
 ごくまれな場合を除き,教師(先生)は,幼年期においてさえ(即ち,たとえば,4歳以後),父親または母親(either parent)であってはならない。教えるということは,特殊なタイプの技能を必要とする仕事であり,この技能は学ぶことはできるけれども,大部分の親(たち)は学ぶ機会を持っていない。生徒の年齢が低ければ低いほど,より高度の教育技術が必要になる。また,それは別としても,親は正規の教育が始まる前から常に子供と接触してきているので,子供は親に対して,教師(先生)の場合はあまり適切ではない一連の習慣や期待を持っている。その上,親は,自分の子供の発達に過剰に熱心かつ関心を持ちすぎることになりやすい親は子供が利発であれば過度に喜び,愚かであれば腹を立てる(怒る)。わが子を教えないほうがよいことについては,医者が自分の家族の治療を差し控えさせるのと同様な理由がある。

Except in very rare cases the teacher, even at an early age (i.e. after four, say), should not be either parent. Teaching is work requiring a special type of skill, which can be learnt, but which most parents have not had the opportunity of learning. The earlier the age of the pupil, the greater is the pedagogical skill required. And apart from this, the parent has been in constant contact with the child before formal education began, so that the child has a set of habits and expectations towards the parent which are not quite appropriate towards a teacher. The parent, moreover, is likely to be too eager and too much interested in his child’s progress. He will be inordinately pleased by the child’s cleverness and exasperated by his stupidity. There are the same reasons for not teaching one’s own children as have led medical men not to treat their own families. But of course I do not mean that parents should not give such instruction as comes naturally ; I mean only that they are, as a rule, not the best people for formal school lessons, even when they are well qualified to teach other people’s children.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles



しかし,適切に指導すれば,少年や少女に,その退屈な部分を学ぶことの重要性を感じさせることができるし,また,強制しなくてもその部分を学習し終えることができる,と私は信じている。課題(set tasks)の出来不出来に応じて,褒めたり,たしなめたりするという刺激を利用したい。ゲームや体操の場合と同様に,生徒が必要な技能を身につけているかどうかを,あきらかにしなければならない。また,ある科目の退屈な部分の(学習の)重要性も,教師がはっきり説明してあげなければならない。

For reasons already given in connection with accuracy, I do not believe that a really thorough education can be made interesting through and through. However much one may wish to know subject, some parts of it are sure to be found dull. But I believe that, given suitable guidance, a boy or girl can be made to feel the importance of learning the dull parts, and can be got through them also without compulsion. I should use the stimulus of praise and blame, applied as the result of good or bad performance of set tasks. Whether a pupil possesses the necessary skill should be made as obvious as in games or gymnastics. And the importance of the dull parts of a subject should be made clear by the teacher. If all these methods failed, the child would have to be classified as stupid, and taught separately from children of normal intelligence, though care must be taken not to let this appear as a punishment.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles




As children grow older they become responsive to more remote motives, and it is no longer necessary that every detail should be interesting in itself. But I think the broad principle that the impulse to education should come from the pupil can be continued up to any age. The environment should be such as to stimulate the impulse, and to make boredom and isolation the alternative to learning. But any child that preferred this alternative on any occasion should be allowed to choose it. The principle of individual work can be extended, though a certain amount of class work seems indispensable after the early years. But if external authority is necessary to induce a boy or girl to learn, unless there is a medical cause, the probability is that the teacher is at fault, or that previous moral training has been bad. If a child has been properly trained up to the age of five or six, any good teacher ought to be able to win his interest at later stages.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles




・・・。逆に,もし最初に子供の知識欲を刺激し,その後,子供が求めている知識を一つの恩恵(贈り物)として与えることができるならば,状況はまったく異なってくる。外からの躾けは大幅に不必要になり,子供の注意力もやすやすと確保される。この方法で成功するためには,ある一定の条件が必要であり,モンテッソーリ夫人は,ごく幼い子供の間に,そうした条件を作り出すことに成功している。(即ち,)(子供に与えられる)課題は魅力的かつ難しすぎないものでなくてはならない。最初は,少し上の段階にいる他の子供たちのお手本がなくてはいけない。その時に,他に明らかに楽しい仕事(注:子供にとっては遊び=仕事)が子供のために用意されていてはならない。子供がしてもよいものがいくつかあれば,子供は,何であれ,自分の好むもの(好むほう)を自分のために(by himself)するのである。こういう体制のもとでは,ほぼすべての子供は完全に幸福であり,5歳以前に,強制しなくても読み書きできるようになる。

