels and plays of a hundred years ago deal largely with the struggle of the younger generation to establish this new basis for marriage as opposed to the traditional marriage of parental choice. Whether the effect has been as good as the innovators hoped may be doubted. There is something to be said for Mrs. Malaprop’s principle, that love and aversion both wear off in matrimony, so that it is better to begin with a little aversion. Certain it is that when people marry without previous sexual knowledge of each other and under the influence of romantic love, each imagines the other to be possessed of more than mortal perfections and conceives that marriage is going to be one long dream of bliss. This is especially liable to be the case with the woman if she has been brought up ignorant and pure, and therefore incapable of distinguishing sex hunger from congeniality. In America, where the romantic view of marriage has been taken more seriously than anywhere else, and where law and custom alike are based upon the dreams of spinsters, the result has been an extreme prevalence of divorce and an extreme rarity of happy marriages.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第六章 ロマンティックな恋愛 n.9

第六章 ロマンティックな恋愛 n.9:


Chapter VI: Romantic Love

Love poetry, however, is not the only purpose of love, and romantic love may nourish even where it does not lead to artistic expression. I believe myself that romantic love is the source of the most intense delights that life has to offer. In the relation of a man and woman who love each other with passion and imagination and tenderness, there is something of inestimable value, to be ignorant of which is a great misfortune to any human being. I think it important that a social system should be such as to permit this joy, although it can only be an ingredient in life and not its main purpose.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第六章 ロマンティックな恋愛 n.8

第六章 ロマンティックな恋愛 n.8:

 ロマンチックな恋愛は,ロマン主義運動において頂点(注:apogee 月や人工衛星が地球から最も遠ざかる点)に達した。そして,おそらく,シェリー(P. B. Shelley, 1792-1822)をその主要な使徒として見てよいだろう。シェリーは,恋に落ちたとき,詩で表現するのがふさわしい,美しい情緒と想像力に富む思想で満たされた。当然のことながら,シェリーは,こういう結果を生み出す情緒はまったく善いものであると考え,そうして,恋愛を抑えつけなければならない理由はまったく見いださなかった。

けれども,シェリーの議論(論拠)は,誤った心理学に依拠していた。シェリーに詩を書くにいたらせたものは,彼の欲求に対する(いろいろな)障害であった。もしも,高貴にして不運な貴婦人エミリア・ヴィヴィアーニが女子修道院へ連れ去られなかったなら,シェリーは,『エピサイキディオン』(注:Epipsychidion : シェリーが1821年に発表した長詩)を書く必要を感じなかっただろう。(また,)もしもジェーン・ウィリアムズがかなり貞節な妻でなかったなら,決して「追憶」を書かなかったであろう。シェリーが痛烈に批判した社会的な障害は,彼の最良の仕事への刺激の不可欠な一部であった。シェリーの中に存在したロマンチックな恋愛は,因習的な障害はいまだ存在しているけれどもまったく克服できないものでもない,といった不安定な均衡状態に依存している。(つまり)もしも,障害が強固すぎたり,あるいは,存在しなかったりしたら,ロマンチックな恋愛は栄えそうもない(のである)。

一つの極端な例として,中国の制度をとりあげてみよう。この制度においては,男性は,自分の妻以外には,ちゃんとした女性に会うことはまったくない。妻がもの足りないと感じれば,彼は売春宿(注:brothel フランス語で,粗末な小屋))へ行く。妻は,彼のために選ばれ,多分,結婚式当日まで彼とは会わない。その結果,彼のすべての性関係は,ロマンチックな意味での恋愛から完全に隔離されたものになり,彼には恋愛詩を生み出すような求愛の努力をする機会をまったくもたない。

これに対して(これとは反対に),完全に自由な状態では,すばらしい恋愛詩を作る才能のある男性も,自分自身の魅力で大きな成功を収める見込みがあるので,女性の愛情を勝ち取るために(to achieve a conquest),最大限想像力を発揮する必要はめったにないであろう。このように,恋愛詩は,因習(convention)と自由との,ある一定の微妙なバランスに依存しおり,このバランスが崩れてどちらかの方向に傾いている場合には,恋愛詩が最良のかたちで存在しそうもない(のである)

