
しかし,ゲデス削減案(注:1922年に英国の前運輸省長官で実業家エリック・ゲデス Eric Geddesを長とする委員会が提出した大幅な歳出削減案)が通過したとき,日本との戦争を容易にするために,巡洋艦を建造し,シンガポールのドックを造るほうが重要であると決定されてしまった目下,政府は,デンマーク産の純正バターを食べるよりも,大英帝国の自治領産のベーコンやバターに含まれる防腐剤で国民が自らに毒を盛るように仕向ける目的で,年間65万ポンドを費やしている。

The nursery school, if it became universal, could, in one generation, remove the profound differences in education which at present divide the classes, could produce a population all enjoying the mental and physical development which is now confined to the most fortunate, and could remove the terrible deadweight of disease and stupidity and malevolence which now makes progress so difficult. Under the Education Act of 1918, nursery schools were to have been promoted by Government money ; but when the Geddes Axe descended it was decided that it was more important to build cruisers and the Singapore Dock for the purpose of facilitating war with the Japanese. At the present moment the Government is spending £650,000 a year on such purposes as inducing people to poison themselves with preservatives in Dominion bacon ,and butter rather than eat pure butter from Denmark. To secure this end our children are condemned to disease and misery and unawakened intelligence, from which multitudes could be saved by the same sum a year spent on nursery schools. The mothers now have the vote; will they some day learn to use it for the good of their children?
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 13: Nursery School



子供たちは,朝8時にやってきて,夕方6時まで保育園にいる。食事はすべて保育園でとる。できるだけ戸外で時を過ごし,室内でも普通よりずっと多くの新鮮な空気を与えられている。入園に先立って,子供は医学的な検査を受け,(健康に問題があるならば)可能ならば診療所や病院で治療してもらう。入園後は,ごくまれな例外をのぞいて,子供たちは健康になり,ずっとその状態が続く。(保育園には)広々とした美しい庭があり,(子どもたちは)多くの時間をそこで遊んで過ごす。教え方は,ほぼ,モンテッソーリ方式に沿っている。昼食後(注:After dinner 貧しい家庭の子どもたちにとっては,昼食がディナー 正餐となる,という含意が少しあるのか?),子供たちは皆昼寝をする。夜や日曜日は貧乏に打ちひしがれた家庭(我が家)で,ことによると酔っぱらった親といっしょに地下室で過ごさなければならないというにもかかわらず,彼らの体格や知能は,中流階級の子供たちが達する最上のタイプに匹敵するようになる。

There are, at present, two kinds of schools, according to the status of the parents. There are Froebel schools and Montessori schools for well-to-do children, and there are a small number of nursery schools for very poor children. Of the latter, the most famous is Miss McMillan’s, of which the above-mentioned book gives an account which should be read by every lover of children. I am inclined to think that no existing school for well-to-do children is as good as hers, partly because she has larger numbers, partly because she is not troubled by the fussiness which middle-class snobbery obtrudes upon teachers. She aims at keeping children, if possible, from one year old till seven, though the education authorities incline to the view that the children ought to go to an ordinary elementary school at the age of five. The children come at eight in the morning and stay till six in the evening ; they have all their meals in the school. They spend as much as possible of their time out-of-doors, and indoors they have an abnormal amount of fresh air. Before a child is admitted, he or she is medically examined, and if possible cured at the clinic, or in hospital. After admission, the children become and remain healthy with very few exceptions. There is a large, lovely garden, and a good deal of the time is spent in playing there. The teaching is broadly on Montessori lines. After dinner the children all sleep. In spite of the fact that at night, and on Sundays, they have to be in poverty-stricken homes, perhaps in cellars with drunken parents, their physique and intelligence become equal to the best that middle-class children achieve.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 13: Nursery School




