
しかし,あなたが寝たり食べたりしてもらいたがっている,というふうに子供に思わせてはいけない。そんなことをすれば,子供はただちに,あなたは頼みごとをしているのだ,と思いこむ。すると,子供は,自分には力があるという気持ちになり,ますますおだてたり,罰を与えたりしなければならなくなる。子供が食べたり眠ったりするのは,自分がそうしたいからであるべきであり ,あなた(親)を喜ばせるためであってはならないのである。

Modern writers on infant psychology all emphasize the importance of not urging a young child to eat or sleep : these things ought to be done spontaneously by the child, not as a result of coaxing or forcing. My own experience entirely bears out this teaching. At first we did not know the newer teaching, and tried the older methods. They were very unsuccessful, whereas the modern methods succeeded perfectly. It must not be supposed, however, that the modern parent does nothing about eating and sleeping ; on the contrary, everything possible is done to promote the formation of good habits. Meals come at regular times, and the child must sit through them without games, whether he eats or not. Bed comes at regular times, and the child must lie down in bed. He may have a toy animal to hug, but not one that squeaks or runs or does anything exciting. If the animal is a favourite, one may play the game that the animal is tired and the child must put it to sleep. Then leave the child alone, and sleep will usually come very quickly. But never let the child think you are anxious he should sleep or eat. That at once makes him think you are asking a favour ; this gives him a sense of power which leads him to demand more and more coaxing or punishment. He should eat and sleep because he wants to, not to please you.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 14: General principles



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