「我々は我々にふさわしい政治家を選ぶ」- 天に唾する者

abe_sin-ichimanensatuもし悪魔と堕天使党公認の候補に指名され,大天使ガブリエル無所属立候補するならば,ガブリエルに当選の見込みはないのはなぜだろうか? 不思議だと思うかもしれないが,それが現実である。これはどうしてだろうか。不思議だと思うかもしれないが,それが現実である。
jakusha-hottoke_yoron ともかく民主主義国家において,自分たちが選んだ政治家を批判することは,我々自身を批判することであるということを肝に銘じよう。我々は我々にふさわしい政治家を選ぶのである。

Why is it that, if Satan and Beelzebub were nominated as the official candidates and the Archangel Gabriel stood as an independent, the Archangel would have no chance of being elected ? For that is the fact, strange as it may seem.
One reason is that an independent candidate does not command such large campaign funds and therefore cannot generate mass enthusiasm by the techniques in which politicians are adepts. But this reason, again, does not take us all the way, since it leaves us wondering why men are so unwilling to subscribe to the campaign funds of independents. The answer, no doubt, is that independents are not likely to be elected, which is also a reason for not voting for them. But that only brings us back to our first question : why are they not likely to be elected ?  …
Meanwhile, let us remember that in a democracy criticism of our politicians is criticism of ourselves – we have the politicians we deserve.
出典: On politician (written in Dec. 16, 1931 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.]
