
 プルタークの名は,歴史のもう一つの分野を想い起させます。歴史(書)大規模な見世物にのみ関心を持つのでも,異なった種類の社会の描写にのみ関心を持つものでもありません。歴史(書)は,それ自身で注目に価する個人にもまた同等に関心をもっています。プルタークの『高貴なギリシア人とローマ人の生涯』は,多くの野心ある若者たちに,その本がなければあえてしなかったような,勇敢な生涯を鼓吹しました。現代には,個人にはほんのわずかしか関心を払わず,集団に余りにも多く関心を持つような傾向がある,と私は思います。我々は「普通人(凡人)の時代」に住んでいると確信していますので,そうでなくてもよい場合にも,人(現代人)は平凡な人間(普通の市民)になります。特に,青少年に歴史を教える場合には,個々の英雄の行為に対立するものとしての文化の諸形態を強調する動きが見られました。ある点までは,これは全く称賛に値することです。クロマニオン人やネアンデルタール人の生活様式について何か教えられると,出来事の進展についてよく理解ができます(よい理解を得る)し,プルタークが言及していないローマ人が住んでいたローマの借家について知ることは,ためになります。ハモンド(J. L. B. Hammond, 1872-1949, 英国の経済史家)の『農村の労働者』ような本(歴史書)は,従来の歴史書にはないような観点から,全期間を描いています。このようなことはすべて正しく重要です。


新しい社会を創ることができる人はごくわずかです。(即ち)レーニンやスターリンは,現代においてこれを成し遂げた唯一の人たちです(注:早とちりな人が少なくないですが、ラッセルは「影響を与えた人物」と言っているだけで、評価しているわけではないことに注意が必要です)。しかし,ずっと多くの人たちが,有意義な個人生活を送ることができます。これは,我々が模倣すべきモデル(模範的人物像)とみなしてよい人たちに当てはまるだけでなく,想像のための新しい材料を与えるすべての人についてあてはまります。例えば,皇帝フリードリッヒ二世(注:神聖ローマ皇帝/中世で最も進歩的な君主と評され,同時代に書かれた年代記では「世界の驚異」と称賛された。)は,彼の大部分のことは模倣するに価しないことは確かですが,彼は人間精神の備品に素晴らしい一品を加えています。「世界の驚異」(と呼ばれたフレデリック二世)は -自分の見世物動物園とともにあちこちと徒歩で歩きまわり,最後には家臣の宰相(総理大臣)によって獄舎につながれて終わりましたが,回教の聖人たちと論争し,破門されたにもかかわらず十字軍に打ち勝ちました- 私が(直接)知らないのを残念に思う人物です。
我々はみな、悲劇の偉大な英雄たち -アガメムノン,エディプス,ハムレットやその他- について知るだけの価値があると考えますが,その生涯がこれらの偉大な悲劇の英雄と同等の質のものであり,その上,実際に生存(実存)したという(架空の悲劇の英雄にない)余分の長所をもっていたのです(注:皇帝フリードリッヒ二世のこと)。

神的であろうと悪魔的であろうと,あらゆる形の偉大さは,ある共通の性質をもっており,中庸を崇拝するあまりこのような性質が締め出される(注:ironed out アイロンをかけて消してしまう)のを見ることは,私は望みません。約60年前にアメリカを最初に訪問した時,私は息子が生まれたばかりのある婦人と知合いになりました。誰かが気軽に「多分息子さんは天才になるでしょう」と言ったところ,その女性は心から恐れるような調子で 「いえ,私はそんなことは望みません」と応えました。彼女の望みは悲しいことにかなえられました。(注:つまりその息子は凡人になった。)

