
 ・・・。 この国(英国)の新しい大学には,無数の講義を聴くことを強要する嘆かわしい傾向がある。ひとりで勉強するほうがよいという意見は,モンテッソーリ式の学校の幼児の場合には強く認められている(主張されている)が(allowed = admitted),二十歳の青年の場合は,私達が想定しているように,特に彼らが熱心で例外的な能力を持っている場合は,ずっと強く主張されてよい(認められてよい)。私が大学生であった頃,私も,私の大半の友人たちも,講義(を聴くこと)はまったく時間の浪費であると感じていた。疑いもなく,私たちは誇張していたが,誇張しすぎていたわけではない。講義を支持する真の理由は,それが(外部から見た場合)あきらかな労働(obvious work)だということにある。だからこそ,実業家たちは,講義のために(講義という教員の労働のために)喜んで金(寄付金)を支払うのである。
【安藤訳では “The real reason for lectures is that they are obvious work, and therefore business men are willing to pay for them”は「講義をする真の理由は,誰の目にもはっきりわかる仕事だということにある。だからこそ,実業家たちも講義のために喜んで金を出すのだ」と訳されている。この訳文を読んで理解できる人はどれだけいるだろうか。 実利目的第一の実業家から見れば,わかりやすい,情報量の多い講義は望ましいが,講義で馬鹿丁寧に説明しないでできるだけ学生に考えさせるようなやり方は「手を抜いていると見えてしまう,ということで,前者の講義なら進んで寄付をすると言っていると思われる(今で言えば,いわゆる,企業による冠講座)。即ち reason for lectures は「講義をする理由」ではなく,「講義を良しとする理由=講義を支持する理由」であろう。】

In the newer universities in this country, there is a regrettable tendency to insist upon attendance at innumerable lectures. The arguments in favour of individual work, which are allowed to be strong in the case of infants in a Montessori school, are very much stronger in the case of young people of twenty, particularly when, as we are assuming, they are keen and exceptionally able. When I was an undergraduate, my feeling, and that of most of my friends, was that lectures were a pure waste of time. No doubt we exaggerated, but not much. The real reason for lectures is that they are obvious work, and therefore business men are willing to pay for them. If university teachers adopted the best methods, business men would think them idle, and insist upon cutting down the staff. Oxford and Cambridge, because of their prestige, are to some extent able to apply the right methods ; but the newer universities are unable to stand up against business men, and so are most American universities.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.18: The University.





 現在のところ,弁護士や医者のような職業につくことは,親にある程度のお金がないかぎり,非常に困難である。なぜなら,それらの職業につくための訓練には金がかかるし,また,(卒業しても)すぐ稼ぎが得られるわけではないないからである(注:日本では,自治医科大学なら,卒業後一定年限僻地医療に従事すれば,学費が免除されるが,全体からすれば一部に過ぎない。)その結果,選択(入学者選抜)の原則は,その仕事に対する適性ではなくて,社会的かつ世襲的なものとなる(注:開業医の子弟は適性がなくても,また,能力があまりなくても,収入の良さのために医者になる者が多い。世間ではそれを揶揄し,よく「医者の馬鹿息子」と言う。)。医学を例にとってみよう。地域社会が医療(地域医療)を効果的に行ないたいと思ったら(注:wished 仮定)、(地域社会は),医者としての仕事(医療行為)に対して熱意と適性を最も示した若者を,医学訓練のために選ぶであろう。現在のところ,この原則は部分的に適用されて,医学的な訓練を受ける(経済的)余裕のある人たちの間から選んでいる(にすぎない)。しかし,将来最も優れた医者になれる人たちの多くは,非常に貧しく,医者になるためのコースをとれないということが,大いにありそうである(注:私立大学の医学部あるいは私立医科大学では,最低でも入学後,大学に1,000万以上の寄付をすることが常識化・常態化している)。これは,嘆かわしい才能の浪費をもたらす。

