
第四章 男根崇拝,禁欲主義および罪 n.7:キリストの花嫁


 けれども,歴史的現象として見た場合の(修道士の)独身主義には,(同様に重要な as well)他の原因もある。神々への奉仕に身をささげている男女の司祭は,これらの神々と結婚したとみなされ,それゆえ,生きている人間(mortals 俗人)との性交はすべて控える義務があると見なされる(のである)。彼らは,当然,例外的に神聖であると考えられるようになり,そのようにして,神聖性と独身主義とが結びつく。カトリック教会では,今日にいたるまで,修道女(尼僧)はキリストの花嫁とみなされている。そして,これこそ,修道女が生きている人間(俗人)と交わるのは邪悪であるとされる理由の一つであることは確かである(確実である)。

Chapter IV Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin, n.7

Where jealousy and sexual fatigue co-operate, as they often do, the strength of the anti-sexual passion may become very great. I think this is the main reason why asceticism is apt to grow up in very licentious societies.
Celibacy as an historical phenomenon has, however, other sources as well. Priests and priestesses dedicated to the service of divinities may be regarded as married to these divinities, and as therefore obliged to abstain from all intercourse with mortals. They will naturally be considered exceptionally holy, and thus an association is brought about between holiness and celibacy. Up to our own day in the Catholic Church, nuns are regarded as the brides of Christ. And this is certainly one of the reasons why it is thought wicked for them to have intercourse with mortals
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



第四章 男根崇拝,禁欲主義および罪 n.6:性的放縦と反動としての禁欲主義

 性的疲労は文明によってもたらされた現象である。性的疲労は,動物の間ではまったく知られていないにちがいないであろうし,また,未開人の間でも非常にまれであるにちがいない。一夫一婦制の結婚のもとでは,性的疲労は,ごく軽い程度の場合を除いて,起こりそうもない。大部分の男性の場合,生理的過度に陥るためには,目新しさ(新しい刺激)が必要になるからである。また,女性が性交を許すこと(注:one’s favors; favours 情交の同意)を自由に拒絶できるような場合にも,性的疲労は起こりそうもない。なぜなら,そういう場合は,女性は,動物のメスのように,性行為のたびに,事前に求愛を要求し,男性の情熱が十分にかき立てられたと感じないうちは性交を許さないからである。


Chapter IV Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin, n.6

Sexual fatigue is a phenomenon introduced by civilization; it must be quite unknown among animals and very rare among uncivilized men. In a monogamic marriage it is unlikely to occur except in a very small degree, since the stimulus of novelty is required with most men to lead them to physiological excess. It is also unlikely to occur when women are free to refuse their favours, for, in that case, like female animals, they will demand courtship before each act of intercourse, and will not yield their favours until they feel that a man’s passions are sufficiently stimulated. This purely instinctive feeling and behaviour has been rendered rare by civilization. What has done most to eliminate it is the economic factor. Married women and prostitutes alike make their living by means of their sexual charms, and do not, therefore, only yield when their own instinct prompts them to do so. This has greatly diminished the part played by courtship, which is nature’s safeguard against sexual fatigue. Consequently men who are not restrained by a fairly rigid ethic are apt to indulge to excess; this produces in the end a feeling of weariness and disgust, which leads naturally to ascetic convictions.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



第四章 男根崇拝,禁欲主義および罪 n.5

最初に断わっておかなければならないが,この種の態度の原因を信念に求めるのは無益である。この種の信念は,まず第一に,気分によって引き起こされるにちがいない。確かに,人たたびそれらの信念が生じた場合は,気分を -あるいは,少なくともその気分に応じた行為を- 永続化するかもしれない。しかし,この種の信念が性を否定する態度の根本原因になるなどということは,まずありそうにもない。そのような態度の主要な二つの原因は,私に言わせれば嫉妬と性的疲労である。