If, on the contrary, you can first stimulate the child’s desire to know, and then, as a favour, give him the knowledge he wants, the whole situation is different. Very much less external discipline is required, and attention is secured without difficulty. To succeed in this method certain conditions are necessary, which Madame Montessori successfully produces among the very young. The tasks must be attractive and not too difficult. There must, at first, be the example of other children at a slightly more advanced stage. There must be no other obviously pleasant occupation open to the child at the moment. There are a number of things the child may do, and he works by himself at whichever he prefers. Almost all children are perfectly happy in this regime, and learn to read and write without pressure before they are five years old.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles

Education の本質は、教える(teach)ことではなく、興味・関心を引き出し、心身を育てる(educate)ことにある、といわれる所以である。


しかし,あなたが寝たり食べたりしてもらいたがっている,というふうに子供に思わせてはいけない。そんなことをすれば,子供はただちに,あなたは頼みごとをしているのだ,と思いこむ。すると,子供は,自分には力があるという気持ちになり,ますますおだてたり,罰を与えたりしなければならなくなる。子供が食べたり眠ったりするのは,自分がそうしたいからであるべきであり ,あなた(親)を喜ばせるためであってはならないのである。

Modern writers on infant psychology all emphasize the importance of not urging a young child to eat or sleep : these things ought to be done spontaneously by the child, not as a result of coaxing or forcing. My own experience entirely bears out this teaching. At first we did not know the newer teaching, and tried the older methods. They were very unsuccessful, whereas the modern methods succeeded perfectly. It must not be supposed, however, that the modern parent does nothing about eating and sleeping ; on the contrary, everything possible is done to promote the formation of good habits. Meals come at regular times, and the child must sit through them without games, whether he eats or not. Bed comes at regular times, and the child must lie down in bed. He may have a toy animal to hug, but not one that squeaks or runs or does anything exciting. If the animal is a favourite, one may play the game that the animal is tired and the child must put it to sleep. Then leave the child alone, and sleep will usually come very quickly. But never let the child think you are anxious he should sleep or eat. That at once makes him think you are asking a favour ; this gives him a sense of power which leads him to demand more and more coaxing or punishment. He should eat and sleep because he wants to, not to please you.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles





Accuracy as to matter of fact is intolerably boring when pursued on its own account. Learning the dates of the kings of England, or the names of the counties and their capitals, used to be one of the terrors of childhood. It is better to secure accuracy by interest and repetition. I could never remember the list of capes, but at eight years old I knew almost all the stations on the Underground. If children were shown a cinema representing a ship sailing round the coast they would soon know the capes. I don’t think they are worth knowing, but if they were that would be the way to teach them. All geography ought to be taught on the cinema ; so ought history at first. The initial expense would be great, but not too great for Governments. And there would be a subsequent economy in ease of teaching.
Logical accuracy is a late acquisition, and should not be forced upon young children. Getting the multiplication table right is, of course, accuracy as to matter of fact ; it only becomes logical accuracy at a much later stage. Mathematics is the natural vehicle for this teaching, but it fails if allowed to appear as a set of arbitrary rules. Rules must be learnt, but at some stage the reasons for them must be made clear ; if this is not done, mathematics has little educative value.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles




