

It is very difficult for a woman to be a perfect mother, or a perfect teacher of young children, unless she is sexually satisfied. Whatever psycho-analysts may say, the parental instinct is essentially different from the sex instinct, and is damaged by the intrusion of emotions appropriate to sex. The habit of employing celibate female teachers is quite wrong psychologically. The right woman to deal with children is a woman whose instinct is not seeking from them satisfactions for herself which they ought not to be expected to provide. A woman who is happily married will belong to this type without effort ; but any other woman will need an almost impossible subtlety of self-control. Of course, the same thing applies to men in the same circumstances, but the circumstances are far less frequent with men, both because their parental instincts are usually not very strong, and because they are seldom sexually starved.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 11: Affection and Sympathy



 子供がいつも接触している大人は,たやすく子供の生活の支配者となり,子供が大きくなってからさえも,精神的な奴隷にしてしまいがちである。そうした(精神的)服従は,知的な場合もあれば,情緒的な場合もあるし,その両方である場合もある。知的奴隷(前者)の好い例は,ジョン・スチュアート・ミルであり,結局彼は,父親がまちがっていたのかもしれないということを,どうしても認める気にはなれなかった。幼年期の環境に知的に隷属するのは,ある程度,正常である。親や教師に教わったのとは異なる意見を受け入れることのできる大人は --彼らを一緒に押し流してしまうほどの(強い)一般的な世間の圧力(風潮)がある場合は話は別であるが-- きわめて少ない。けれども,知的奴隷(隷属状態)は自然でありかつ正常である,と言われるかもしれない。私も,どちらかと言えば,特別な教育によらないかぎり,それは避けることはできない,と言いたい。こういう形の親や教師の過度の影響は,慎重に避けなければならない。なぜなら,急速に変化しつつある世界では,過去の世代の意見を持ち続けることはなはだ危険だからである。

An adult with whom a child is in constant contact may easily become so dominant in the child’s life as to make the child, even in later life, a mental slave. The slavery may be intellectual, or emotional, or both. A good example of the former is John Stuart Mill, who could never bring himself, in the last resort, to admit that his father might have been mistaken. To some degree intellectual slavery to early environment is normal; very few adults are capable of opinions other than those taught by parents or teachers, except where there is some general drift that carries them along. It may be maintained, however, that intellectual slavery is natural and normal ; I am inclined to admit that it can only be avoided by an education ad hoc. This form of excessive parental and scholastic influence ought to be avoided carefully, since, in a rapidly changing world, it is exceedingly dangerous to retain the opinions of a bygone generation.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 11: Affection and Sympathy



 精神分析学者によって前面に持ち出されてきた,もうひと組の危険がある。ただし,私は,彼らの事実解釈には疑問があると考えている。私が考えている危険は,父親か母親のどちらかに対する度を越した愛着に結びついた危険である。大人(成人した者)は,いや青年でさえ,自分(ひとり)で考えたり感じたりできなくなるほど,父親あるいは母親によって,保護を受けすぎるようなことがあってはならない。こういったことは,親の個性が子供の個性よりも強い場合には,容易に起こる可能性がある。私は,稀な病的な事例は別として,息子が母親に,娘が父親に,特別に惹きつけられるという意味での「エディプス・コンプレックス」がある(普通に存在する)とは信じない。親の過度の影響は,それが存在する場合は,性別にかかわらず,子供と一番多くのかかわりを持ってきた - 通例,母親 - によるものである。もちろん,母親を嫌っていて,(父親があまり家におらず)父親の姿をあまり見ない娘が,父親を理想化することはあるかもしれない。しかし,その場合,影響は夢(の中の父親)によってであり,現実の父親によってではない理想化とは,さまざまな希望を一つの口実に託することだ。つまり,口実は,ただ便宜的なものであって,希望の性質とはなんの関係もない。度を過ごした親の影響は,これとはまったく異なる。なぜなら,親の影響は,空想上の肖像ではなく,現実の人間と結びついているからだ。

There is another set of dangers which has been brought to the fore by the psycho-analysts, though I think their interpretation of the facts may be questioned. The dangers I am thinking of are those connected with undue devotion to one or other parent. An adult, and even an adolescent, ought not to be so overshadowed by either father or mother as to be unable to think or feel independently. This may easily happen if the personality of the parent is stronger than that of the child. I do not believe that there is, except in rare morbid cases, an “Oedipus Complex”, in the sense of a special attraction of sons to mothers and daughters to fathers. The excessive influence of the parent, where it exists, will belong to the parent who has had most to do with the child –generally the mother– without regard to difference of sex. Of course, it may happen that a daughter who dislikes her mother and sees little of her father will idealize the latter; but in that case the influence is exerted by dreams, not by the actual father. Idealization consists of hanging hopes to a peg: the peg is merely convenient and has nothing to do with the nature of the hopes. Undue parental influence is quite a different thing from this, since it is connected with the actual person, not with an imaginary portrait.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 11: Affection and Sympathy




