

もう一つ別の迂回路の例は,ブルガリアのボゴミル派(ギリシア正教会によって異端とされた> キリスト教の一派で,善悪二元論と現世否定を唱導)の歴史である。彼らはマルシアン(注:Marcian 東ローマ帝国の王)とマニ(注:マニ教の創始者)の世に知られていない弟子であり,その教義はある誤り導かれた十字軍兵士によって,北イタリアのカタリ派や,南フランスのアルビ派(Albigenses)によって採用された。
同じ種類のよりいっそう驚くべき例はニューイングランドの歴史にあらわれている。私は,小さな子供の時から,傲慢な兵士であるプライド(大佐)が,神学上の真理と軍隊による報いの名によって,長期議会(注:Long Parliament 1640年から,クロムウェルによって解散saserareru1653年まで続いた議会)を震え上がらせたプライド追放(注:長老派議員の追放)のことを知っていた。しかし,1660年以後,プライドがどうなったか思案することはなかった。1896年(ラッセル24才の時)に,私はニュー・イングランド(米国)のプライド十字路(Pride’s Crossing)と呼ばれている場所へ案内された。その名称はプライド追放という名祖(めいそ/そういう名前がつけられた由来)の英雄にちなんでつけられたものだと教えられた。私は彼(プライド)が故国> を離れ,冬の長い,土地のやせた,インディアンの襲撃が危険な,荒れた,岩の多い海岸に住みつかなければならなかったことを学んだ。チャールズ二世とその廷臣たちにはプライドが罰をうけたようにみえたかもしれないが,二世紀半の後には彼の子孫(米国人)が世界を支配し,チャールズ二世の子孫が彼ら(米国人)のしかめ面にふるえるのである

There is a department of history which has always interested me, perhaps beyond its intrinsic importance. It is that of bypaths in history: communities which have become isolated from the main current of their parent countries, but have trickled by unforeseen courses into the main stream of quite other rivers. From this point of view I have long been fascinated by the Bactrian Greeks. I thought that they had been completely lost, like a river absorbed by the desert, and then I learned, to my no small delight, that they had become the source of Buddhist art and had inspired the statuary of the East through many ages and in many lands. Another example of the same kind of bypath is that of the Bogomils in Bulgaria, who were obscure disciples of Marcian and Mani, and whose doctrines, by means of certain misguided crusaders, were adopted by the Cathari in northern Italy and the Albigenses in southern France. A still more remarkable example of the same kind of thing appears in the history of New England. From early boyhood I had known of Pride’s Purge, when the haughty soldier caused the Long Parliament to tremble in the name of theological truth and the wages due to the army. But it had never occurred to me to wonder what became of Pride after 1660. In 1896 I was taken to a place in New England called Pride’s Crossing, and was informed that it was called after the eponymous hero of the Purge. I learned that he had had to leave his native country and settle upon a wild and rocky shore where the winter was long, the soil infertile, and the Indians dangerous. It might have seemed to Charles II and his courtiers that Pride had met his deserts, but after two and a half centuries his descendants rule the world and the descendants of Charles II tremble at their frown.
出典:History as an art (1954)