Chapter IV Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin, n.5

It should be said to begin with that it is useless to look to beliefs as the source of this kind of attitude. Beliefs of this sort must be in the first place inspired by a mood; it is true that when once they exist they may perpetuate the mood, or at any rate actions in accordance with the mood, but it is hardly likely that they will be the prime causes of an anti-sexual attitude. The two main causes of such an attitude are, I should say, jealousy and sexual fatigue. Wherever jealousy is aroused, even if it be only faintly, the sexual act appears to us disgusting, and the appetite which leads to it loathsome. The purely instinctive man, if he could have his way, would have all women love him and him only; any love which they may give to other men inspires in him emotions which may easily pass into moral condemnation. Especially is this the case when the woman is his wife. One finds in Shakespeare, for example, that his men do not desire their wives to be passionate. The ideal woman, according to Shakespeare, is one who submits to her husband’s embraces from a sense of duty, but would not think of having a lover, since sex in itself is disagreeable to her and is only endured because the moral law commands that it should be. The instinctive husband, when he finds that his wife has betrayed him, is filled with disgust against both her and her lover, and is apt to conclude that all sex is beastly. Especially will this be the case if he has become impotent through excess or old age. Since old men have in most societies more weight than the young, it is natural that the official and correct opinion on sexual matters should be not that of hot-headed youth.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



第四章 男根崇拝,禁欲主義および罪 n.4


 ウェスターマークは,彼の言うところの「性的関係が一般にそうであるように,結婚には何か不純で罪深いものがあるという奇妙な観念」( 出典:『人類婚姻史』p.151以下)の事例をたくさんあげている。キリスト教や仏教の影響をまったく受けていない,世界の大部分の多様な地域において,独身を誓った男女の司祭の修道会(orders)が存在してきた。ユダヤ人の間では,エッセネ派(の信徒)は性交はすべて不純なものだと考えていた。こういった見解は,古代においては,キリスト教に最も敵対した集団の間においてさえ広まっていたように思われる。実際,ローマ帝国においては,禁欲主義に向かう一般的傾向があった。エピキュロス派の快楽主義は,ほとんど死に絶え,教養あるギリシア人やローマ人の間では,ストア学派の禁欲主義がそれに取って代わった

聖書外典(注:Apocrypha : 聖書の正典に加えられなかった文書)の中の多くの節からは,女性に対するほとんど修道士的とも言うべき態度が伺える(見受けられる)のであり,旧約聖書のもっと古い本に見られるたくましい男性らしさ(力強さ)とは非常に異なっている。



Chapter IV Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin, n.4

So far we have been considering pro-sexual elements in religion ; anti-sexual elements, however, existed side by side with the others from a very early time, and in the end, wherever Christianity or Buddhism prevailed, these elements won a complete victory over their opposites. Westermarck gives many instances of what he calls “the curious notion that there is something impure and sinful in marriage, as in sexual relations generally”. (History of Human Marriage, pp. l5I ff.) In the most diverse parts of the world, quite remote from any Christian or Buddhist influence, there have been orders of priests and priestesses vowed to celibacy.
Among the Jews the sect of the Essenes considered all sexual intercourse impure. This view seems to have gained ground in antiquity even in the circles most hostile to Christianity. There was indeed a general tendency towards asceticism in the Roman Empire. Epicureanism nearly died out and stoicism replaced it among cultivated Greeks and Romans. Many passages in the Apocrypha suggest an almost monkish attitude towards women, very different from the robust virility of the older books of the Old Testament. The neo-Platonists were almost as ascetic as the Christians. From Persia the doctrine that matter is evil spread to the West, and brought with it the belief that all sexual intercourse is impure. This is, though not in an extreme form, the view of the Church, but I do not wish to consider the Church until the next chapter. What is evident is that in certain circumstances men are led spontaneously to a horror of sex, and this when it arises is quite as much a natural impulse as the more usual attraction towards sex. It is necessary to take account of it and to understand it psychologically if we are to be able to judge what kind of sexual system is most likely to satisfy human nature.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.




第四章 男根崇拝,禁欲主義および罪 n.3

フランダースやフランスでは,淫猥な(ithypahllic 男根を見せている)聖徒はめずらしくなかった。たとえば,ブルターニュ(Brittany)の聖ジル,アンジューの聖ルネ,ブールジュの(Bourges)聖グルリション,聖ルノー,聖アルノーなどである。南フランス全体の中で最も評判の高かった聖フ一夕ンは,リヨンの最初の司教であったと言われていた。アンブラン(Embrun)にある彼の聖廟がユグノー教徒(Huguenots,)によって破壊された時,この聖者の驚くほど巨大な男根像(phallus)が廃嘘から救い出されたが,それは,大量のブドウ酒が献酒されて(注がれて)いて赤く染まっていた。彼の崇拝者たちは,ブドウ酒をその男根に注ぎかけ,その後で,不妊や性的不能を治す特効薬として,その神酒を飲むこと(potation)が習わしであった(のである)。 (出典:ブリフォールト,前掲書 p.40)