At present, it is very difficult to enter upon such a profession as law or medicine unless one’s parents have a certain amount of money, since the training is expensive and earnings do not begin at once. The consequence is that the principle of selection is social and hereditary, not fitness for the work. Take medicine as illustrative. A community which wished to have its doctoring done efficiently would select for medical training those young people who showed most keenness and aptitude for the work. At present this principle is applied partially, to select among those who can afford the training ; but it is quite probable that many of those who would make the best doctors are too poor to take the course. This involve a deplorable waste of talent. Let us take another example of a somewhat different kind. England is a very thickly populated country, which imports most of its food. From a number of points of view, but especially from that of safety in war, it would be a boon if more of our food were produced at home. Yet no measures are taken to see that our very limited area is efficiently cultivated. Farmers are selected mainly by heredity : as a rule, they are the sons of farmers. The others are men who have bought farms, which implies some capital but not necessarily any agricultural skill. It is known that Danish methods of agriculture are more productive than ours, but no steps are taken to cause our farmers to know about them. We ought to insist that every person allowed to cultivate more than a small holding should have a diploma in scientific agriculture, just as we insist on a motorist having a licence. The hereditary principle has been abandoned in government, but it lingers in many other departments of life. Wherever it exists, it promotes the inefficiency to which it formerly led in public affairs. We must replace it by two correlative rules : first, that no one shall be allowed to undertake important work without having acquired the necessary skill; secondly, that this skill shall be taught to the ablest of those who desire it, quite independently of their parents’ means. It is obvious that these two rules would enormously increase efficiency.
University education should therefore be regarded as a privilege for special ability, and those who possess the skill but no money should be maintained at the public expense during their course. No one should be admitted unless he satisfies the tests of ability, and no one should be allowed to remain unless he satisfies the authorities that he is using his time to advantage. The idea of the university as a place of leisure where rich young men loaf for three or four years is dying, but, like Charles II, it is an unconscionable time about it.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.18: The University.



英国において,また米国においても,純粋な学問を減らすおそれのある主な力は,(これまで)無知な富豪から寄付金を得ようとする欲求であった。これに対する治療法は,産業界の大物には理解することのできない目的のために公費を使うことを惜しまない(ような)教育された民主主義(educated democracy 機械的な民主主義ではなく,民度の高い民主主義)を創りだすことにある。これは決して不可能ではないが,そのためには知的レベルが一般的に向上する必要がある。もし,学者たちがもっと頻繁に金持ちの居候的態度(食客的態度)から解放されるならば,それは,ずっと容易になるだろう。そのような態度は,パトロンが学者の生計の自然な源泉(出所)であった時代から受け継がれたものであった。もちろん,学問と学者との区別がつかない(混同される)こともないわけではない。

If pure learning is to survive as one of the purposes of universities, it will have to be brought into relation with the life of the community as a whole, not only with the refined delights of a few gentlemen of leisure. I regard disinterested learning as a matter of great importance, and I should wish to see its place in academic life increased, not diminished. Both in England and in America, the main force tending to its diminution has been the desire to get endowments from ignorant millionaires. The cure lies in the creation of an educated democracy, willing to spend public money on objects which our captains of industry are unable to appreciate. This is by no means impossible, but it demands a general raising of the intellectual level. It would be much facilitated if our learned men would more frequently emancipate thernselves from the attitude of hangers-on of the rich, which they have inherited from a time when patrons were their natural source of livelihood. It is, of course, possible to confound learning with learned men. To take a purely imaginary example, a learned man may improve his financial position by teaching brewing instead of organic chemistry ; he gains, but learning suffers. If the learned man had a more genuine love of learning, he would not be politically on the side of the brewer who endows a professorship of brewing. And if he were on the side of democracy, democracy would be more ready to see the value of his learning. For all these reasons, I should wish to see learned bodies dependent upon public money rather than upon the benefactions of rich men. This evil is greater in America than in England, but it exists in England, and may increase.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.18: The University.

It is, of course, possible to confound learning with learned men.(もちろん,学問と学者との区別がつかない(混同される)こともないわけではない。)の一文はわかりにくいですが、次のような意味と思われます。ある学者が防衛省から委託された研究をしたり,企業から委託された紐付きの(しかし資金が多く支給される)研究をしたりする場合,学者がやっているのだから「学問」であるが,市井の(アマチュア)研究者が自分が知りたいことについて研究していても,学者ではないのでそれは「学問」とは認められない,ということ。もちろん、以前大学教授をしていたが大学をやめ名誉教授になれば、その人の研究は引き続き「学問」とされ,市井の人間が何十年と研究しても(学会で認められない限り)それは「学問」とは考えられない,ということ。即ち,「学問」=「学者」と思い込めば,「市井の人間の研究」は「非学問」ということになる。