The name of Plutarch brings to mind another department of history. History is not concerned only with large-scale pageants, nor with the delineation of different kinds of societies. It is concerned also, and equally, with individuals who are noteworthy on their own account. Plutarch’s Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans have inspired in many ambitious young men valiant careers upon which they might not otherwise have ventured. I think there is a tendency in our time to pay too little attention to the individual and too much to the mass. We are so persuaded that we live in the Age of the Common Man that men become common even when they might be otherwise. There has been a movement, especially in teaching history to the young, toward emphasis on types of culture as opposed to the doings of individual heroes. Up to a point, this is entirely praiseworthy. We get a better sense of the march of events if we are told something about the manner of life of Cromagnon man or Neanderthal man, and it is wholesome to know about the tenement houses in Rome where the Romans lived whom Plutarch does not mention. A book like the Hammonds’ Village Labourer presents a whole period from a point of view of which there is nothing in the older conventional histories. All this is true and important. But what, though important, is not true, but most perniciously false, is the suggestion, which easily grows up when history is studied only in this way, that individuals do not count and that those who have been regarded as heroes are only embodiments of social forces, whose work would have been done by someone else if it had not been done by them, and that, broadly speaking, no individual can do better than let himself be borne along by the current of his time. What is worst about this view is that, if it is held, it tends to become true. Heroic lives are inspired by heroic ambitions, and the young man who thinks that there is nothing important to be done is pretty sure to do nothing important. For such reasons I think the kind of history that is exemplified by Plutarch’s Lives is quite as necessary as the more generalized kind. Very few people can make a community: Lenin and Stalin are the only ones who have achieved it in modern times. But a very much larger number of men can achieve an individual life which is significant. This applies not only to men whom we may regard as models to be imitated, but to all those who afford new material for imagination. The Emperor Frederick II, for example, most certainly does not deserve to be imitated, but he makes a splendid piece in one’s mental furniture. The Wonder of the World, tramping hither and thither with his menagerie, completed at last by his Prime Minister in a cage, debating with Moslem sages, winning crusades in spite of being excommunicate, is a figure that I should be sorry not to know about. We all think it worth while to know about the great heroes of tragedy –Agamemnon, Oedipus, Hamlet and the rest– but there have been real men whose lives had the same quality as that of the great tragic heroes, and had the additional merit of having actually existed. All forms of greatness, whether divine or diabolic, share a certain quality, and I do not wish to see this quality ironed out by the worship of mediocrity. When I first visited America nearly sixty years ago, I made the acquaintance of a lady who had lately had a son. Somebody remarked lightly, “perhaps he will be a genius.” The lady, in tones of heartfelt horror, replied, “Oh, I hope not!” Her wish, alas, was granted.



 必要なのは分業である。ギボンティユモン(Tillemont 17世紀のイタリアの歴史家) によって利益を得た(助けられた)。それがなければ,恐らく,彼は存命中に自分の仕事を達成できなかったであろう。考古学者や,未発表の手稿資料を詮索する人は,大規模な歴史(書)の著述をする時間や精力はなさそうである(ないのが普通である)。大規模な歴史(書)の執筆を企てる人に,鋤で土を掘る仕事(農地整備)を期待すべきではない。科学(自然科学)においては,このことは認識(理解)されている。(たとえば)ケプラーの法則は,ティコ・ブラーエの観察に基づいていた。クラーク・マクスウェルの理論は,ファラデーの実験によっていた(基づいていた)。アインシュタインは彼の理論(学説)が基礎としている観察を自分自身でやってみることはなかった。大雑把に言って,事実を大量に集めることとそれを消化することとは,別のことである。事実の数が膨大で複雑な場合には,一人の人間が両方(収集と消化)をすることはほとんど不可能である。たとえば,ギリシアの古典文明に与えたミノス文明(Minoan civilization)の影響を知りたいと思ったとしよう。ミノス文明の事実を確認する困難な仕事に従事してきた人に,最もバランスのとれた,あるいは最も学識のある意見を期待することは,ほとんどできないであろう。同様なことが,それほど難しくない問題,たとえばプルタークのフランス革命への影響(の問題)にも当てはまるであろう。

What is needed is division of labor. Gibbon profited by Tillemont, and probably could not otherwise have achieved his work in a lifetime. The archaeologist or the man who delves in unpublished manuscript material is likely to have neither the time nor the energy for large-scale history. The man who proposes to write large-scale history should not be expected himself to do the spade work. In the sciences, this sort of thing is recognized. Kepler’s laws were based upon the observations of Tycho Brahe. Clerk Maxwell’s theories rested upon the experiments of Faraday. Einstein did not himself make the observations upon which his doctrines are based. Broadly speaking the amassing of facts is one thing, and the digesting of them is another. Where the facts are numerous and complex, it is scarcely possible for one man to do both. Suppose, for example, you wish to know the effect of the Minoan civilization on the classical civilization of Greece. You will hardly expect the most balanced or the best informed opinion from a man who has been engaged in the very difficult work of ascertaining Minoan facts. The same sort of thing applies to less recondite problems, say, for example, the influence of Plutarch on the French Revolution.
出典:History as an art (1954)



