
子供たちは,朝8時にやってきて,夕方6時まで保育園にいる。食事はすべて保育園でとる。できるだけ戸外で時を過ごし,室内でも普通よりずっと多くの新鮮な空気を与えられている。入園に先立って,子供は医学的な検査を受け,(健康に問題があるならば)可能ならば診療所や病院で治療してもらう。入園後は,ごくまれな例外をのぞいて,子供たちは健康になり,ずっとその状態が続く。(保育園には)広々とした美しい庭があり,(子どもたちは)多くの時間をそこで遊んで過ごす。教え方は,ほぼ,モンテッソーリ方式に沿っている。昼食後(注:After dinner 貧しい家庭の子どもたちにとっては,昼食がディナー 正餐となる,という含意が少しあるのか?),子供たちは皆昼寝をする。夜や日曜日は貧乏に打ちひしがれた家庭(我が家)で,ことによると酔っぱらった親といっしょに地下室で過ごさなければならないというにもかかわらず,彼らの体格や知能は,中流階級の子供たちが達する最上のタイプに匹敵するようになる。

There are, at present, two kinds of schools, according to the status of the parents. There are Froebel schools and Montessori schools for well-to-do children, and there are a small number of nursery schools for very poor children. Of the latter, the most famous is Miss McMillan’s, of which the above-mentioned book gives an account which should be read by every lover of children. I am inclined to think that no existing school for well-to-do children is as good as hers, partly because she has larger numbers, partly because she is not troubled by the fussiness which middle-class snobbery obtrudes upon teachers. She aims at keeping children, if possible, from one year old till seven, though the education authorities incline to the view that the children ought to go to an ordinary elementary school at the age of five. The children come at eight in the morning and stay till six in the evening ; they have all their meals in the school. They spend as much as possible of their time out-of-doors, and indoors they have an abnormal amount of fresh air. Before a child is admitted, he or she is medically examined, and if possible cured at the clinic, or in hospital. After admission, the children become and remain healthy with very few exceptions. There is a large, lovely garden, and a good deal of the time is spent in playing there. The teaching is broadly on Montessori lines. After dinner the children all sleep. In spite of the fact that at night, and on Sundays, they have to be in poverty-stricken homes, perhaps in cellars with drunken parents, their physique and intelligence become equal to the best that middle-class children achieve.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 13: Nursery School
