第五章 キリスト教倫理 n.9:告解(懺悔)すれば罪を赦免するという戦略

新教(プロテスタント)の見方は,多少異なっていて,理論上はカトリックよりも厳しさが少ないけれども,実際上はある面ではカトリックよりもより厳しいものであった。ルターは,「情欲で身を焦がすよりも,結婚したほうがよりよい(ましである)」という聖書の句にいたく感銘しており,また,ある修道女と恋愛関係にも陥っていた。彼は,推論の結果,次のような結論を出した。即ち,独身の誓いを立てはしたが,自分と修道女とは結婚する権利がある,なぜなら,自分の情熱の強さにかんがみ,もしも結婚しなければ,自分は大罪(注:mortal sin = fatal sin)を犯すことになりかねないからである。
Chapter V Christian Ethics、n.9
Along with this extremely rigid theory, Catholicism has always had a certain degree of toleration for what it held to be sin. The Church has recognized that ordinary human nature could not be expected to live up to its precepts, and has been prepared to give absolution for fornication provided the sinner acknowledged his fault and did penance. This practical toleration was a method of increasing the power of the clergy, since they alone could pronounce absolution, and but for absolution fornication would entail eternal damnation.
The outlook of Protestantism has been somewhat different, in theory less severe, but in practice in some ways more so. Luther was much impressed by the text “It is better to marry than to burn”, and was also in love with a nun. He inferred that, in spite of vows of celibacy, he and the nun had a right to marry, since otherwise, given the strength of his passions, he would have been led into mortal sin. Protestantism accordingly abandoned the praise of celibacy, which had been characteristic of the Catholic Church, and wherever it was vigorous it also abandoned the doctrine that marriage is a sacrament, and tolerated divorce in certain circumstances. But Protestants were more shocked than Catholics by fornication, and altogether more rigid in their moral condemnations. The Catholic Church expected a certain amount of sin, and arranged methods for dealing with it; the Protestants, on the contrary, abandoned the Catholic practices of confessions and absolution, and left the sinner in a much more hopeless position than he occupies in the Catholic Church. One sees this attitude in both its aspects in modern America, where divorce is exceedingly easy, but adultery is condemned with far more severity than in most Catholic countries.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.