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バートランド・ラッセル教育論 第三部 知性の教育_第17章 通学制の学校と寄宿制の学校- Bertrand Russell On Education, 1926

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通学制の学校と寄宿制の学校 - 学校におけるいじめの問題(松下 訳)

 現代の心理学者たちが主張しているように,父親あるいは母親の過度の影響は,当然のこと,非常に有害である。しかし,先にも示唆したように,子供たちが2歳、あるいは3歳から学校へ通うようになった場合は,そういう悪影響は生じそうもない,と私は信じている。幼いときから通学制の学校へ通うことで,親の支配と親としての存在の無さ(insignificance 放任?)との間で適切な妥協が行なわれるのではないか,と私は考える。私たちがこれまで考察してきた一連の考慮点(問題)に関するかぎり,家庭がよければ,これが明らかに最上の道(コース)であると思われる。

Pt. 3: Intellectual education - Chap.17 Day schools and boarding schools

It is, of course, true, as modern psychologists insist, that the excessive influence of father or mother is a very harmful thing. But I do not believe it is likely to exist where children have gone to school from the age of two or three, as I have suggested that they should. Day school from an early age affords, to my mind, the right compromise between parental domination and parental insignificance. So far as concerns the set of considerations with which we have just been occupied, this seems clearly the best course, given a good home.
In the case of sensitive boys, there is a certain risk in leaving them to the exclusive society of other boys. Boys of about twelve are, for the most part, at a rather barbarous and insensitive stage. Quite recently, at a leading public school, there was a case of a boy suffering grave bodily injury for being sympathetic to the Labour Party. Boys who differ from the average in their opinions and tastes are likely to suffer seriously. Even at the most modern and progressive boarding schools in existence, pro-Boers had a bad time during the Boer war. Any boy who is fond of reading, or does not dislike his work, is pretty sure to be ill-treated. In France, the cleverest boys go to the Ecole Normale Supérieure, and do not mix any longer with the average. This plan certainly has advantages. It prevents the intellectuals from having their nerve broken and becoming sycophants of the average Philistine, as happens to many of them in this country. It avoids the strain and misery which an unpopular boy must suffer. It makes it possible to give to clever boys the kind of teaching which suits them, which goes at a much more rapid pace than is possible for the less intelligent. On the other hand, it isolates the intellectuals from the rest of the community in later life, and makes them, perhaps, less able to understand the average man. In spite of this possible disadvantage, I think it on the whole better than the British upper-class practice of torturing all boys who have exceptional brains or exceptional moral qualities, unless they happen also to be good at games.

(掲載日:2015.07.27/更新日: )