とにかく,アメリカにおいて,(米国の)体制(側)の権力を例証するとても興味深い事件は,クロウド・イーザリー(Claude Eatherly, 1918-1978)の事件である。彼は,広島に爆弾を投下するための信号を送った。彼の事件は,また,現代世界においては,法律を破ることによってのみ兇暴な罪を犯すことを免れることができるという事態が,しばしば起こることを例証している。彼は,その爆弾がどのような効果をもたらすか告げられていなかった。そうして,彼の行為の結果がわかった時,彼は全く恐れおののいた。

An extraordinarily interesting case which illustrates the power of the Establishment, at any rate in America, is that of Claude Eatherly, who gave the signal for the dropping of the bomb at Hiroshima. His case also illustrates that in the modern world it often happens that only by breaking the law can a man escape from committing atrocious crimes. He was not told what the bomb would do and was utterly horrified when he discovered the consequences of his act. He devoted himself throughout many years to various kinds of civil disobedience with a view to calling attention to the atrocity of nuclear weapons and to expiating the sense of guilt which, if he did not act, would weigh him down. The Authorities decided that he was to be considered mad, and a board of remarkably conformist psychiatrists endorsed that official view. Eatherly was repentant and certified; Truman was unrepentant and uncertified. I have seen a number of Eatherly’s statements explaining his motives. These statements are entirely sane. But such is the power of mendacious publicity that almost everyone, including myself, believed that he had become a lunatic.
出典: Has Man a Future? (1961),chap.4.
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