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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]



* 原著:On politician, by Bertrand Russell
* Source: Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975

* 改訳及びHTML修正をしました。(2010.9.19)

 政治家,特に国会議員の場合は,選挙区や特定のグループへの利益誘導ではなく,国全体あるいは他国との関係も考慮に入れて,大局的見地から発言・行動することが望まれます。しかし,どこの国でも地元や支持グループへの利益誘導型の候補者に投票する選挙民が少なくありません。そうである以上,政治家の悪口をいろいろ言い,政治家の道徳観のなさを諸悪の根元のように言っても「天に唾をする」ような感じがいなめません。もちろん,日本に比べれば民主主義がはるかに定着しているイギリスやアメリカにおいても同じような傾向はないわけではありません。とにかく,「我々は,我々にふさわしい政治家を選ぶ」というラッセルの言葉は,時々思い出してみる必要がありそうです。(2001.02.25: 松下)




 これに対して,誰もすぐにこう答えるだろう。「それは'(社会)機構'(machine)のせいである。」 だがこの答えは十分な答えではない。なぜなら,我々が'(社会)機構'の奴隷になっている理由を説明していないからである。もし悪魔と Beelzebub(堕天使,サタンの次の悪魔)が党公認の候補に指名され,大天使ガブリエル(Archangel Gabriel)が無所属で立候補するならば,ガブリエルに当選の見込みはない。これはどうしてだろうか。不思議だと思うかもしれないが,それが現実である。




 私の急進思想がそのような'欲得づくの源泉'に由来する以上,私は保守党員に変わるべきだろうか? そのような考えはぞっとする。人間は皆,習慣の力に束縛される。たとえ自分の習慣にうち勝ったとしても,何事もなし得ないという疑念の状態に陥るであろう。依然として,習慣が支配する限り,善良な人間は政治の世界では成功するチャンスはないだろう。


It is a curious fact that the more democratic a country becomes, the less respect it has for its rulers. Aristocracies and foreign conquerors may be hated but they are not despised. Nations which select the men who are to govern them might have been expected to choose men commanding universal admiration and affection ; it might have been thought that those who were deemed wisest and best would be selected for the delicate and responsible job of managing other people's affairs.
This, however, is not the case. In most democratic countries to call a man a politician is to say something derisive about him. The men who enjoy the good opinion of the community, with few exceptions, do not seek to win its votes and would be unsuccessful if they did, while the men who win votes are apt to be professionals of a not wholly admirable kind. (I am not thinking of those who obtain the highest offices.)
This is a paradox which was not foreseen by the pioneers of democracy. Indeed, it was not true in their day. When democracy is new it usually brings great men to the fore but it loses this merit as it becomes well established. Why is this ?
Everybody is ready with the answer : It is due to the machine. But this is only half an answer since it does not tell us why we all submit to the machine. Why is it that, if Satan and Beelzebub were nominated as the official candidates and the Archangel Gabriel stood as an independent, the Archangel would have no chance of being elected ? For that is the fact, strange as it may seem.
One reason is that an independent candidate does not command such large campaign funds and therefore cannot generate mass enthusiasm by the techniques in which politicians are adepts. But this reason, again, does not take us all the way, since it leaves us wondering why men are so unwilling to subscribe to the campaign funds of independents. The answer, no doubt, is that independents are not likely to be elected, which is also a reason for not voting for them. But that only brings us back to our first question : why are they not likely to be elected ?
The ultimate reason, I believe, is nothing more recondite than habit. Most men, without inquiring into the merits of the particular candidate, vote as they always have voted, and always have voted as their fathers always voted. This applies to reformers just as much as to conservatives.
I myself, in England, vote for the Labour Party because my father was a Radical ; my father was a Radical because his father was a Liberal ; my grandfather was a Liberal because his father was a Whig ; and he was a Whig because his ancestors obtained abbey land from Henry VIII.
Having derived my radicalism from such a mercenary source, shall I turn Conservative ? The very idea appals me. No one can free himself from the force of habit, and if he could he would be reduced to such a condition of doubt that he would achieve nothing. Yet so long as habit holds sway, good men will have little chance in politics.
Is there, then, no solution ? Yes, but it is a matter of degree; we must be dominated by habit to some extent but we might be less so than we are. And that lessening might make all the difference. Meanwhile, let us remember that in a democracy criticism of our politicians is criticism of ourselves - we have the politicians we deserve.