Romantic love reached its apogee in the romantic movement, and one may perhaps take Shelley as its chief apostle. Shelley when he fell in love was filled with exquisite emotions and imaginative thoughts of a kind lending themselves to expression in poetry; naturally enough, he considered that the emotion that produced these results was wholly good, and he saw no reason why love should ever be restrained. His argument, however, rested upon bad psychology. lt was the obstacles to his desires that led him to write poetry. If the noble and unfortunate lady Emilia Viviani had not been carried off to a convent, he would not have found it necessary to write Epipsychidion; if Jane Williams had not been a fairly virtuous wife, he would never have written The Recollection. The social barriers against which he inveighed were an essential part of the stimulus to his best activities. Romantic love as it existed in Shelley depends upon a state of unstable equilibrium, where the conventional barriers still exist but are not quite insuperable ; if the barriers are rigid, or if they do not exist, romantic love is not likely to nourish. Take as the one extreme the Chinese system : in this system a man never meets any respectable woman except his own wife, and when he feels her insufficient, he goes to a brothel ; his wife is chosen for him and is probably unknown to him until the wedding-day ; consequently all his sex relations are entirely divorced from love in the romantic sense, and he never has occasion for those efforts of courtship which give rise to love poetry. In a state of complete freedom, on the other hand, a man capable of great love poetry is likely to have so much success through his charm that he will seldom have need of his best imaginative efforts in order to achieve a conquest. Thus love poetry depends upon a certain delicate balance between convention and freedom, and is not likely to exist in its best form where this balance is upset in either direction.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第六章 ロマンティックな恋愛 n.7

第六章 ロマンティックな恋愛 n.7:ルネッサンス(時代)における恋愛詩

 ルネッサンス(時代)において,異教信仰への急激な変化のために,恋愛は,詩的であることに変わりはなかったが,通常,プラトニックなものではなくなった。ルネッサンス(時代の人々)が中世の慣習をどのように考えていたかは,ドン・キホーテと彼のドルシネア(姫)(注:ドン・キホーテが作り上げた妄想上の貴婦人)に関する記述に見ることができる。それでも,中世の伝統も影響を残さなかったわけではない。シドニー(Sir Philip Sidney, 1554-1586:エリザベス朝のイングランドの詩人)の『アストロフェルとステラ』はその伝統に満ちているし,シェイクスピアが W・H 氏にささげたソネットも,その影響を相当に受けている。しかし,大体において,ルネッサンス(時代)の特徴的な恋愛詩は,陽気かつ率直である。


と,あるエリザべス朝の詩人が歌っている。この感情は率直かつあけっぴろげであり,全然プラトニックなものではないことは,認めなければならない。けれども,ルネッサンス(時代)は,中世のプラトニックな恋愛から,詩を求愛の手段として利用することを学んでいた。『シンベリーン』に登場するクローテンは,自分で恋愛詩を作ることができずに三文文士(penny-a-liner へっぽこ文士)を雇わなければならないので嘲笑われる。三文文士は,「聴け,聴け,ヒバリ」を作り出すが(turn out),これは,努力によるなかなかの出来と言ってよいだろう。


Chapter V Christian Ethics

In the Renaissance, as a consequence of the revulsion towards Paganism, love usually ceased to be platonic although it remained poetic. What the Renaissance thought of the medieval convention is to be seen in the account of Don quixote and his Dulcinea. Nevertheless the medieval tradition remained not without influence ; Sydney’s Astrophel and Stella is full of it, and Shakespeare’s Sonnets to Mr. W. H. are considerably influenced by it. On the whole, however, the characteristic love poetry of the Renaissance is cheerful a.nd straightforward.
Do not mock me in thy bed
While these cold nights freeze me dead
says an Elizabethan poet. This sentiment, it must be admitted, is straightforward and uninhibited, and by no means platonic. The Renaissance had, however, learnt from the platonic love of the Middle Ages to employ poetry as a means of courtship. Cloten in Cymbeline is laughed at because he cannot produce his own love poem, but has to hire a penny-a-liner, who turns out Hark, hark, the lark-quite a creditable effort, one would say. It is curious that before the Middle Ages, although there had been a good deal of poetry concerned with love, there was very little that was directly a part of courtship. There is Chinese poetry representing the grief of a lady because of the absence of her lord ; there is mystical Indian poetry, in which the soul is represented as the bride longing for the advent of the bridegroom, who is God ; but one gathers that men had so little difficulty in securing the women they desired that it hardly ever became necessary to woo them with music and poetry. From the point of view of the arts, it is certainly regrettable when women are too accessible ; what is most to be desired is that they should be difficult but not impossible of access. This situation has existed more or less since the Renaissance. The difficulties have been partly external and partly internal, the latter being derived from scruples due to conventional moral teaching.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.