
第三章 家父長制度 n.1

 父性の生理学上の事実が認識されるやいなや,父親の感情の中にまったく新しい要素が入ってくる。その要素は,ほとんどあらゆる場所で,家父長制社会を生み出すにいたった。聖書に書かれているように,子供が自分の「種」であることを父親が認識するやいなや,父親の子供に対する感情は,二つの要因によって強化される。即ち,権力愛と死後も生き残りたいという(不死の)願望である。(右図「聖書人物略図」は拡大して見てください。)ある人間の子孫の業績は,ある意味では,その人(自分)の業績であり,子孫の生命は,その人(自分)の生命の連続である(と言える)。野心は,もはや墓場で終わりを見い出すことなく,子孫(たち)の生涯を通して,無限に拡大することができる。たとえば,お前の子孫にカナン(注:Canaan カナアン:地中海とヨルダン川・死海に挟まれた地域一帯の古代の地名)の地を与えようと告げられた時のアブラハムの満足を考えてみよう(考えて見るとよい)。

母系社会では,家族の野心は女性に限定されざるをえなかった。そして,女性は戦いをしないので,女性の抱くような家族の野心は,男性の野心のような大きな影響を及ぼさない。従って,父性からくる野心(注: that of fatherhood 岩波文庫版『結婚論』で,安藤氏「父性の発見」と訳しているが,”that” に「発見」の訳語を当たる根拠は前の文章を見ても存在しない。前の文章の「野心」を受けているのであろう。)は,人間社会を母系(社会)の段階よりも,もっと競争的かつもっと精力的かつもっとダイナミックかつもっと騒々しいものにするだろう,と想定しなければならない。

こういったある程度仮説的な影響は別にして,妻の貞操を強く要求する,新しくかつきわめて重要な理由が一つあった。嫉妬(心)における純粋に本能的な要素は,大部分の現代人が想像するほど,強いものではない。家父長制社会において嫉妬が極端に強くなるのは,子孫が偽造されることに対する恐怖(心)のせいである。このことは,自分の妻に飽きて愛人を熱愛している男でさえも(にもかかわらず),愛人の愛情に対するライバルを発見した時よりも,妻が関わる(ライバルの)場合の方が,いっそう嫉妬心をかきたてられるという事実からもわかるであろう。摘出子は男性の自我の継続であり,彼がその子に寄せる愛情は利己心(我欲)の一形態である。これに反して,もしもその子供が摘出でない場合は,推定上の父親(父親であることは推定しかできない男)は,だまされて自分と生物学的な関係がまったくない子供を,気前よく,世話をさせられる(ことになる)。このため,父性の発見は,女性の貞操を確保する唯一の手段として,女性の隷属 -それは,最初は肉体的なものであり,その後精神的なものとなり,(英国の)ヴィクトリア朝時代に頂点に到達- へと導いたのである。


Chapter III Patriarchal Systems ,n.1

As soon as the physiological fact of paternity is recognized, a quite new element enters into paternal feeling, an element which has led almost everywhere to the creation of patriarchal societies. As soon as a father recognizes that the child is, as the Bible says, his “seed”, his sentiment towards the child is reinforced by two factors, the love of power and the desire to survive death. The achievements of a man’s descendants are in a sense his achievements, and their life is a continuation of his life. Ambition no longer finds its termination at the grave, but can be indefinitely extended through the careers of descendants. Consider, for example, the satisfaction of Abraham when he is informed that his seed shall posses the land of Canaan. In a matrilineal society, family ambition would have to be confined to women, and as women do not do the fighting, such family ambition as they may have has less effect than that of men. One must suppose, therefore, that of fatherhood would make human competitive, more energetic, more hustling than it had been in the matrilineal stage. Apart from this effect, which is to some extent hypothetical, there was a new and all-important reason for insisting upon the virtue of wives. The purely instinctive element in jealousy is not nearly so strong as most moderns imagine. The extreme strength of jealousy in patriarchal societies is due to the fear of falsification of descent. This may be seen in the fact that a man who is tired of his wife and passionately devoted to his mistress will nevertheless be more jealous where his wife is concerned than when he finds a rival to the affections of his mistress. A legitimate child is a continuation of a man’s ego, and his affection for the child is a form of egoism. If, on the other hand, the child is not legitimate, the putative father is tricked into lavishing care upon a child with whom he has no biological connection. Hence the discovery of fatherhood led to the subjection of women as the only means of securing their virtue – a subjection first physical and then mental, which reached its height in the Victorian age. Owing to the subjection of women, there has in most civilized communities been no genuine companionship between husbands and wives ; their relation has been one of condescension on the one side and duty on the other. All the man’s serious thoughts and purposes he has kept to himself, since robust thought might lead his wife to betray him. In most civilized communities women have been denied almost all experience of the world and of affairs. They have been kept artificially stupid and therefore uninteresting. From Plato’s dialogues one derives an impression that he and his friends regarded men as the only proper objects of serious love. This is not to be wondered at when one considers that all the matters in which they were interested were completely closed to respectable Athenian women. Exactly the same state of affairs prevailed in China until recently, and in Persia in the great days of Persian poetry, and in many other ages and places. Love as a relation between men and women was ruined by the desire to make sure of the legitimacy of children. And not only love, but the whole contribution that women can make to civilization, has been stunted for the same reason.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



