
feeding_politician フランス革命期の,恐怖政治が終った時,政治家で生き残ったのは,斬首されないようにすばやく意見を変えた,抜け目のない臆病者だけだった。その結果,政治家の中に将軍たちの秩序を保つ勇気のある人物はまったくいなくなり,軍部の栄光が二十年間続くこととなっ た。

During the French Revolution, when the Reign of Terror came to an end, it was found that no one was left alive among the politicians except prudent cowards who had changed their opinions quickly enough to keep their heads on their shoulders. The result was twenty years of military glory, because there was no one left among the politicians with sufficient courage to keep the generals in order. The French Revolution was an exceptional time, but wherever organisation exists cowardice will be found more advantageous than courage. Of the men at the head of businesses, schools, lunatic asylums, and the like, nine out of ten will prefer the supple lickspittle to the outspoken man of independent judgement. In politics it is necessary to profess the party programme and flatter the leaders;
出典: The advantages of cowardice (written in Nov. 2, 1931 and pub. in Mortals and Others, v.1, 1975.]

tpp-hantai_jiminto 安倍政権下の追従者の皆さんは,フランス市民革命期の恐怖政治を生き残った臆病者にそっくりなようです。TPPであろうが,何であろうが、ご主人様が意見を変えたら、「私はブレない!」と勇ましくいっていた人たちも、躊躇なく意見を変え従順な胡麻すり間に変貌(いやもともとそうだったのでしょうが)してどこ吹く風です。