In spite of all the above arguments, I am prepared to admit that there are a certain number of boys and girls who ought not to go to school, and that some of them are very important individuals. If a boy has abnormal mental powers in some direction, combined with poor physique and great nervousness, he may be quite incapable of fitting into a crowd of normal boys, and may be so persecuted as to be driven mad. Exceptional capacities are not infrequently associated with mental instability, and in such cases it is desirable to adopt methods which would be bad for the normal boy. Care should be taken to find out if abnormal sensitiveness has some definite cause, and patient efforts should be made to cure it. But these efforts should never involve terrible suffering, such as an abnormal boy may easily have to endure from brutal companions. I think such sensitiveness generally has its source in mistakes during infancy, which have upset the child’s digestion or its nerves. Given wisdom in handling infants, I think almost all of them would grow into boys and girls suffciently normal to enjoy the company of other boys and girls. Nevertheless, some exceptions will occur, and they may easily occur among those who have some form of genius. In these rare cases, school is undesirable, and a more sheltered youth is to be preferred.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 10: Importance of Other Children



(訳注:岩波文庫の安藤訳も,みすず書房版の魚津訳も,角川文庫版の堀訳も全て「あらゆる音符の組み合わせは一日で使い果たすことができるので,新しい作曲が不可能になると考えて,自殺しかけたことがあった」と訳されている。「あらゆる音符の組み合わせが一日で使い果たすことができる」なんてことは,常識的に考えてありえないことであることから,誤訳だと思わなかったのだろうか? また can be used up ではなく would be used up と書かれていることにも注意が必要だろう。結論を言うと one dey は前置詞がついていないことから,副詞的用法であり「いつの日にか(いつか必ず)」ということであり,論理学者でもあったミルらしく,音符の組み合わせは膨大かもしれないが,その組み合わせは’有限’なものであるから,いずれ新しい曲など作れなくなってしまうという「強迫観念」にかかってしまった,というのが正解であろう。)
この種の強迫観念神経衰弱の症状であることは,明らかである。後年彼は,父親の哲学が間違っていたかもしれないということをあきらかにしそうな論拠を思いつくたびに,まるでおびえた馬のように後ずさりし(注:shied away from / shay の過去形),それによって,彼の推論能力の価値を大いに減少させてしまった。もっ普通の青年時代を過ごしていれば,おそらく,もっと柔軟な知性の持ち主になっていたであろうし,彼の思索ももっと独創的なものになっていたことであろう。それはともかくとして,もっと人生を楽しむ能力を身につけただろうことは確かであろう。
私自身も,16歳までは - ミルの場合よりはいくらかひどいものではなかったが- 個人教育によって育てられた 。しかし,それでも,若者の普通の喜びに欠けるところが非常に多かった。ミルが言っているのとまったく同様に,私も思春期に自殺したいという気持ちにかられた経験がある。私の場合は,力学の法則が私の身体の運動を規制しており,意志は単なる幻影にすぎない(自分にはまったく自由意志はない),と考えたからであった。同年輩の友達と付きあうようになってから,私は,自分が堅苦しい気取り屋であることがわかった。その後いつまでそうであったかは,私の言うべきことではない(注:なぜなら、この本を出した1926年でも,他人はラッセルのことを「堅苦しい奴だ」と思うかもしれないから。ラッセルらしい物の言い方。因みに,魚津氏は「その後いつまでそうであったか,私は知らない」と訳されている)。

Apart from these considerations there is another, perhaps even more important. The mind and body of a child demand a great deal of play, and after the first years play can hardly be satisfactory except with other boys and girls. Without play a child becomes strained and nervous ; it loses the joy of life, and develops anxieties. It is, of course, possible to bring up a child as John Stuart Mill was brought up, to begin Greek at the age of three, and never know any ordinary childish fun. From the mere standpoint of acquiring knowledge the results may be good, but taken all round I cannot admire them. Mill relates in his Autobiography that during adolescence he nearly committed suicide from the thought that all combinations of musical notes would one day be used up, and then new musical composition would become impossible. It is obvious that an obsession of this sort is a symptom of nervous exhaustion. In later life, whenever he came upon an argument tending to show that his father’s philosophy might have been mistaken, he shied away from it like a frightened horse, thereby greatly diminishing the value of his reasoning powers. It seems probable that a more normal youth would have given him more intellectual resilience, and enabled him to be more original in his thinking. However that may be, it would certainly have given him more capacity for enjoying life. I was myself the product of a solitary education up to the age of sixteen–somewhat less fierce than Mill’s, but still too destitute of the ordinary joys of youth. I experienced in adolescence just the same tendency to suicide as Mill describes–in my case, because I thought the laws of dynamics regulated the movements of my body, making the will a mere delusion. When I began to associate with contemporaries I found myself an angular prig. How far I have remained so it is not for me to say.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 10: Importance of Other Children

上記の私の解釈を補強するよい説明がweb上にないかと,Googleで検索したところ、日米ハーフの Jun Seenesac 氏の「one day と someday の違いと使い分け」という文章があった。「英語学習コラム」の記事のひとつですが,お勧めです。

