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ラッセル関係書籍の検索 ラッセルと20世紀の名文に学ぶ-英文味読の真相39 [佐藤ヒロシ]

バートランド・ラッセル 結婚論 第4章 男根崇拝、禁欲主義および罪(松下彰良 訳) - Marriage and Morals, 1929, by Bertrand Russell

Back(前ページ)  Forward (次ページ) 第4章イントロ索引 Contents(総目次)



【POD】性的魅力の存在論 哲学の科学10 [ 岩田勉 ]
価格:1,925円(税込、送料無料) (2024/11/10時点)

 性的疲労は文明によってもたらされた現象である。性的疲労は、動物の間ではまったく知られていないにちがいないであろうし、また,未開人の間でも非常にまれであるにちがいない。一夫一婦制の結婚のもとでは、性的疲労は、ごく軽い程度の場合を除いて、起こりそうもない。大部分の男性の場合、生理的過度に陥るためには、目新しさ(新しい刺激)が必要になるからである。また、女性が性交を許すこと(注:one's favors; favours 情交の同意)を自由に拒絶できるような場合にも、性的疲労は起こりそうもない。なぜなら、そういう場合は、女性は、動物のメスのように、性行為のたびに、事前に求愛を要求し、男性の情熱が十分にかき立てられたと感じないうちは性交を許さないからである。

Chapter IV: Phallic Worship, Asceticism and Sin

Sexual fatigue is a phenomenon introduced by civilization; it must be quite unknown among animals and very rare among uncivilized men. In a monogamic marriage it is unlikely to occur except in a very small degree, since the stimulus of novelty is required with most men to lead them to physiological excess. It is also unlikely to occur when women are free to refuse their favours, for, in that case, like female animals, they will demand courtship before each act of intercourse, and will not yield their favours until they feel that a man's passions are sufficiently stimulated. This purely instinctive feeling and behaviour has been rendered rare by civilization. What has done most to eliminate it is the economic factor. Married women and prostitutes alike make their living by means of their sexual charms, and do not, therefore, only yield when their own instinct prompts them to do so. This has greatly diminished the part played by courtship, which is nature's safeguard against sexual fatigue. Consequently men who are not restrained by a fairly rigid ethic are apt to indulge to excess; this produces in the end a feeling of weariness and disgust, which leads naturally to ascetic convictions.

(掲載日:2016.06.20/更新日: )