Chapter IV Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin, n.3

Considerable elements of phallic worship existed in all the pagan religions of antiquity, and supplied the Fathers with many polemical weapons. In spite of their polemics, however, traces of phallic worship survived throughout the Middle Ages, and only Protestantism was finally successful in extirpating all vestiges of it.
In Flanders and in France ithyphallic saints were not uncommon, such as St. Giles in Brittany, St. Rend in Anjou, St. Greluchon at Bourges, St. Regnaud, St. Arnaud. The most popular throughout southern France, St. Foutin, was reputed to have been the first bishop of Lyons. When his shrine at Embrun was destroyed by the Huguenots, the phenomenal phallus of the holy personage was rescued from the ruins, stained red from abundant libations of wine, which his worshippers had been in the habit of pouring over it, drinking thereafter the potation as an infallible remedy against sterility and impotence.(Briffault, loc. cit/, p.40)

Sacred prostitution is another institution which was very widespread in antiquity. In some places ordinary respectable women went to a temple and had intercourse either with a priest or with a casual stranger. In other cases, the priestesses themselves was sacred harlots. Probably all such customs arose out of the attempt to secure the fertility of women through the favour of the gods, or the fertility of the crops by sympathetic magic.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



第四章 男根崇拝,禁欲主義および罪 n.2

( 注:マオリ族の国では,(次のように言われている。)「月は,全女性の永遠の夫,あるいは本当の夫である。我々の祖先や長老の理解(知識)によれば,男女の結婚(man and wife 夫婦となるための結婚)はまったく重要な事柄ではない(a matter of no moment)。月こそ,其の夫である。」) 類似した考え(物の見方)は,世界の大部分の地域に存在してきた。これは,明らかに,父性が知られなかった段階から父性の重要性が完全に認められる(段階)までの過渡期を示すものである。ブリフォールト,前掲書,p.37所載)

Chapter IV Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin, n.2

In many parts of the world it has been thought that the moon (regarded as masculine) is the true father of all children. (note 3: In the Maori State “the moon is the permanent husband or true husband of all women. According to the knowledge of our ancestors and elders, the marriage of man and wife is a matter of no moment: the moon is the true husband.” Similar views have existed in most parts of the world, and obviously represent a transition from the stage where paternity was unknown to the complete recognition of its importance. Briffault, loc. cit., p. 37.)
This view is, of course, connected with moon worship. There has been a curious conflict, not directly relevant to our present subject, between lunar and solar priesthoods and lunar and solar calendars. The calendar has at all times played an important part in religion. In England down to the eighteenth century and in Russia down to the Revolution of 1917, an inaccurate calendar was perpetuated owing to the feeling that the Gregorian calendar was papistical. Similarly, the very inaccurate lunar calendars were everywhere advocated by priests devoted to the worship of the moon, and the victory of the solar calendar was slow and partial. In Egypt this conflict was at one time a source of civil war. One may suppose that it was connected with a grammatical dispute as to the gender of the word “moon”, which has remained masculine in German down to the present day. Both sun worship and moon worship have left their traces in Christianity, since Christ’s birth occurred at the winter solstice, while his resurrection occurred at the Paschal full-moon. Although it is rash to attribute any degree of rationality to primitive civilization, it is nevertheless difficult to resist the conclusion that the victory of the sun worshippers, wherever it occurred, was due to the patent fact that the sun has more influence than the moon over the crops. Accordingly Saturnalia generally occurred in the spring.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



第四章 男根崇拝,禁欲主義および罪 n.1

  父性の事実が初めて発見された時以来,性はつねに宗教にとって大いなる関心事であった。このことは,(最初から人が)予想するであろう(予想された)ことにすぎない。宗教は,神秘的かつ重要なことであれば何でも関心を寄せるからである。農業及び牧畜時代の初期においては,作物(収穫物)や羊や牛の群れや,あるいは女性の実りの多さ(多産であること)は,男性にとって最も重要なことであった。作物はいつも豊作であることはなかったし,性交はいつも妊娠を引き起こすことはなかった。望む結果を確実にするために,宗教や柔術(魔術)に救いを求めた。類感呪術(注:systematic magic 交感呪術)の日常的な観念に従って人間の多産を促すことで土地の豊穣さを助長することができ,そうして,多くの原始社会の願いである人間の多産そのものは,種々の宗教的・呪術的な儀式で促進されると考えられていた(のである)。