保育園の重要性 - 一番上の子は・・・

 1歳児にとっては,(大人よりも)3歳児のほうがよいお手本になる。その理由は,3歳児のすることはいっそう1歳児がやりたいことであるとともに,3歳児の能力はそれほど超人的には見えないからである。子供(たち)には,大人よりも,ほかの子供(たち)のほうが自分に似ているように感じられる。そのために,彼らの野心は,ほかの子供(たち)のすることでいっそう強く刺激されるのである。こういう,年上の子供たちによる教育の機会は,その子供の家庭にしか提供できない。(訳注:ただし,独りっ子が多い核家族の現代にあっては,家庭においてさえも難しい。)友達を選べる子供は,大部分,自分よりも年上の子供と遊びたがるが,それは自分が「偉くなった (grand)」ような気がするからである。しかし,年上の子供は,さらに年上の子供と遊びたがる。その結果,学校とか,スラム街とか,その他どこでも,大ぜいの中から友達を選べるところでは,子供たちは,ほとんどと言ってよいほど,同年輩の子供と遊んでいる。なぜなら,年上の子供は,年下の子供と遊ぼうとしないからである。こうして,年上の子供から学ぶべきことは主に家庭で学ぶほかない,ということになるのである。これには,いずれの家庭にも,この方法の恩恵にあずかれない一番年上の子供が必ずいるという欠点がある。しかも,家族内の子供の数が少なくなるにつれて(核家族化が進むにつれて),一番年上の子供の比率も高くなるにつれて,この欠点はしだいに大きくなっていく。小家族は,保育園によって補完されない限り,いくつかの面で,子供たちにとって,不利である。

A child of three years old is a better model for a child one year old, both because the things it does are more what the younger child would wish to do, and because its powers do not seem so super-human. Children feel that other children are more akin to them than adults are, and therefore their ambition is more stimulated by what other children do. Only the family provides the opportunity for this education by older children. Most children who have a choice wish to play with children rather older than themselves, because then they feel “grand” ; but these older children wish to play with still older children, and so on. The consequence is that, in a school, or in the streets of a slum, or anywhere else where a large choice is possible, children play almost entirely with their contemporaries, because the older ones will not play with the younger ones. In this way it comes about that what is to be learnt from older children must be learnt mainly in the home. This has the drawback that in every family there must be one oldest child, who fails to get the benefits of the method. And as families grow smaller the percentage of oldest children grows larger, so that the drawback is an increasing one. Small families are in some ways a disadvantage to children, unless supplemented by nursery schools.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 10: Importance of Other Children




On a few occasions we have resorted to mild forms of punishment when he has persisted in demanding things we had refused him, or in interfering with his sister’s play. In such cases, When reason and exhortation have failed, we take him to a room by himself, leave the door open, and tell him he can come back as soon as he is good. In a very few minutes, after crying vigorously, he comes back, and is invariably good : he perfectly understands that in coming back he has undertaken to be good. So far, we have never found any need of severer penalties.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 9: Punishmnet




Invariable truthfulness to a child reaps its reward in increased trust. The child has a natural tendency to believe what you say, except when it runs counter to a strong desire, as in the case of the Easter eggs which I mentioned just now. A little experience of the truth of your remarks even in these cases enables you to win belief easily and without emphasis. But if you have been in the habit of threatening consequences which did not happen, you will have to become more and more insistent and terrifying, and in the end you will only produce a state of nervous uncertainty. One day my boy wanted to paddle in a stream, but I told him not to, because I thought there were bits of broken crockery which would cut his feet. His desire was keen, so he was sceptical about the crockery ; but after I had found a piece and shown him the sharp edge, he became entirely acquiescent. If I had invented the crockery for my own convenience I should have lost his confidence. If I had not found any I should have let him paddle. In consequence of repeated experiences of this sort he has almost entirely ceased to be sceptical of my reasons.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 8: Truthfulness




Another undesirable form of humbug is to treat inanimate objects as if they were alive. Nurses sometimes teach children, when they have hurt themselves by bumping into a chair or table, to smack the  offending  object and say, “naughty chair “, or’ ” naughty table “. This removes a most useful source of natural discipline. Left to himself, the child soon realizes that inanimate objects can only be  manipulated by skill, not by anger or cajolery. This is a stimulus to the acquisition of  skill, and a help in realizing the limits of personal power.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:
Education of character, chap. 8: Truthfulness




they (= parents) do not understand all the solemn political reasons for humbug, but despise it straightforwardly and simply. Jealousies and envies, of which you are unconscious, will be evident to your child, who will discount all your fine moral talk about the wickedness of the objects of these passions. Never pretend to be faultless and inhuman ; the child will not believe you, and would not like you any the better if he did. I remember vividly how, at a very early age, I saw through the Victorian humbug and hypocrisy with which I was surrounded, and vowed that, if I ever had children, I would not repeat the mistakes that were being made with me. To the best of my ability I am keeping this vow.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 8: Truthfulness