 こうして,大学は,中世において占めていた地位に類似した地位に逆戻りしつつある。即ち,大学は,専門職のための養成学校になりつつある弁護士,聖職者,医者は,通常,大学教育を受けている。上級公務員(一級公務員=高級官僚)も,同様である。(注:日本でも,お寺の跡取りを教育する仏教系の大学が多数ある。東大法学部も創設当時の第一の目的は,上級公務員=高級官僚の養成が第一であったし,現在でもそうである。/ civil service = 公務員)技術者(技師)や種々の業種の専門家(technical workers 岩波文庫の安藤訳では「技術者」となっているが,この technical は「専門の」という意味であろう。/a technical book = 専門書;a technical term = 術語,専門用語; technical schools = 専門学校) も,大卒者の数がいだいに増えている。世界がより複雑になり,産業がより科学的になるにつれ,ますます多くの専門家が必要になる。そして,主として,そういう人たちは大学から供給されるのである。古風な人たちは,専門学校が純粋な学問の場に侵入してくることを嘆くけれども,それにもかかわらず,この状況は続いている。なぜなら,「教養」などなんとも思わない金権主義者たち(plutcrats)がそれを要求するからである。純粋な学問の敵は,反乱を起こした(暴走した)民主主義ではなく,金権主義者なのである。「無用の」学問(直接的に利益を生まない学問)は,「芸術のための芸術」と同様,貴族主義的な理想であり,金権主義的な理想ではないのである。(つまり)この貴族主義的な理想が残っているところでは,ルネッサンスの伝統がまだ廃れていないからである。私は,この理想が廃れるのを非常に残念に思っている。純粋な学問は,貴族主義と結びついた最上のものの一つであった。しかし,貴族主義の弊害は,この長所を容易に凌駕するほど非常に大きかった。いずれにせよ,産業主義は,私たちが望んでも望まなくても,貴族主義を抹殺するにちがいない。それゆえ,私たちは,貴族主義に新しくかつより強力な理念を付与することによって,救うことができるものを救う決心をしたほうがよいだろう。即ち,単に伝統にしがみついているかぎり,負け戦さを戦うことになるだろう。

The universities are thus reverting to a position more analogous to that which they occupied in the Middle Ages ; they are becoming training schools for the professions. Barristers, clergymen, and medical men have usually had a university education ; so have the first division of the civil service. An increasing number of engineers and technical workers in various businesses are university men. As the world grows more complicated and industry becomes more scientific, an increasing number of experts are required, and in the main they are supplied by the universities. Old-fashioned people lament the intrusion of technical schools into the haunts of pure learning, but it continues none the less, because it is demanded by plutocrats who care nothing for “culture”. It is they, much more than the insurgent democracy, who are the enemies of pure learning. “Useless” learning, like “art for art’s sake”, is an aristocratic, not a plutocratic, ideal ; where it lingers, it is because the Renaissance tradition is not yet dead. I regret the decay of this ideal profoundly ; pure learning was one of the best things associated with aristocracy. But the evils of aristocracy were so great as easily to outweigh this merit. In any case, industrialism must kill aristocracy, whether we desire it or not. We may as well make up our minds, therefore, to save what we can by attaching it to new and more potent conceptions ; so long as we cling to mere tradition, we shall be fighting a losing battle.

出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.18: The University.


学校は通学制が良いか? 寄宿制が良いか?

一方の側には,田園と空気と広々とした場所という長所(benefit 利益)がある。他方の側には,家族の愛情と,家族内の責任を知ることから得られる教育(という長所)がある。

Of the above considerations, both for and against boarding schools, there are only two that are essential and unalterable, and these two are on opposite sides. On the one side there is the benefit of the country and air and space ; on the other, the family affections and the education derived from knowledge of family responsibilities. In the case of parents who live in the country, there is a different argument in favour of boarding schools, namely, the improbability of a really good day school in their neighbourhood. I do not think it is possible, in view of these conflicting considerations, to arrive at any general conclusion. Where children are so strong and vigorous that considerations of health need not be taken very seriously, one argument for boarding schools fails. Where they are very devoted to their parents, one argument for day schools fails since the holidays will suffice to keep family affection alive, and term-time may just prevent it from becoming excessive. A sensitive child of exceptional ability had better not go to boarding school, and in extreme cases had better not go to school at all. Of course, a good school is better than a bad home, and a good home is better than a bad school. But where both are good, each case must be decided on its merits.
So far, I have written from the standpoint of a well-to-do parent, to whom individual choice is possible. When the matter is considered politically, from the point of view of the community, other considerations enter in. We have on the one hand the expense of boarding schools, on the other the simplification of the housing problem if children are away from home. I hold strongly that, apart from a few rare cases, everyone ought to have a scholastic education up to the age of eighteen, and exclusively vocational training should only begin after that age. Although much might be urged both ways on our present topic, the financial consideration will, for a long time to come, decide the question, in the case of most wage-earner’s sons and daughters, in favour of day schools. Since there is no clear ground for thinking this decision wrong, we may accept it, in spite of the fact that it is not made on educational grounds.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.17: Day schools and boarding schools.