 古代エジプトでは -母系制時代の終わらないうちに農業が起こったようであるが- 宗教の中の性的要素は,初めは男根的なもの(男根崇拝的なもの)ではなく,女性の生殖器とかかわりがあり,女性器の形は子安貝(cowry shell)によって示唆されると考えられ,それゆえに,子安貝は魔力を持つとされ,また,通貨として使用されるようになった
けれども,この段階は過ぎ去り,後期エジプトにおいて,大部分の古代文明の場合と同様に,宗教の中の性的要素は男根崇拝のかたちをとった。このことに関する最も顕著な事実の簡潔できわめてすぐれた記述が,ロバート・ブリフォールト(著)『文明における性』の一章に見いだされる。(注:V. F. クラヴァートン,S. D. シュマールハウゼン編,ハヴェロック・エリス序。ロンドン,アレン&アンウイン社,1929年刊)

(彼は言う,)農業祭,特に種まきや作物の収穫に関わる祭りは,世界のあらゆる地域や,あらゆる時代にわたって,一般的な性的放縦(general sexual licence)の最も目立った例を提供している。……アルジェリアの農民たちは,彼らの中の女性たちの性的放縦さにどのような制約が加えられても,性道徳を強制しようとする試みは,すべて農作業の成功をさまたげるという根拠(理由)から,憤慨する。アテネのテスモフォリア(Thesmophoria),つまり,種まき祭は,弱められた形で,元来の多産の呪術の性格をとどめていた。女性たちは,男根のシンボルを持ち歩き,みだらな言葉を口にした。農神祭(satunalia)は,ローマの種まき祭であり,それは南ヨーロッパのカーニバルに継承されており,そこでは,スー族やダオメ一族の間でよく見られるものとほとんど違わないような男根のシンボルが,ごく最近まで異彩を放つ特徴であった。(注:ブリフォールト,前掲書,p.34)

Chapter IV Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin

From the time that the fact of paternity was first discovered, sex has always been a matter of great interest to religion. This is only what one would expect, since religion concerns itself with everything that is mysterious and important. Fruitfulness, whether of crops, or of flocks and herds, or of women, was of prime importance to men in the beginnings of the agricultural and pastoral stages. Crops did not always nourish and intercourse did not always produce pregnancy. Religion and magic were invoked to make sure of the desired result. In accordance with the usual ideas of sympathetic magic, it was thought that by promoting human fertility the fertility of the soil could be encouraged ; and human fertility itself, which was desired in many primitive communities, was promoted by various religious and magical ceremonies. In ancient Egypt, where agriculture appears to have risen before the end of the matrilineal epoch, the sexual element in religion was at first not phallic but concerned with the female genitalia, the shape of which was supposed to be suggested by the cowry shell, which accordingly was held to have magic powers and came to be used as currency. This stage, however, passed away, and in later Egypt, as in most ancient civilizations, the sexual element in religion took the form of phallic worship. A very good short account of the most salient facts in this connection will be found in a chapter by Robert Briffault in Sex in Civilizaiion.(note 1: Edited by V. F. Claverton and S. D. Schmalhausen, with an introduction by Havelock Ellis. London : George Allen and Unwin Ltd., I929.)
Agricultural festivals (he says), and more especially those connected with the planting of seed and the gathering of harvest, present in every region of the world and in every age the most conspicuous examples of general sexual licence …. The agricultural populations of Algeria resent any restriction being placed upon the licentiousness of their women upon the ground that any attempt to enforce sexual morality would be prejudicial to the success of their agricultural operations. The Athenian thesmophoria, or sowing-feasts, preserved in an attenuated form the original character of the magic of fertility. The women carried phallic emblems and uttered obscenities. The saturnalia were the Roman feasts of sowing, and have been succeeded by the carnival of Southern Europe, in which phallic symbols, differing little from those in vogue among the Sioux and in Dahomey, were down to recent years a conspicuous feature.(note 2: 2 Briffault, loc. cit., p. 34.)
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



第三章 家父長制度 n.4

 しかし,文明が進むにつれて,経済的な事情(暮らし向き)も変化した。そのため,かつては私利(私欲)を勧めるものであった宗教の教えも退屈なものになりはじめた。ローマが繁栄するようになってからは,金持ち(富裕層)は,もはや大家族をもたなかった。偉大なる古代ローマ時代の後半の数世紀を通して,(古代ローマの)古い貴族の家系は,道学者(moralist)による(家族を増やすようにとの)熱心な勧め -それは,今日と同様,当時も効き目はなかった- にもかかわらず,絶えず滅びつつあった。離婚は,容易かつ日常的なものとなった。上流階級の女性,男性とほぼ同等の地位を獲得し,家長権(patria potestas)はますます小さくなっていった。こうした展開は,多くの点で,今日の状況と非常によく似たところがあったが,それは上流階級に限定されていたので,そのことによって利益を受けるほど富んでいない人びとをぎょっとさせた。