One other thing is essential in teaching about sex love. Jealousy must not be regarded as a justifiable insistence upon rights, but as a misfortune to the one who feels it and a wrong towards its object. Where possessive elements intrude upon love, it loses its vivifying power and eats up personality; where they are absent, it fulfils personality and brings a greater intensity of life. In former days parents ruined their relations with their children by preaching love as a duty; husbands and wives still too often ruin their relations to each other by the same mistake. Love cannot be a duty, because it is not subject to the will. It is a gift from heaven, the best that heaven has to bestow. Those who shut it up in a cage destroy the beauty and joy which it can only display while it is free and spontaneous. Here, again, fear is the enemy. He who fears to lose what makes the happiness of his life has already lost it. In this, as in other things, fearlessness is the essence of wisdom.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 12: Sex Education




Young people should be led to realize that it is a very serious matter to have a child, and that it should not be undertaken unless the child has a reasonable prospect of health and happiness. The traditional view was that, within marriage, it is always justifiable to have children, even if they come so fast that the mother,s health is ruined, even if the children are diseased or insane, even if there is no prospect of their having enough to eat. This view is now only maintained by heartless dogmatists, who think that everything disgraceful to humanity redounds to the glory of God. People who care for children, or do not enjoy inflicting misery upon the helpless, rebel against the ruthless dogmas which justify this cruelty. …
… It should be made clear that no one can be a good parent without parental affection, but that even with parental affection a great deal of knowledge is required as well. Instinct without knowledge is as inadequate in dealing with children as knowledge without instinct. The more the necessity of knowledge is understood, the more intelligent women will feel attracted to motherhood. At present, many highly educated women despise it, thinking that it does not give scope for the exercise of their intellectual faculties ; this is a great misfortune, Since they are capable of being the best mothers, if their thoughts were turned in that direction.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 12: Sex Education





I do not propose to discuss the teaching of sexual morality in the narrower sense. This is a matter as to which a variety of opinions exist. Christians differ from Mohammedans, Catholics from Protestants who tolerate divorce, freethinkers from medievalists. Parents will all wish their children taught the particular brand of sexual morality in which they believe themselves, and I should not wish the State to interfere with them. But without going into vexed questions, there is a good deal that might be common ground.
There is first of all hygiene. Young people must know about venereal disease before they run the risk of it. They should be taught about it truthfully, without the exaggerations which some people practise in the interests of morals. They should learn both how to avoid it and how to cure it. It is a mistake to give only such instruction as is needed by the perfectly virtuous, and to regard the misfortunes which happen to others as a just punishment of sin. We might as well refuse to help a man who has been injured in a motoring accident, on the ground that careless driving is a sin. Moreover, in the one case as in the other, the punishment may fall upon the innocent; no one can maintain that children born with syphilis are wicked, any more than that a man is wicked if a careless motorist runs over him.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 12: Sex Education



 思春期のどれくらい前にこういう(性に関する)知識を与えられるべきかは,(子どもの)状況による(状況・事情によって異なる)。好奇心の強い,知的に活発な子供は不活発な子供よりも早めに教えてあげなければならない。いかなる時期においても,好奇心が満たされないままの状態にしてはならない。どれほどその子どもが幼いとしても,子どもが質問すれば答えてあげなければならない。また,両親の態度は,子どもが知りたいと望むならば(ちゅうちょしないでいつでも)質問する(質問できる)といったものでなければならない。しかし,もし子供が性について自発的に質問しない時には,いかなる場合でも,10歳になる前に話してあげなければならない。最初に,他の子どもたちからまずい仕方で教えられてはいけないからである。従って,動植物の生殖について教えてあげることで,子供の好奇心を刺激してあげることが望ましいかもしれない。咳ばらいをして(a clearing of the throat),「さて,そろそろおまえも知っておいたほうがいいから,話しておこう」などと前置きをするような,もったいぶった(まじめくさった)特別な機会を作ってはいけない。性教育に関することは全て,あたりまえで日常的なものでなければならない。だからこそ,問に答える形が一番うまくいくのである。