 芸術としての歴史(書)の範囲内には,多様な歴史(書)が存在しており,それぞれ特有の長所を持っています。その長所の種類一つは,特にギボン(の歴史書)によって例証されており,彼は,(彼の著作において)(登場人物)全員が宮廷衣裳をつけてはいても(and yet) 個性的に,時代から時代へと行進する人物の堂々とした行列を我々に提供しています。それほど昔のことではないですが,私は『ケンブリッジ(大学版)古代史』ゼノビア(注:3世紀にパルミラ王国の「女王」と呼ばれた人物。美貌で文学を愛好し,パルミラを東方における文化の一中心としたが,ローマに討伐され,捕虜となった。右上画像参照) について読んでいました。しかし,残念ながら,この本に描かれた彼女はまったく興味をもてない人物に思えました。私は,ややぼんやりとですが,ギボンが描いたもっとずっと活き活きとした説明を思い出しました。それについて調べると,直ちにその専横な女性(の姿)が生き返ってきました。ギボンは,彼女に対する自分の感情を抱いており,彼女の宮廷はどのようなものだっただろうかと想像していました。彼は,活き活きとした空想をもって書いており,既知の事実をただ単に(年代記に)記録するという冷ややかな欲求で書いているのではありませんでした。人(=読者)が彼の描いたいろいろな人物が十八世紀の鋳型にピッタリ合っていなければならないという事実に,もっと怒らないのは奇妙なことです。ガイセリック(注:ラテン文字表記:Gaiseric。ヴアンダル族の王で,アフリカ北部を征服,Carthage にヴァンダル王国を建設。また455年ローマ市を攻略)の時代以後で,ヴアンダル族のことを取り扱ったどこかで,彼は「アフリカの洗練された暴君」について語っています。私はこれらの人たちが暴君であることを信ずるのに何の困難も感じませんが,彼らが洗練されていたと信ずることはとてもできません。しかし,そのような限界があるにもかかわらず,とにかく,ギボンは,彼が扱っている何世紀もの事件の進行を,驚くほど活き活きと我々に伝えてくれます。彼の本(歴史書)は,私が堅く信じていることが真理であること,(即ち)偉大な歴史(書)は一人の人間の仕事であるべきであり,各分担執筆者が自分の専門を扱う概論的な著作(要約本)によって成し遂げられることはどうしてもできない(cannot possibly),ということを例証しています。学問は,非常に多彩かつ複雑なものに成長してきたので,いかなる一人の精神(知性)も広大な領域全体を包むことは不可能と考えられるようになりました。私はこれをきわめて不幸な間違いだとと確信しています。ある本が参考書以外の価値を持つべきだとすれば,それは一人の人間精神の著作でなければなりません。それは,大なる多様性を一つの気質(一人の人間の気質)の統一の中に併せもつ結果でなければなりません。私は,そのようなことは次第次第に困難になりつつあることは認めますが,まだそれが可能になるような方法を考え出せると思いますし,また,偉大な歴史(書)が過去のものであってはならないのであるなら,そのような方法は考えだされなければならない,と考えます。

Within the compass of history as an art there are various kinds of history, each of which has its own peculiar kind of merit. One of these kinds of merit is especially exemplified by Gibbon, who offers us a stately procession of characters marching through the ages, all in court dress and yet all individual. Not long ago I was reading about Zenobia in the Cambridge Ancient History, but I regret to say that she appeared completely uninteresting. I remembered somewhat dimly a much more lively account in Gibbon. I looked it up, and at once the masterful lady came alive. Gibbon had had his feelings about her, and had imagined what it would be like to be at her court. He had written with lively fancy, and not merely with cold desire to chronicle known facts. It is odd that one does not more resent the fact that his characters all have to be fitted into an eighteenth-century mold. I remember that somewhere in dealing with the Vandals after the time of Genseric he speaks of “the polished tyrants of Africa.” I am quite unable to believe that these men were polished, though I have no difficulty in believing that they were tyrants. But somehow, in spite of such limitations, Gibbon conveys an extraordinarily vivid sense of the march of events throughout the centuries with which he deals. His book illustrates what I am firmly persuaded is true, that great history must be the work of a single man and cannot possibly be achieved by a compendium in which each contributor deals with his own specialty. Learning has grown so multifarious and complex that it has been thought impossible for any one mind to embrace a large field. I am sure that this is a most unfortunate mistake. If a book is to have value except as a work of reference it must be the work of one mind. It must be the result of holding together a great multiplicity within the unity of a single temperament. I will admit at once that this is growing more and more difficult, but I think means can be devised by which it will still be possible, and I think they must be devised if great histories are not to be a thing of the past.
出典:History as an art (1954)