In the case of sensitive boys, there is a certain risk in leaving them to the exclusive society of other boys. Boys of about twelve are, for the most part, at a rather barbarous and insensitive stage. Quite recently, at a leading public school, there was a case of a boy suffering grave bodily injury for being sympathetic to the Labour Party. Boys who differ from the average in their opinions and tastes are likely to suffer seriously. Even at the most modern and progressive boarding schools in existence, pro-Boers had a bad time during the Boer war. Any boy who is fond of reading, or does not dislike his work, is pretty sure to be illtreated. In France, the cleverest boys go to the Ecole Normale Superieure, and do not mix any longer with the average. This plan certainly has advantages. It prevents the intellectuals from having their nerve broken and becoming sycophants of the average Philistine, as happens to many of them in this country. It avoids the strain and misery which an unpopular boy must suffer. It makes it possible to give to clever boys the kind of teaching which suits them, which goes at a much more rapid pace than is possible for the less intelligent. On the other hand, it isolates the intellectuals from the rest of the community in later life, and makes them, perhaps, less able to understand the average man. In spite of this possible disadvantage, I think it on the whole better than the British upper-class practice of torturing all boys who have exceptional brains or exceptional moral qualities, unless they happen also to be good at games.
offset great advantages.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.17: Day schools and boarding schools.






it is organic, in a way in which a collection of homogeneous individuals is not. Parents love their children largely because they give so much trouble ; if parents give no trouble to their children, their children will not take them seriously. But the trouble they give must be legitimate ; it must be only such as is necessary if they are to do their work and have any life of their own. Respect for the rights of others is one of the things young people ought to learn, and it is more easily learnt in the family than elsewhere. It is good for boys and girls to know that their father can be harassed by worries and their mother worn out by a multiplicity of details. And it is good that filial affection should remain alive during adolescence. A world without family affection tends to become harsh and mechanical, composed of individuals who try to domineer, but become cringing if they fail. I fear that these bad effects are to a certain extent produced by sending children to boarding schools, and I regard them as sufficiently serious to offset great advantages.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.17: Day schools and boarding schools.



 全学年を通じて,知的冒険の感覚がなければならない。生徒たちは,決められた課業(事前に準備された授業内容)を終えたあとは,他人の力を借りないで(独力で)わくわくするものを見つけ出す機会を与えられるべきである。それゆえ,決められた課業は多すぎてはいけない褒める価値があるときには,必ず褒めてあげなければならない。また,誤りは指摘しなければならないが,その場合,非難が含まれていてはならない。生徒(たち)に,決して,自分の頭の悪さを恥ずかしく思うようにさせてはならない。教育において大きな刺激になるのは,(物事は)達成可能だと感じることである。退屈だと感じられるような知識はほとんど役に立たないが,熱心に吸収された知識は永遠の所有物となる。知識の実生活に対する関係を生徒たちによく見えるようにする(可視化する)とともに,知識によって世界を一変させることができることを理解させると良い。教師は,生徒の天敵ではなく,つねに生徒の味方だと思われるようにしよう。幼年期に十分な訓練(good training)が与えられていれば,知識の獲得を大多数の少年少女にとって楽しいものにするには,以上の戒め(precepts 教訓)で十分であろう

Throughout the whole of the school years there should be a sense of intellectual adventure. Pupils should be given the opportunity of finding out exciting things for themselves after their set tasks were done, and therefore the set tasks should not be too heavy. There must be praise whenever it is deserved, and, although mistakes must be pointed out, it should be done without censure. Pupils should never be made to feel ashamed of their stupidity. The great stimulus in education is to feel that achievement is possible. Knowledge which is felt to be boring is of little use, but knowledge which is assimilated eagerly becomes a permanent possession. Let the relation of knowledge to real life be very visible to your pupils, and let them understand how by knowledge the world could be transformed. Let the teacher appear always the ally of the pupil, not his natural enemy. Given a good training in the early years, these precepts will suffice to make the acquisition of knowledge delightful to the great majority of boys and girls.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.16: Last school years.



