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バートランド・ラッセル 教育論 第三部_知性の教育_第14章_一般的原理(松下彰良 訳) - Bertrand Russell On Education, 1926

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第14章_一般的原理 - 事実に関する正確さ


Pt. 3: Intellectual education) - Chap.14 General principles

Accuracy as to matter of fact is intolerably boring when pursued on its own account. Learning the dates of the kings of England, or the names of the counties and their capitals, used to be one of the terrors of childhood. It is better to secure accuracy by interest and repetition. I could never remember the list of capes, but at eight years old I knew almost all the stations on the Underground. If children were shown a cinema representing a ship sailing round the coast they would soon know the capes. I don't think they are worth knowing, but if they were that would be the way to teach them. All geography ought to be taught on the cinema ; so ought history at first. The initial expense would be great, but not too great for Governments. And there would be a subsequent economy in ease of teaching.
Logical accuracy is a late acquisition, and should not be forced upon young children. Getting the multiplication table right is, of course, accuracy as to matter of fact ; it only becomes logical accuracy at a much later stage. Mathematics is the natural vehicle for this teaching, but it fails if allowed to appear as a set of arbitrary rules. Rules must be learnt, but at some stage the reasons for them must be made clear ; if this is not done, mathematics has little educative value.

(掲載日:2015.06.25/更新日: )