第二章 母系社会 n.7

 メラネシア人の間の,子供に対する父親の態度を説明するためにマリノフスキーが持ち出した(ところの)本能は,私見では,彼の著書に見られる(書かれている)よりも,もう少し一般的なものであると思われる。男でも女でも,自分が世話をしなければならない(has to tend)子供に対しては愛情を感じるようになる傾向があると思われる。たとえ,初めはただ慣習やしきたり,あるいは賃金のみのためにのみ,おとなが子供の世話をするようになったとしても,そうして世話をしているだけで,大部分の場合,愛情が育ってくる(ものである)。その子どもが愛する女性の子供である場合には,疑いなく,この感情は補強される。だから,これらの未開人が,妻の子供にかなりの献身(的愛情)を示すことは理解できるし,文明社会の人間が我が子に寄せる愛情にも,こうした要素が大きな部分を占めていることは確かだと考えてよいだろう。


Chapter II Matrilineal Societies,n.7

The instinct to which Malinowski appeals to explain the attitude of a father towards his children among the Melanesians is, I think, somewhat more general than it appears in his pages. There is, I think, in either a man or a woman a tendency to feel affection for any child whom he or she has to tend. Even if nothing but custom and convention, or wages, have in the first instance caused an adult to have the care of a child, the mere fact of having that care will, in the majority of cases, cause affection to grow up. No doubt this feeling is reinforced where the child is the child of a woman who is loved. It is, therefore, intelligible that these savages show considerable devotion to their wives’ children, and it may be taken as certain that this is a large element in the affection which civilized men give to their children. Malinowski maintains-and it is difficult to see how his opinion can be controverted-that all mankind must have passed through the stage in which the Trobriand Islanders are now, since there must have been a period when paternity was nowhere recognized. Animal families, where they include a father, must have a like basis, since they cannot have any other. It is only among human beings, after the fact of fatherhood has become known, that the sentiment of paternity can assume the form with which we are familiar.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



第二章 母系社会 n.6


Chapter II Matrilineal Societies,n.6

Malinowski maintains, and in this I think he must be right, that if a man remains with his wife during pregnancy and child-birth he has an instinctive tendency to be fond of the child when it is born, and that this is the basis of the paternal sentiment. “Human paternity,” he says, “which appears at first as almost completely lacking in biological foundation, can be shown to be deeply rooted in natural endowment and organic need.” He thinks, however, that if a man is absent from his wife during pregnancy he will not instinctively feel affection for the child at first, although, if custom and tribal ethics lead him to associate with the mother and child, affection will develop as it would have done if he had been with the mother throughout. In all the important human relations, socially desirable acts, towards which there is an instinct not strong enough to be always compelling, are enforced by social ethics, and so it is among these savages. Custom enjoins that the mother’s husband shall care for the children and protect them while they are young, and this custom is not difficult to enforce, since it is, as a rule, in line with instinct.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



第二章 母系社会 n.5

トロブリアンド諸島では)大変不思議なことに,子供とその母親の夫との間には血のつながりはないと信じられているにもかかわらず,子供は自分の母親あるいは兄弟姉妹よりも,むしろ,母親の夫に似ると考えられている。事実,兄と妹(弟と姉/or 兄弟と姉妹)あるいは,子供と母親が似ているとほのめかすことは,はなはだしい無作法なことである(とされる)。また,この上もなくはっきりと似ている場合でも,はげしく否定される。
マリノフスキーは,論理的に説明しようといろいろ努力したが,父性(注:ここでは,父親の精子によって受精して妊娠しないと子どもは生まれないということなので,ウィキペディアの「父性」の説明は不適切と思われる。)というものがあるということを,トロブリアンド諸島の友人たちに納得させることはまったくできなかった。彼らは,これ(父性)を宣教師によって作り上げられた(捏造された)ばかばかしい話だとみなした。キリスト教は,家父長的な宗教であるから,父権(fatherhood)というものを認めない人びとには,感情的にも知的にもキリスト教(の考え方)を理解させることができないのである。「父なる神」(“God the Father”)の代わりに,「母方のおじなる神」(“God the Maternal Uncle”)という言い方をする必要があるであろうが,これでも正しい意味あいが十分伝わらない。なぜなら,父性(fatherhood 父親であること)は,権力と愛情の双方を含意しているのに対して,メラネシアにおいては,母方のおじが権力(のみ)を持ち,父親が愛情(のみ)を持っているからである。人間は神の子であるという観念は,トロブリアンド諸島民には伝えることのできない観念である。彼らは,誰にせよいかなる人間も任意の男性の子供(男性がいないと子どもは生まれない)とは考えていないからである。その結果,宣教師たちは,宗教の伝道ができるようになる前に,まず,生理学的な事実と取り組むことをしいられる。マリノフスキー(の著作)から推して,宣教師たちは,この当初の仕事にまったく成功せず,そのために,福音の教えまで進むことがまったくできなかったようである。

