
 現在のところ,弁護士や医者のような職業につくことは,親にある程度のお金がないかぎり,非常に困難である。なぜなら,それらの職業につくための訓練には金がかかるし,また,(卒業しても)すぐ稼ぎが得られるわけではないないからである(注:日本では,自治医科大学なら,卒業後一定年限僻地医療に従事すれば,学費が免除されるが,全体からすれば一部に過ぎない。)その結果,選択(入学者選抜)の原則は,その仕事に対する適性ではなくて,社会的かつ世襲的なものとなる(注:開業医の子弟は適性がなくても,また,能力があまりなくても,収入の良さのために医者になる者が多い。世間ではそれを揶揄し,よく「医者の馬鹿息子」と言う。)。医学を例にとってみよう。地域社会が医療(地域医療)を効果的に行ないたいと思ったら(注:wished 仮定)、(地域社会は),医者としての仕事(医療行為)に対して熱意と適性を最も示した若者を,医学訓練のために選ぶであろう。現在のところ,この原則は部分的に適用されて,医学的な訓練を受ける(経済的)余裕のある人たちの間から選んでいる(にすぎない)。しかし,将来最も優れた医者になれる人たちの多くは,非常に貧しく,医者になるためのコースをとれないということが,大いにありそうである(注:私立大学の医学部あるいは私立医科大学では,最低でも入学後,大学に1,000万以上の寄付をすることが常識化・常態化している)。これは,嘆かわしい才能の浪費をもたらす。

At present, it is very difficult to enter upon such a profession as law or medicine unless one’s parents have a certain amount of money, since the training is expensive and earnings do not begin at once. The consequence is that the principle of selection is social and hereditary, not fitness for the work. Take medicine as illustrative. A community which wished to have its doctoring done efficiently would select for medical training those young people who showed most keenness and aptitude for the work. At present this principle is applied partially, to select among those who can afford the training ; but it is quite probable that many of those who would make the best doctors are too poor to take the course. This involve a deplorable waste of talent. Let us take another example of a somewhat different kind. England is a very thickly populated country, which imports most of its food. From a number of points of view, but especially from that of safety in war, it would be a boon if more of our food were produced at home. Yet no measures are taken to see that our very limited area is efficiently cultivated. Farmers are selected mainly by heredity : as a rule, they are the sons of farmers. The others are men who have bought farms, which implies some capital but not necessarily any agricultural skill. It is known that Danish methods of agriculture are more productive than ours, but no steps are taken to cause our farmers to know about them. We ought to insist that every person allowed to cultivate more than a small holding should have a diploma in scientific agriculture, just as we insist on a motorist having a licence. The hereditary principle has been abandoned in government, but it lingers in many other departments of life. Wherever it exists, it promotes the inefficiency to which it formerly led in public affairs. We must replace it by two correlative rules : first, that no one shall be allowed to undertake important work without having acquired the necessary skill; secondly, that this skill shall be taught to the ablest of those who desire it, quite independently of their parents’ means. It is obvious that these two rules would enormously increase efficiency.
University education should therefore be regarded as a privilege for special ability, and those who possess the skill but no money should be maintained at the public expense during their course. No one should be admitted unless he satisfies the tests of ability, and no one should be allowed to remain unless he satisfies the authorities that he is using his time to advantage. The idea of the university as a place of leisure where rich young men loaf for three or four years is dying, but, like Charles II, it is an unconscionable time about it.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.18: The University.



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