 説明的散文が興味を引くもの(文章)になるためには,必要な知識が得られた後に,孵化のための期間が必要です。即ち,(その期間に)生(なま)の事実が類比や哀愁や皮肉等々の適切な連合が与えられるようになる(become clothed with),また,演劇での場合のようにそれらの生の諸事実が,ひとつのパターン(思考様式)の統一体にまで作りあげられるようになる,膵化の期間が必要です。このようなことは,著者がかなりの余暇(自由時間)を持ち,疲労がそれほど累積していないのでないと,ほとんど起りそうにありません。良心的な人は働き過ぎであり,また働き過ぎによって仕事を台無しにしがちです。バジョットは,知人でロンドンのシティ(金融街)で働いていた人たちが,一日に8時間働いたために破産したが4時間で止めておいたら金持のままであったであろう,とどこかで語っています。多くの学者はこの話の類推によって利益が得られるだろう,と私は思います。

If expository prose is to be interesting, there has to be a period of incubation, after the necessary knowledge has been acquired, when the bare facts will become clothed with such associations as are appropriate, of analogy or pathos or irony or what not, and when they will compose themselves into the unity of a pattern as in a play. This sort of thing is hardly likely to happen adequately unless the author has a fair amount of leisure and not an unfair amount of fatigue. Conscientious people are apt to work too hard and to spoil their work by doing so. Bagehot speaks somewhere of men he knew in the City who went bankrupt because they worked eight hours a day, but would have been rich if they had confined themselves to four hours. I think many learned men could profit by this analogy.
出典:History as an art (1954)




第一に,この語の狭義の意味で,文体(スタイル/様式),特に,言い回し(用語の選択)リズムがあります。ある種の言葉は (注:words と複数形),特に科学的目的でつくられたものは,辞書的な意味しか持っていません。(たとえば)「四面体」(tetrahedron)という語をある頁にみつけると,あなたはすぐにうんざりし始めるでしょう,しかし「ビラミッド」という語は,ファラオ王(古代エジプトの王)やアズテック族(の人々)を心に浮かばせる,洗練された豊かな単語です。リズムは感情に依存するものです。強く感じられたことは,自然に,リズミカルかつ多用な形で表現されます。こういう理由で,特に,著作家(作家)はある種の感情の新鮮さを必要としますが,それは疲労やその分野(その道)の権威者の助言を求める必要性によって打ち砕かれがちです。これはおそらく完徳の勧め(神のように完全な人となりなさい,というキリストの教え/実行不可能な[理想的]助言)ですが,歴史家は,実際に一章を作文する前に,素材をよく消化して心に入れておき,自分の言おうとすることを確かめるためにペンをおくことのないようにすべきだと思います。いかなる人の記憶も間違いやすいので,事実の検証(確証)は不必要だと言っているわけではないですが,それは文章を書いている時ではなく,書いた後にすべきです文体は,それが良いときは,著者の感じ方のごく個性的な表現であり,それゆえに,とりわけ,最も称賛すべき文体であっても,まねることは致命的です。メルマン(著)『英国教会史』のどこかで -私はこれを記憶にもとづいて書いていますが- 「修辞学は,単なる技術として考えられるが,いまだ素晴らしい技術として研究されている」と言っています。仮にメルマンの肩越しに見下ろせば,ギボン(注:名著『ローマ衰亡史』の著者)の亡霊は,この一文をによって傷つけられたにちがいありません。

