
第二章 母系社会 n.7

 メラネシア人の間の,子供に対する父親の態度を説明するためにマリノフスキーが持ち出した(ところの)本能は,私見では,彼の著書に見られる(書かれている)よりも,もう少し一般的なものであると思われる。男でも女でも,自分が世話をしなければならない(has to tend)子供に対しては愛情を感じるようになる傾向があると思われる。たとえ,初めはただ慣習やしきたり,あるいは賃金のみのためにのみ,おとなが子供の世話をするようになったとしても,そうして世話をしているだけで,大部分の場合,愛情が育ってくる(ものである)。その子どもが愛する女性の子供である場合には,疑いなく,この感情は補強される。だから,これらの未開人が,妻の子供にかなりの献身(的愛情)を示すことは理解できるし,文明社会の人間が我が子に寄せる愛情にも,こうした要素が大きな部分を占めていることは確かだと考えてよいだろう。


Chapter II Matrilineal Societies,n.7

The instinct to which Malinowski appeals to explain the attitude of a father towards his children among the Melanesians is, I think, somewhat more general than it appears in his pages. There is, I think, in either a man or a woman a tendency to feel affection for any child whom he or she has to tend. Even if nothing but custom and convention, or wages, have in the first instance caused an adult to have the care of a child, the mere fact of having that care will, in the majority of cases, cause affection to grow up. No doubt this feeling is reinforced where the child is the child of a woman who is loved. It is, therefore, intelligible that these savages show considerable devotion to their wives’ children, and it may be taken as certain that this is a large element in the affection which civilized men give to their children. Malinowski maintains-and it is difficult to see how his opinion can be controverted-that all mankind must have passed through the stage in which the Trobriand Islanders are now, since there must have been a period when paternity was nowhere recognized. Animal families, where they include a father, must have a like basis, since they cannot have any other. It is only among human beings, after the fact of fatherhood has become known, that the sentiment of paternity can assume the form with which we are familiar.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



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