How long before this the information should be given depends upon circumstances. An inquisitive and intellectually active child must be told sooner than a sluggish child. There must at no time be unsatisfied curiosity. However young the child may be, he must be told if he asks. And his parents’ manner must be such that he will ask if he wants to know. But if he does not ask spontaneously, he must in any case be told before the age of ten, for fear of being first told by others in a bad way. It may therefore be desirable to stimulate his curiosity by instruction about generation in plants and animals. There must not be a solemn occasion, a clearing of the throat, and an exordium : “Now, my boy, I am going to tell you something that it is time for you to know.” The whole thing must be ordinary and every-day. That is why it comes best in answer to questions.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 12: Sex Education




If there were no likelihood of being taught badly about sex by other children, the matter could be left to the natural operation of the child’s curiosity, and parents could confine themselves to answering questions–always provided that everything became known before puberty. This, of course, is absolutely essential. It is a cruel thing to let a boy or girl be overtaken by the physical and emotional changes of that time without preparation, and possibly with the feeling of being attacked by some dreadful disease. Moreover, the whole subject of sex, after puberty, is so electric that a boy or girl cannot listen in a scientific spirit, which is perfectly possible at an earlier age. Therefore, quite apart from the possibility of nasty talk, a boy or girl should know the nature of the sexual act before attaining puberty.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 12: Sex Education



当然,大多数の人は,生涯を通じて,を滑稽かつ汚ならしいものと考え続け,その結果,彼らは自分が肉体関係を持つ女性を(注:安藤訳では intercourse を「交際する」と訳されているが,ここは性交=肉体関係を持つと訳すべきであろう。),たとえ自分たちの子供の母親(注:通常は妻)であっても,尊敬することができなかった。父親(の方)は,性に関する知識を最初どのようにして手に入れたか覚えているはずなのに,両親とも,(子どもによる性に関する知識の獲得を)運にまかせるという臆病なやり方に従った。このような方法が,なぜ健全な精神や健全な道徳に役立つなどと考えられたのか,私には想像もつかない。

The share of the father in generation is less likely to come up naturally in answer to questions, unless the child lives on a farm. But it is very important that the child should know of this first from parents or teacher, not from children whom bad education has made nasty. I remember vividly being told all about it by another boy when I was twelve years old ; the whole thing was treated in a ribald spirit, as a topic for obscene jokes. That was the normal experience of boys in my generation. It followed naturally that the vast majority continued through life to think sex comic and nasty, with the result that they could not respect a woman with whom they had intercourse, even though she were the mother of their children. Parents pursued a cowardly policy of trusting to luck, although fathers must have remembered how they gained their first knowledge. How it can have been supposed that such a system helped sanity or sound morals, I cannot imagine. Sex must be treated from the first as natural, delightful, and decent. To do otherwis is to poison the relations of men and women , parents and children. Sex is at its best between a father and mother who love each other and their children. It is far better that children should first know of sex in the relations of their parents than that they should derive their first impressions from ribaldry. It is particularly bad that they should discover sex between their parents as a guilty secret which has been concealed from them.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 12: Sex Education



