
3baka_ryotewohirogete 自己欺瞞に支えられているときにしか仕事のできない人たちは,自分の職業を続ける前に,まず最初に,真実に耐えることを学習したほうがよい。なぜなら,神話にささえられる必要があるようでは,おそかれ早かれ,彼らの仕事は,有益どころか,有害なものになってしまうだろうからである。

Those who can only do their work when upheld by self-deception had better first take a course in learning to endure the truth before
continuing their career, since sooner or later the need of being sustained by myths will cause their work to become harmful instead of beneficial. It is better to do nothing than to do harm. Half the useful work in the world consists of combating the harmful work.
A little time spent in learning to appreciate facts is not time  wasted, and the work that will be done afterwards is far less likely to be harmful than the work done by those who need a continual inflation of their ego as a stimulant to their energy. A certain kind of resignation is involved in willingness to face the truth about
ourselves; this kind, though it may involve pain in the first moments,
affords ultimately a protection – indeed the only possible protection – against the disappointments and disillusionments to which the self-deceiver is liable. Nothing is more fatiguing nor, in the long run, more exasperating than the daily effort to believe things which daily become more incredible. To be done with this effort is an indispensable condition of secure and lasting happiness.
出典:The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap.16:Effort and

建前と本音の使い分け;饒舌なだけで中身のない二枚舌 表立って本音を言うと失職するので,公に対しては,あくまでも建前やあいまいな言葉を使う。
abe_sanakunin どこかの首相や職業的宗教家や御用評論家のように,「美しい日本」を標語に,子供や国民一般には,自分のメルマガなどで,道徳的に悪いことをしてはいけないとか,国を愛することの大切さを説きながら,身内の大臣がおかしなことをやって国民に説明しなくても,(自分の内閣がガタガタになるといけないので)’法律的には問題ない’と,批判を無視してしまう。