キリスト教と未開のゲルマン人(蛮族)の侵入によって,ギリシア・ローマの思想体系は,破壊されてしまった。家父長制度は生き残り,また,少なくとも貴族政治のローマの制度と比べれば,初めのうち,家父長制度は強化されすらしたけれども,それにもかかわらず,新しい要素,すなわち,キリスト教の性観念とキリスト教の霊魂と救済に関する教義から導き出された個人主義に順応しなければならなかった。キリスト教社会はどこも,古代の文明や極東の文明ほど,つつみかくさず生物学的になることができない。さらに,キリスト教社会の個人主義が,徐々に,キリスト教諸国の政治形態に影響を及ぼす一方,個人の霊魂不滅の約束によって,人びとが子孫(progeny)の生き残り -それ以前は,子孫を残すことこそ,不滅にいたる一番の近道であると思われていた- に抱いていた関心は,減少してしまった。



Chapter III Patriarchal Systems, n.4

But as civilization advanced the economic circumstances changed, so that the religious precepts which had at one time been exhortations to self-interest began to grow irksome. After Rome became prosperous, the rich no longer had large families. Throughout the later centuries of Roman greatness the old patrician stocks were continually dying out in spite of the exhortations of moralists, which were as ineffective then as they are now. Divorce became easy and common; women in the upper classes achieved a position almost equal to that of men, and the patria potestas grew less and less. This development was in many ways very much like that of our own day, but it was confined to the upper classes, and shocked those who were not rich enough to profit by it. The civilization of antiquity, in contrast to our own, suffered through being confined to a very small percentage of the population. It was this that made it precarious while it lasted, and caused it ultimately to succumb to a great uprush of superstition from below. Christianity and the barbarian invasion destroyed the Greco-Roman system of ideas. While the patriarchal system remained, and was even at first strengthened, as compared at any rate to the system of aristocratic Rome, it had nevertheless to accommodate itself to a new element, namely the Christian view of sex and the individualism derived from the Christian doctrine of the soul and salvation. No Christian community can be so frankly biological as the civilizations of antiquity and of the Far East. Moreover, the individualism of Christian communities gradually affected the polity of Christian countries, while the promise of personal immortality diminished the interest which men took in the survival of their progeny, which had formerly seemed to them the nearest approach to immortality that was possible. Modern society, although it is still patrilineal and although the family still survives, attaches infinitely less importance to paternity than ancient societies did. And the strength of the family is enormously less than it used to be. Men’s hopes and ambitions nowadays are utterly different from those of the patriarchs in Genesis. They wish to achieve greatness rather through their position in the State than through the possession of a numerous posterity. This change is one of the reasons why traditional morals and theology have less force than they used to have. Nevertheless, the change itself is in fact a part of Christian theology. To see how this has come about, the way in which religion has affected men’s views of marriage and the family must next be examined.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.



第三章 家父長制度 n.3


(だが)それと同時に,年配の女性(婦人)は,家庭内ではほぼ専制的な権力を行使することができた。彼女(年とった女性)の息子や嫁は,皆一つ屋根の下に住み,嫁は完全にその老婦人に従属していた。中国では,今日にいたるまで(注:本書『結婚論』の出版は1929年であり,ラッセルは1920年から1921年まで中国の北京大学の客員教授であった。),若い嫁が姑による虐待によって自殺に追い込まれることが稀ではない。そして,いまだに中国で見られることは,ヨーロッパやアジアの文明化した地域の至るところで,ごく最近まで普遍的に見られたことにすぎない。イエス・キリストが,私が(この世に)やってきたのは,息子を父親に,嫁を姑に刃向かわせるためであると言った時,彼は極東で今なお見られる(見いだせる),まさしくこういった家庭のことを考えていたのである。父親が最初に,自分の優れた力で獲得した権力は,宗教によって強化された。そして,宗教は,その大部分の形式において,神(gods 神々)は政府(Government 統治する者)の味方であるという信仰である,と定義できる