“Literary skill” is a large and general phrase, and it may be worth while to give it a more specific meaning. There is, first of all, style in the narrow sense of the word, especially diction and rhythm. Some words, especially those invented for scientific purposes, have merely a dictionary meaning. If you found the word “tetrahedron” on a page, you would at once begin to feel bored. But the word “pyramid” is a fine, rich word, which brings Pharaohs and Aztecs floating into the mind. Rhythm is a matter dependent upon emotion: What is strongly felt will express itself naturally in a rhythmical and varied form. For this reason, among others, a writer needs a certain freshness of feeling which is apt to be destroyed by fatigue and by the necessity of consulting authorities. I think though this is perhaps counsel of perfection that before an historian actually composes a chapter, he should have the material so familiarly in his mind that his pen never has to pause for verification of what he is saying. I do not mean that verification is unnecessary, because everybody’s memory plays tricks, but that it should come after, and not during, composition. Style, when it is good, is a very personal expression of the writer’s way of feeling, and for that reason, among others, it is fatal to imitate even the most admirable style. Somewhere in Milman’s History of Christianity (I write from memory), he says: “Rhetoric was still studied as a fine, though considered as a mere, art.” The shade of Gibbon, if it was looking over Milman’s shoulder, must have been pained by this sentence.
出典:History as an art (1954)




カーライルは,彼の「フランス革命史」について,自分の本はそれ自体一種のフランス革命だと言いました。これは確かであり,彼のフランス革命史は,歴史的記録としては不充分ですけれども,ある永続的な長所を有しています。(読者が)本書を読むと,人民(パリ市民)が行ったことの理由がわかります。これは,歴史書が読者のためになすぺき最重要なことの一つです。かつて,私は,アガソクレス(シュラクサイの僭主,BC317年~BC289年)について,シケリアのディオドロス(注:シケリア(=シチリア)島で生まれた古代ギリシアの歴史家)  の言い分(所見)を読みましたが,そこでは彼は純然たる悪漢として現われていました。私は後に最近の参考書でアガソクレスを調べ,彼はものやわらかで,政治家らしく,また,彼に帰せられたあらゆる罪は多分無実だとして,描かれているのを,知りました。

Leaving these general and rather discursive considerations, let us come to the question how history should be written if it is to produce the best possible result in the non-historical reader. Here there is first of all an extremely simple requirement: it must be interesting. I mean that it must be interesting not only to men who for some special reason wish to know some set of historical facts, but to those who are reading in the same spirit in which one reads poetry or a good novel This requires first and foremost that the historian should have feelings about the events that he is relating and the characters that he is portraying. It is of course imperative that the historian should not distort facts, but it is not imperative that he should not take sides in the clashes and conflicts that fill his pages. An historian who is impartial, in the sense of not liking one party better than another and not allowing himself to have heroes and villains among his characters, will be a dull writer. If the reader is to be interested, he must be allowed to take sides in the drama. If this causes an historian to be one-sided, the only remedy is to find another historian with an opposite bias. The history of the Reformation, for example, can be interesting when it is written by a Protestant historian, and can be equally interesting when it is written by a Catholic historian. If you wish to know what it felt like to live at the time of the Wars of Religion you will perhaps succeed if you read both Protestant and Catholic histories, but you will not succeed if you read only men who view the whole series of events with complete detachment. Carlyle said about his history of the French Revolution that his book was itself a kind of French Revolution. This is true, and it gives the book a certain abiding merit in spite of its inadequacy as an historical record. As you read it you understand why people did what they did, and this is one of the most important things that a history ought to do for the reader. At one time I read what Diodorus Siculus has to say about Agathocles, who appeared as an unmitigated ruffian. I looked up Agathocles afterward in a modern reference book and found him represented as bland and statesmanlike and probably innocent of all the crimes imputed to him. I have no means of knowing which of these two accounts is the more true, but I know that the whitewashing account was completely uninteresting. I do not like a tendency, to which some modern historians are prone, to tone down everything dramatic and make out that heroes were not so very heroic and villains not so very villainous. No doubt a love of drama can lead an historian astray; but there is drama in plenty that requires no falsification, though only literary skill can convey it to the reader.
出典:History as an art (1954)



 我々は怠惰な懐疑主義に陥るべきだ,と私は言おうとしているのではない。我々は信念を保持すべきであり,堅持すべきである。いかなる偉大なことも,情熱なしにはなし遂げられないが,情熱の下には,我々の情熱が駆り立てる行動に制限を置く幅広い非個人的な探求が常にあるべきである。あなたが共産主義あるいは資本主義を悪く思うならば,事情に応じて,二度と共産主義者あるいは資本家が存在しないように,人類を絶滅させるべきであろうか? よく考えた上で,それが賢明だろうと断言する人はほとんどいないだろうが,それにもかかわらず,それは,歴史に興味を持たない(歴史的な見方をしない)政治家の一部が,その方向に人類を導こうとしているように思われる一つの到達点なのである。これは極端な例であるが,別の例をいくらでも考えることは,決して難しいことではない。

