
しかし,ゲデス削減案(注:1922年に英国の前運輸省長官で実業家エリック・ゲデス Eric Geddesを長とする委員会が提出した大幅な歳出削減案)が通過したとき,日本との戦争を容易にするために,巡洋艦を建造し,シンガポールのドックを造るほうが重要であると決定されてしまった目下,政府は,デンマーク産の純正バターを食べるよりも,大英帝国の自治領産のベーコンやバターに含まれる防腐剤で国民が自らに毒を盛るように仕向ける目的で,年間65万ポンドを費やしている。

The nursery school, if it became universal, could, in one generation, remove the profound differences in education which at present divide the classes, could produce a population all enjoying the mental and physical development which is now confined to the most fortunate, and could remove the terrible deadweight of disease and stupidity and malevolence which now makes progress so difficult. Under the Education Act of 1918, nursery schools were to have been promoted by Government money ; but when the Geddes Axe descended it was decided that it was more important to build cruisers and the Singapore Dock for the purpose of facilitating war with the Japanese. At the present moment the Government is spending £650,000 a year on such purposes as inducing people to poison themselves with preservatives in Dominion bacon ,and butter rather than eat pure butter from Denmark. To secure this end our children are condemned to disease and misery and unawakened intelligence, from which multitudes could be saved by the same sum a year spent on nursery schools. The mothers now have the vote; will they some day learn to use it for the good of their children?
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 13: Nursery School



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