 私が言っているのは,こういうことにすぎない。即ち,科学的な精神を養いたい,ということである。著名な科学者も,自分の専門領域以外では,この精神を持っていないものが多い。私は,あらゆる領域にこの精神を広げたい。科学的な精神は,まず,真理を発見したいという願いを要求する。この願いは,強ければ強いほど良い。科学的な精神は,さらに,ある種の知的な良い性質(qualities 特質)を必要とする。まず不確かさがあり,ついで,証拠に基づく決定がなければならない。私たちは,証拠によってこれから証明されることをすでに知っているのだ,などと前もって想像してはならない。(また,)客観的な真理は到達不可能だとか,証拠は全て決定的なものではない(決定的な証拠など一つも存在しない)とか考えるような惰な懐疑主義に満足してはならない。私たちは,最も確かな根拠のある信念ですら,おそらく,いくらかの修正を必要とする,ということを認めなければならない。しかし,真理は,人間が到達可能なものに限れば,程度問題である。(つまり,たとえば)物理学に対する我々の信念は,ガリレオの時代以前よりも,現在確かに誤りがより少ない。児童心理学に関する私たちの信念は,アーノルド博士の信念よりも確かにより真理に近い。どちらの場合も,進歩は,先入観や情熱の代わりに観察を用いることで生じている。最初の不確かさが非常に重要なのは,まさに,こういう前進のためである。それゆえ,このことを教え,さらに,証拠を整理するのに要する技術を教えることが必要になる。敵対する宣伝家たちが,絶えず我々に向かって嘘を燃え立たせ(火炎のようにのように吹き付け),我々に毒薬を飲ませようとしたり,互いに毒ガスで殺しあうように誘っている世界においては,こういう批判的な精神の習慣は,はかり知れないほど重要である。目の前で断定をくりかえされると簡単に信じてしまうのは(軽信は),現代世界の悪弊の一つであり,学校は,それを防ぐために,できることは全てやらなければならない。

What I am saying is no more than this : that I should cultivate the scientific spirit. Many eminent men of science do not have this spirit outside their special province ; I should seek to make it all-pervasive. The scientific spirit demands in the first place a wish to find out the truth ; the more ardent this wish, the better. It involves, in addition, certain intellectual qualities. There must be preliminary uncertainty, and subsequent decision according to the evidence. We must not imagine in advance that we already know what the evidence will prove. Nor must we be content with a lazy scepticism, which regards objective truth as unattainable and all evidence as inconclusive. We should admit that even our best founded beliefs probably stand in need of some correction ; but truth, so far as it is humanly attainable, is a matter of degree. Our beliefs in physics are certainly less false now than they were before the time of Galileo. Our beliefs as to child psychology are certainly nearer to the truth than Dr. Arnold’s were. In each case, the advance has come through substituting observation for preconceptions and passions. It is for the sake of this step that preliminary uncertainty is so important. It is necessary, therefore, to teach this, and also to teach the skill required for marshalling evidence. In a world where rival propagandists are perpetually blazing falsehoods at us, to induce us to poison ourselves with pills or each other with poison gases, this critical habit of mind is enormously important. Ready credulity in the face of repeated assertions is one of the curses of the modern world, and schools should do what they can to guard against it.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.16: Last school years.




I should encourage a habit of intelligent controversy among the older boys and girls, and I should place no obstacles in their way even if they questioned what I regarded as important truths. I should make it my object to teach thinking, not orthodoxy, or even heterodoxy. And I should absolutely never sacrifice intellect to the fancied interest of morals. It is generally held that the teaching of virtue demands the inculcation of falsehood. In politics, we conceal the vices of eminent statesmen of our own party. In theology, we conceal the sins of Popes if we are Catholics, and the sins of Luther and Calvin if we are Protestants. In matters of sex, we pretend before young people that virtue is much commoner than it is. … This whole attitude implies a certain feebleness. Let us know the truth, whatever it is ; then we can act rationally. The holders of power wish to conceal the truth from their slaves, in order that they may be misled as to their own interests ; this is intelligible. What is less intelligible is that democracies should voluntarily make laws designed to prevent themselves from knowing the truth. This is collective Quixotism : they are resolved not to be told that the helmet is less good than they wish to believe. Such an attitude of abject funk is unworthy of free men and women. In my school no obstacle to knowledge shall exist, of any sort or kind. I shall seek virtue by the right training of passions and instincts, not by lying and deceit. In the virtue that I desire, the pursuit of knowledge, without fear and without limitation, is an essential element, in the absence of which the rest has little value.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.16: Last school years.

