私は,多くの細部の個別事項についてフロイト主義者と意見を異にしているが,性にかかわる事柄で幼い子供の取り扱い方が間違えば,大きくなってから,いろいろな神経障害を引き起こすということを指摘した点で,彼らはとても貴重な寄与をしたと考えている。彼らの仕事は,この点で既に広範囲にわたって有益な結果をもたらしているが,まだ克服しなければならない非常に多くの偏見が残っている。もちろん,子供たちを生後一年間は,大部分,まったく無教育な女性の手に委ねておくという慣行のために --こういう女性たちは,猥褻罪で告訴されないために学識者がやむなく長々と(わかりにくい言葉で)述べている事柄を知っているとは思えないし,それ以上にそれらの事柄を信じることなど期待できないために-- その困難は非常に増しているのである。
There is one respect in which, quite independently of taboos, sex is peculiar, and that is the late ripening of the instinct. It is true, as the psycho-analysts have pointed out (though with considerable exaggeration), that the instinct is not absent in childhood. But its childish manifestations are different from those of adult life, and its strength is much less, and it is physically impossible for a boy to indulge it in the adult manner. Puberty remains an important emotional crisis, thrust into the middle of intellectual education, and causing disturbances which raise difficult problems for the educator. Many of these problems I shall not attempt to discuss; it is chiefly what should be done before puberty that I propose to consider. It is in this respect that educational reform is most needed, especially in very early childhood. Although I disagree with the Freudians in many particulars, I think they have done a very valuable service in pointing out the nervous disorders produced in later life by wrong handling of young children in matters connected with sex. Their work has already produced widespread beneficial results in this respect, but there is still a mass of prejudice to be overcome. The difficulty is, of course, greatly increased by the practice of leaving children, during their first years, largely in the hands of totally uneducated women, who cannot be expected to know, still less to believe, what has been said by learned men in the long words necessary to escape prosecution for obscenity.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 12: Sex Education