I do not mean to maintain that we should lapse into a lazy skepticism (scepticism). We should hold our beliefs, and hold them strongly. Nothing great is achieved without passion, but underneath the passion there should always be that large impersonal survey which sets limits to actions that our passions inspire. If you think ill of Communism or Capitalism, should you exterminate the human race in order that there may be no more Communists or Capitalists as the case may be? Few people would deliberately assert that this would be wise, and yet it is a consummation toward which some politicians who are not historically minded seem to be leading mankind. This is an extreme example, but it is by no means difficult to think of innumerable others.
出典:History as an art (1954)

歴史の新しい米国人なら言いそうなことか? どのような考えをもとうと自由だが、ルーズベルト大統領夫人の信条のために、たとえ共産主義下であっても人類の存続を望む人々の権利を奪うことは許されない。






歴史は,人事(人間社会の出来事)には終りがないことを気づかせます。そこには,静止した完成も,達成されるべき改善できない知恵もありません。いかなる知恵に到達したとしても,可能な知恵に較べれば小さなものです。どのような信念を慈しんでも,最も重要と思ったものでさえも,永遠には持続しそうありません。それらの信念が永遠の真理(eternal verities)を具現化していると想像したとしても(if = even if),未来は我々をあざ笑いそうです。

過剰な確信(を持つこと)は,現在の世界では最悪な事の多くのものの源泉です。またそれは,歴史を考えることは,過去に賢人がいたからあるいはということだけあるいはそれが主要な理由だからではなく,知恵と考えられた多くのものが愚かであることがわかった -我々が知恵だと思ったことはちっともよいものではないということを示唆してる- からです。

I come now to my main theme, which is what history can do and should do for the general reader. I am not thinking of what history does for historians; I am thinking of history as an essential part of the furniture of an educated mind. We do not think that poetry should be read only by poets, or that music should be heard only by composers. And, in like manner, history should not be known only to historians. But clearly the kind of history which is to contribute to the mental life of those who are not historians must have certain qualities that more professional work need not have, and, conversely, does not require certain things which one would look for in a learned monograph. I will try to speak (write) though I find it very difficult what I feel that I personally have derived from the reading of history. I should put first and foremost something like a new dimension in the individual life, a sense of being a drop in a great river rather than a tightly bounded separate entity. The man whose interests are bounded by the short span between his birth and death has a myopic vision and a limitation of outlook which can hardly fail to narrow the scope of his hopes and desires. And what applies to an individual man, applies also to a community. Those communities that have as yet little history 1make upon a European a curious impression of thinness and isolation. They do not feel themselves the inheritors of the ages, and for that reason what they aim at transmitting to their successors seems jejune and emotionally poor to one in whom the past is vivid and the future is illuminated by knowledge of the slow and painful achievements of former times. History makes one aware that there is no finality in human affairs; there is not a static perfection and an unimprovable wisdom to be achieved. Whatever wisdom we may have achieved is a small matter in comparison with what is possible. Whatever beliefs we may cherish, even those that we deem most important, are not likely to last forever; and, if we imagine that they embody eternal verities, the future is likely to make a mock of us. Cocksure certainty is the source of much that is worst in our present world, and it is something of which the contemplation of history ought to cure us, not only or chiefly because there were wise men in the past, but because so much that was thought wisdom turned out to be folly which suggests that much of our own supposed wisdom is no better.
出典:History as an art (1954)