祖先崇拝,あるいはそれに類似したものは,非常に広範囲に行われていた。キリスト教の宗教理念(思想)には,すでに見たように,父性の威厳が充満している。君主制や貴族制度の社会組織や相続制度は,どこを見ても,(男系の)世襲制度(paternal system)に基づいていた。古代では,経済的動機がこの制度をささえていた。創世記を見ると,男たちがどんなに多くの子孫をほしがっていたか,また,多くの子孫ができると,それがどんなに有利であったかがわかる。息子が殖えることは,羊や牛の群れが殖えることと同様に有利なことであった。それこそが,当時,エホバが人間に「産めよ! 増やせよ!」と命じた理由であった。

Chapter III Patriarchal Systems, n.3

Fathers, having discovered the fact of their existence, proceeded everywhere to exploit it to the uttermost. The history of civilization is mainly a record of the gradual decay of paternal power, which reached its maximum, in most civilized countries, just before the beginning of historical records. Ancestor worship, which has lasted to our own day in China and Japan, appears to have been a universal characteristic of early civilization. A father had absolute power over his children, extending in many cases, as in Rome, to life and death. Daughters throughout civilization, and sons in a great many countries, could not marry without their fathers’ consent, and it was usual for the father to decide whom they should marry. A woman had in no period of her life any independent existence, being subject first to her father and then to her husband. At the same time an old woman could exercise almost despotic power within the household; her sons and their wives all lived under the same roof with her, and her daughters-in-law were completely subject to her. Down to the present day in China it is not unknown for young married women to be driven to suicide by the persecution of their mothers-in-law, and what can still be seen in China is only what was universal throughout the civilized parts of Europe and Asia until very recent times. When Christ said he was come to set the son against the father and the daughter-in-law against the mother-in-law, He was thinking of just such households as one still finds in the Far East. The power which the father acquired in the first instance by his superior strength was reinforced by religion, which may in most of its forms be defined as the belief that the gods are on the side of the Government. Ancestor worship, or something analogous, prevailed very widely. The religious ideas of Christianity, as we have already seen, are impregnated with the majesty of fatherhood. The monarchic and aristocratic organization of society and the system of inheritance were based everywhere upon paternal system. In early days economic motives upheld this system. One sees in Genesis how men desired a numerous progeny, and how advantageous it was to them when they had it. Multiplication of sons was as advantageous as multiplication of flocks and herds. That was why in those days Yahveh ordered men to increase and multiply.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.




第三章 家父長制度 n.2

 家系をたどる方法の変容(一変)とともに,当然のこと,経済制度も変わった。母系社会では,男子は母方のおじから相続する。家父長制社会では,父から相続する。家父長制社会における父と息子との関係は,母系社会に存在する男同士の間のいかなる関係よりも密接である。というのは,先に見たように,(現代の)我々が,当然,父親にあると思っている(帰属している)機能・役割は,母系社会においては,父親と母方のおじとに二分されているからであり,(即ち)愛情と世話は父親から与えられるのに対して,権力と財産は母方のおじから与えられるからである。従って,家父長制の家族は,もっと原始的なタイプの家族よりも,結びつきが一段と緊密なもの(注:affair = もの)であることは明らかである。
男性が花嫁に処女性を望むようになったのは,家父長制度が導入されてはじめてであると思われる。母系制度が存在しているところでは,娘たちは,若い男と同じように,自由奔放に遊びまわっている(注:”sow wild oats” :若気の至りで馬鹿なことをする;幾度も女遊びをする)。しかし,結婚以外の性交はすべて邪悪であるということを女たちに納得させることが非常に重要になってくると,こういうことは大目に見てもらえなくなった(たえてもらえなくなった)。

Chapter III Patriarchal Systems, n.2

The economic system naturally changed at the same time that the method of reckoning descent was transformed. In a matrilineal society a man inherits from his maternal uncle; in a patrilineal society he inherits from his father. The relation of father and son in a patrilineal society is a closer one than any relation between males which exists in a matrilineal society, for, as we have seen, the functions which we naturally attribute to the father are divided in a matrilineal society between the father and the maternal uncle, affection and care coming from the father, while power and property come from the maternal uncle. It is clear, therefore, that the patriarchal family is a more closely knit affair than the family of a more primitive type.
It would seem that it is only with the introduction of the patriarchal system that men came to desire virginity in their brides. Where the matrilineal system exists young women sow their wild oats as freely as young men, but this could not be tolerated when it became of great importance to persuade women that all intercourse outside marriage is wicked.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.