美的な正確さの重要な形を教える一つの方法は,子供たちに,を -たとえば芝居をするためにはシェイクスピアの詩を- 暗記させることである。彼らが言いまちがえたときには,なぜ原文のほうがすぐれているかを感じとらせることである。美的な感受性が広くゆきわたっているところでは,子供たちに,ダンスや歌のような,伝統的な型にはまった演技を教えることができ,子供たちは,そういう演技を楽しむが,しかし,伝統に従って正確にそれを演じなければならない,ということがわかる,と私は信ずる。こうすれば,子供たちは,微妙な違いに気づくようになる。こういう感受性は,正確さにとって不可欠である。演技や歌唱や舞踏は,美的な正確さを教えるのに最適の方法であるように思われる。絵を描くことは,それらほどうまくいかない。なぜなら,絵は美的な基準によって判断されるよりも,お手本にどれだけ忠実であるかによって判断されやすいからである。なるほど,型にはまった演技も,お手本を再現することを期待されてはいる。しかし,そのお手本は,審美的な動機から創り出されたものである。お手本がよいからまねるのであって,まねることがよいからまねるのではない。

There are various kinds of accuracy, each of which has its own importance. To take the main kinds : There is muscular accuracy, aesthetic accuracy, accuracy as to matter of fact, and logical accuracy. Every boy or girl can appreciate the importance of muscular accuracy in many directions ; it is required for the control of the body which a healthy child spends all its spare time in acquiring, and afterwards for the games upon which prestige depends. But it has other forms which have more to do with school teaching, such as well-articulated speech, good writing, and correct performance on a musical instrument. A child will think these things important or unimportant according to his environment. Aesthetic accuracy is difficult to define ; it has to do with the appropriateness of a sensible stimulus for the production of emotion. One way of teaching an important form of it is to cause children to learn poetry by heart–e.g. Shakespeare, for purposes of acting–and to make them feel, when they make mistakes, why the original is better. I believe it would be found that, where aesthetic sensibility is widespread, children are taught conventional stereotyped performances, such as dances and songs, which they enjoy, but which must be done exactly right on account of tradition. This makes them sensitive to small differences, which is essential to accuracy. Acting, singing, and dancing seem to me the best methods of teaching aesthetic precision. Drawing is less good, because it is likely to be judged by its fidelity to the model, not by aesthetic standards. It is true that stereotyped performances also are expected to reproduce a model, but it is a model created by aesthetic motives ; it is copied because it is good, not because copying is good.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles




Although improvement of character should not be the aim of instruction, there are certain qualities which are very desirable, and which are essential to the successful pursuit of knowledge ; they may be called the intellectual virtues. These should result from intellectual education ; but they should result as needed in learning, not as virtues pursued for their own sakes. Among such qualities the chief seem to me : curiosity, open-mindedness, belief that knowledge is possible though difficult, patience, industry, concentration, and exactness. Of these, curiosity is fundamental ; where it is strong and directed to the right objects, all the rest will follow.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles




The building up of character, which has been our theme hitherto, should be, mainly a matter for the earlier years. If rightly conducted, it ought to be nearly complete by the age of six. I do not mean that a character cannot be spoilt after that age ; there is no age at which untoward circumstances or environment will not do harm. What I mean is that, after the age of six, a boy or girl who has been given the right early training ought to have habits and desires which will lead in the right direction if a certain care is taken with the environment. A school composed of boys and girls rightly brought up during their first six years will constitute a good environment, given a modicum of good sense in the authorities ; it ought not to be necessary to give much time or thought to moral questions, since such further virtues as are required ought to result naturally from purely intellectual training. I do not mean to assert this pedantically as an absolute rule, but as a principle guiding school authorities as regards the matters upon which they ought to lay emphasis. I am convinced that, if children up to the age of six have been properly handled, it is best that the school authorities should lay stress upon purely intellectual progress, and should rely upon this to produce the further development of character which is still desirable.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles




The nursery school occupies an intermediate position between early training of character and subsequent giving of instruction. It carries on both at once, and each by the help of the other, with instruction gradually taking a larger share as the child grows older. It was in institutions having a similar function that Madame Montessori perfected her methods. In certain large tenement houses in Rome a large room was set apart for the children between three and seven, and Madame Montessori was put in charge of these “Children’s Houses”. (note: See Montessori, The Monlessori Method (Heinemann, I9I2), pp 42ff.) As in Deptford, the children came from the very poorest section of the population; as in Deptford, the results showed that early care can overcome the physical and mental disadvantages of a bad home.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 13: Nursery School