もう一つ別の迂回路の例は,ブルガリアのボゴミル派(ギリシア正教会によって異端とされた> キリスト教の一派で,善悪二元論と現世否定を唱導)の歴史である。彼らはマルシアン(注:Marcian 東ローマ帝国の王)とマニ(注:マニ教の創始者)の世に知られていない弟子であり,その教義はある誤り導かれた十字軍兵士によって,北イタリアのカタリ派や,南フランスのアルビ派(Albigenses)によって採用された。
同じ種類のよりいっそう驚くべき例はニューイングランドの歴史にあらわれている。私は,小さな子供の時から,傲慢な兵士であるプライド(大佐)が,神学上の真理と軍隊による報いの名によって,長期議会(注:Long Parliament 1640年から,クロムウェルによって解散saserareru1653年まで続いた議会)を震え上がらせたプライド追放(注:長老派議員の追放)のことを知っていた。しかし,1660年以後,プライドがどうなったか思案することはなかった。1896年(ラッセル24才の時)に,私はニュー・イングランド(米国)のプライド十字路(Pride’s Crossing)と呼ばれている場所へ案内された。その名称はプライド追放という名祖(めいそ/そういう名前がつけられた由来)の英雄にちなんでつけられたものだと教えられた。私は彼(プライド)が故国> を離れ,冬の長い,土地のやせた,インディアンの襲撃が危険な,荒れた,岩の多い海岸に住みつかなければならなかったことを学んだ。チャールズ二世とその廷臣たちにはプライドが罰をうけたようにみえたかもしれないが,二世紀半の後には彼の子孫(米国人)が世界を支配し,チャールズ二世の子孫が彼ら(米国人)のしかめ面にふるえるのである

There is a department of history which has always interested me, perhaps beyond its intrinsic importance. It is that of bypaths in history: communities which have become isolated from the main current of their parent countries, but have trickled by unforeseen courses into the main stream of quite other rivers. From this point of view I have long been fascinated by the Bactrian Greeks. I thought that they had been completely lost, like a river absorbed by the desert, and then I learned, to my no small delight, that they had become the source of Buddhist art and had inspired the statuary of the East through many ages and in many lands. Another example of the same kind of bypath is that of the Bogomils in Bulgaria, who were obscure disciples of Marcian and Mani, and whose doctrines, by means of certain misguided crusaders, were adopted by the Cathari in northern Italy and the Albigenses in southern France. A still more remarkable example of the same kind of thing appears in the history of New England. From early boyhood I had known of Pride’s Purge, when the haughty soldier caused the Long Parliament to tremble in the name of theological truth and the wages due to the army. But it had never occurred to me to wonder what became of Pride after 1660. In 1896 I was taken to a place in New England called Pride’s Crossing, and was informed that it was called after the eponymous hero of the Purge. I learned that he had had to leave his native country and settle upon a wild and rocky shore where the winter was long, the soil infertile, and the Indians dangerous. It might have seemed to Charles II and his courtiers that Pride had met his deserts, but after two and a half centuries his descendants rule the world and the descendants of Charles II tremble at their frown.
出典:History as an art (1954)



 これは,聖アウグスティヌスからトインビー教授まで,多くの著名人を魅惑した歴史的発展の広大な体系(図式)にあてはまります。 現代における人間の発展に関する一般的理論の最も重要な発明者は,ヘーゲルとその弟子のマルクスでした。二人とも過去の歴史は論理的体系(図式)に従うこと,またこの同じ体系(図式)が未来を予言する手段を与えると信じました。(また)どちらも水素爆弾を予言しませんでしたし,これまでに作り上げられた人間発展の理論は,どれもこの発明の才に富む装置(水素爆弾)の影響を我々(人類)が予見することを可能にしませんでした。




This applies with especial force to those large schemes of historical development which have fascinated many eminent men from St. Augustine to Professor Toynbee. In modern times, the most important inventors of general theories as to human development, have been Hegel and his disciple Marx. Both believed that the history of the past obeyed a logical schema, and that this same schema gave a means of foretelling the future. Neither foresaw the hydrogen bomb, and no doctrine of human development hitherto concocted enables us to foresee the effects of this ingenious device. If this reflection seems gloomy, I will add another of a more cheerful sort: I cannot accept the view of Spengler that every society must inevitably grow old and decay like an individual human body. I think this view results from unduly pressing the analogy between a social and an individual organism. Most societies have perished by assassination, and not by old age. Some might maintain that Chinese society has been decrepit ever since the fall of the Han dynasty; but it survived because the countries immediately to the west of China were sparsely inhabited. What has put an end to the traditional civilization of China is not any new inherent weakness, but the improvement in means of communication with the West. Some among the Stoics thought that the world would be periodically destroyed by fire and then recreated. There is evidently something in this view which suits men’s preconceptions, and in milder forms it underlies almost all general theories of human development that historians have invented. All alike, I should say, are no more than myths, agreeable or disagreeable according to the temperaments of their inventors.
出典:History as an art (1954)