Chapter II Matrilineal Societies,n.5

Strangely enough, in spite of the belief that there is no blood tie between the child and its mother’s husband, it is supposed that children resemble their mothers’ husbands rather than their mothers or their brothers and sisters. Indeed, it is very bad manners to suggest a resemblance between a brother and sister, or between a child and its mother, and even the most obvious resemblances are fiercely denied. Malinowski is of opinion that the affection of fathers for their children is stimulated by this belief in a resemblance to the father rather than to the mother. He found the relation of father and son a more harmonious and affectionate one than it often is among civilized people, and, as might have been expected, he found no trace of the Oedipus complex.
Malinowski found it quite impossible, in spite of his best argumentative efforts, to persuade his friends on the islands that there is such a thing as paternity. They regarded this as a silly story invented by the missionaries. Christianity is a patriarchal religion, and cannot be made emotionally or intellectually intelligible to people who do not recognize fatherhood. Instead of “God the Father” it would be necessary to speak of “God the Maternal Uncle”, but this does not give quite the right shade of meaning, since fatherhood implies both power and love, whereas in Melanesia the maternal uncle has the power and the father has the love. The idea that men are God’s children is one which cannot be conveyed to the Trobriand Islanders, since they do not think that anybody is the child of any male. Consequently, missionaries are compelled to tackle first the facts of physiology before they can go on to preach their religion. One gathers from Malinowski that they have no success in this initial task, and have, therefore, been quite unable to proceed to the teaching of the Gospel.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第二章「母系社会」n.4: 「父性」の事実の発見

第二章 母系社会 n.4




Chapter II Matrilineal Societies,n.4

The fact that among the Trobriand Islanders people are not known to have fathers has been established by Malinowski beyond question. He found, for example, that when a man has been away on a voyage for a year or more and finds on his return that his wife has a new-born child, he is delighted, and quite unable to understand the hints of Europeans suggesting doubts as to his wife’s virtue. What is perhaps still more convincing, he found that a man who possessed a superior breed of pigs would castrate all the males, and be unable to understand that this involved a deterioration of the breed. It is thought that spirits bring children and insert them into their mothers. It is recognized that virgins cannot conceive, but this is supposed to be because the hymen presents a physical barrier to the activities of the spirits. Unmarried men and girls live a life of complete free love, but, for some unknown reason, unmarried girls very seldom conceive. Oddly enough, it is considered disgraceful when they do so, in spite of the fact that, according to native philosophy, nothing they have done is responsible for their becoming pregnant. Sooner or later a girl grows tired of variety and marries. She goes to live in her husband’s village, but she and her children are still reckoned as belonging to the village from which she has come. Her husband is not regarded as having any blood relationship to the children, and descent is traced solely through the female line. The kind of authority over children which is elsewhere exercised by fathers is, among the Trobriand Islanders, vested in the maternal uncle. Here , however, a very curious complication comes in. The brother-and-sister taboo is exceedingly severe, so that after they are grown up brother and sister can never talk together on any subject connected, however remotely, with sex. Consequently, although the maternal uncle has authority over the children, he sees little of them except when they are away from their mother and from home. This admirable system secures for the children a measure of affection without discipline which is unknown elsewhere. Their father plays with them and is nice to them but has not the right to order them about, whereas their maternal uncle, who has the right to order them about, has not the right to be on the spot.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第二章「母系社会」n.3: 父親の子供に対する関係

第二章 母系社会 n.3

 しかし,父親の子供に対する関係は,間接的,仮説的,推論的(な関係)である。つまり,それは妻の貞操に対する信念(信頼心)と結びついており,従って,とても知的な領域に属しているので,本能的なもの(property 人間の属性)とみなすことはできない。あるいは,少なくとも,父性の(父親としての)感情は,本質的に言って,男性自身の子供に向けられているものでなければならないと想定するならば,本能的なものとは言えないと思われるだろう。けれども,これは決して,必ずしも事実ではない。メラネシア人は,人には父親がある(注:父親が介在しなければ子どもは生まれない)ということを知らないが,それでも彼らの間では,父親は,子供が自分の子供だと知っている地域の父親に少なくとも負けないくらい,自分の子供をかわいがる。(注:父性の感情は,本能的だとも,本能的ではないとも,簡単には決められない,ということ)