 (いろいろな)質問に答えてあげることが,性教育の主要な部分である。その場合,二つの原則が性教育全体にあてはまる。第一の原則は,(性に関する)質問には常に本当の答え(正直な回答)を与えよう(ということ)。第二の原則は,性に関する知識を他の知識とまったく同様に考えよう(ということである)。もしも,子供が太陽や月や雲について,あるいは自動車や蒸気機関について知的な質問をすれば,あなたは喜んで,子供に理解できる限り多くのことを話して聞かせる(だろう)。(このように)(いろいろな)質問に答えてあげることは,幼児教育の非常に大きな部分をなしている。しかし,もしも,子供が性に関する質問をすると,あなたは「しいっ,しいっ(静かにして)」と言いたくなるだろう。そういうやり方はよくないと理解していても,(注: IF = Even if たとえ~としても),なお,あなたは,簡単に,そっけなく(drily = dryly),ことによると(perhaps),少し動揺して答えることであろう。子供は,ただちにそのニュアンスに気づく。そして,あなたは好色の基礎(土台)を築いたことになる。あなたは,何か他の事柄に関する質問に答えるのとまったく同じように,十分に,かつ自然に,性の質問に答えてあげなければならない。たとえ無意識的にでも,性には何か忌まわしく不潔なものがある,とあなた自身が感じるようであってはならない。もしそれを許せば,あなたの感情は自然に子供に伝わるであろう。子供は,必ず,父母(両親)の関係には何か汚らしいものがある,と思うだろう。即ち,後年大きくなると,父母は自分が生まれるようになった行為をよくないものと思っている,と結論するだろう。幼いころにそのような感情を持てば,幼いころだけではなく,おとなになっても,幸福な本能的な情緒を持つことを,不可能にしてしまう。

Answering questions is a major part of sex education. Two rules cover the ground. First, always give a truthful answer to a question ‘, secondly, regard sex-knowledge as exactly like any other knowledge. If the child asks you an intelligent question about the sun or the moon or the clouds, or about motor-cars or steam-engines, you are pleased, and you tell him as much as he can take in. This answering of questions is a very large part of early education. But if he asks you a question connected with sex, you will be tempted to say “Hush, hush”. If you have learnt not to do that, you will still answer briefly and drily, perhaps with a trifle of embarrassment in your manner. The child at once notices the nuance, and you have laid the foundations of prurience. You must answer with just the same fulness and naturalness as if the question had been about something else. Do not allow yourself to feel, even unconsciously, that there is something horrid and dirty about sex. If you do, your feeling will communicate itself to him. He will think, necessarily, that there is something nasty in the relations of his parents ; later on he will conclude that they think ill of the behaviour which led to his existence. Such feelings in youth make happy instinctive emotions almost impossible, not only in youth, but in adult life also.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 12: Sex Education



He claims to be a Freudian, but he’s Jung at heart.’

私は,多くの細部の個別事項についてフロイト主義者と意見を異にしているが,性にかかわる事柄で幼い子供の取り扱い方が間違えば,大きくなってから,いろいろな神経障害を引き起こすということを指摘した点で,彼らはとても貴重な寄与をしたと考えている。彼らの仕事は,この点で既に広範囲にわたって有益な結果をもたらしているが,まだ克服しなければならない非常に多くの偏見が残っている。もちろん,子供たちを生後一年間は,大部分,まったく無教育な女性の手に委ねておくという慣行のために --こういう女性たちは,猥褻罪で告訴されないために学識者がやむなく長々と(わかりにくい言葉で)述べている事柄を知っているとは思えないし,それ以上にそれらの事柄を信じることなど期待できないために-- その困難は非常に増しているのである。

There is one respect in which, quite independently of taboos, sex is peculiar, and that is the late ripening of the instinct. It is true, as the psycho-analysts have pointed out (though with considerable exaggeration), that the instinct is not absent in childhood. But its childish manifestations are different from those of adult life, and its strength is much less, and it is physically impossible for a boy to indulge it in the adult manner. Puberty remains an important emotional crisis, thrust into the middle of intellectual education, and causing disturbances which raise difficult problems for the educator. Many of these problems I shall not attempt to discuss; it is chiefly what should be done before puberty that I propose to consider. It is in this respect that educational reform is most needed, especially in very early childhood. Although I disagree with the Freudians in many particulars, I think they have done a very valuable service in pointing out the nervous disorders produced in later life by wrong handling of young children in matters connected with sex. Their work has already produced widespread beneficial results in this respect, but there is still a mass of prejudice to be overcome. The difficulty is, of course, greatly increased by the practice of leaving children, during their first years, largely in the hands of totally uneducated women, who cannot be expected to know, still less to believe, what has been said by learned men in the long words necessary to escape prosecution for obscenity.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 12: Sex Education