Chapter II Matrilineal Societies,n.3

Seeing that all civilized modern societies are based upon the patriarchal family, and that the whole conception of female virtue has been built up in order to make the patriarchal family possible, it is important to inquire what natural impulses have gone to produce the sentiment of paternity. This question is by no means so easy as unreflective persons might suppose. The feeling of a mother towards her child is one which it is not at all difficult to understand; since there is a close physical tie, at any rate up to the moment of weaning. But the relation of father to child is indirect, hypothetical and inferential : it is bound up with beliefs as to the virtue of the wife, and belongs accordingly to a region too intellectual to be regarded as properly instinctive. Or at least it would so seem if one supposed that the sentiment of paternity must be directed essentially towards a man’s own children. This, however, is by no means necessarily the case. The Melanesians do not know that people have fathers, yet among them fathers are at least as fond of their children as they are where they know them to be their children. A flood of light has been thrown upon the psychology of paternity by Malinowski’s books on the Trobriand Islanders. Three books especially – Sex and Repression in Savage Society, The Father in Primitive Psychology, and The Sexual Life of Savages in North-West Melanesia- are quite indispensable to any understanding of the complex sentiment which we call that of paternity. There are, in fact, two entirely distinct reasons which may lead a man to be interested in a child: he may be interested in the child because he believes it to be his child, or again he may be interested in it because he knows it to be his wife’s child. The second of these motives alone operates where the part of the father in generation is not known.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第二章「母系社会 」n.2:「本能」という言葉は曖昧

第二章 母系社会 n.2


たとえば,生娘(処女の若い女性)が公式に(officially 公務として)(しかも,時にはこそこそとではなく公然と)僧侶によって処女を奪われることは,未開人の間ばかりではなく,一部のかなり文明化した種族の間でもよく見られた慣習であった。キリスト教国の男性は,処女を奪うことは花婿の特権であるべきだと考えてきたし,また,大部分のキリスト教徒は,いずれにせよ最近まで,宗教的な理由によって処女を奪う慣習に対して自分たちが嫌悪感を抱くのは本能的なものである,と考えてきたであろう。




Chapter II Matrilineal Societies,n.2

The instinctive element in sex relations is much less than is usually supposed. It is not my purpose in this book to go into anthropology except in so far as may be necessary to illustrate present-day problems, but there is one respect in which that science is very necessary for our purposes, and that is, to show how many practices, which we should have thought contrary to instinct, can continue for long periods without causing any great or obvious conflict with instinct. It has, for example, been a common practice not only with savages but with some comparatively civilied races, for virgins to be officially (and sometimes publicly) deflowered by priests. In Christian countries men have held that defloration should be the prerogative of the bridegroom, and most Christians, at any rate until recent times, would have regarded their repugnance to the custom of religious defloration as an instinctive one. The practice of lending one’s wife to a guest as an act of hospitality is also one which to the modern European seems instinctively repugnant, and yet it has been very widespread. Polyandry is another custom which an unread white man would suppose contrary to human nature. Infanticide might seem still more so ; yet the facts show that it is resorted to with great readiness wherever it seems economically advantageous. The fact is that, where human beings are concerned, instinct is extraordinarily vague and easily turned aside from its natural course. This is the case equally among savages and among civilized communities. The word “instinct”, in fact, is hardly the proper one to apply to anything so far from rigid as human behaviour in sexual matters. The only act in this whole realm which can be called instinctive in the strict psychological sense is the act of sucking in infancy. I do not know how it may be with savages, but civilized people have to learn to perform the sexual act. It is not uncommon for doctors to be asked by married couples of some years’ standing for advice as to how to get children, and to find on examination that the couples have not known how to perform intercourse. The sexual act is not, therefore, in the strictest sense, instinctive, although of course there is a natural trend towards it and a desire not easily to be satisfied without it. Indeed, where human beings are concerned we do not have the precise behaviour-patterns which are to be found among other animals, and instinct in that sense is replaced by something rather different. What we have with human beings is first of all a dissatisfaction leading to activities of a more or less random and imperfect sort, but arriving gradually, more or less by accident, at an activity which gives satisfaction and which is therefore repeated. What is instinctive is thus not so much the finished activity as the impulse to learn it, and often the activity which would give satisfaction is by no means definitely predetermined, though, as a rule, the biologically most advantageous activity will give the most complete satisfaction, provided it is learnt before contrary habits have been acquired.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.
