バートランド・ラッセル 精神と(物質としての)脳との関係

 精神と脳との関係に関する)俗論(伝統的な一般的な見方)は,デカルトの時代以後ほとんど変っていない(注: ‘alter’ はここでは「自動詞」)。物理学の法則に従って働く脳(注:小脳も関係しているので「大脳」よりも「脳」がよい?)がある。また,なんらかの固有の法則があるように思われるが,脳における物理的条件に,多くの重要な点(面)で,従っている精神がある。デカルト主義者たちは,精神と物質はそれぞれ固有の法則によって決定されるが,その二つの系列は大変関連しているので,一方の側において一つの事象(出来事)を与えると,他方におけるそれに対応した事象(出来事)が確実に随伴するという平行論を仮定(想定)した。
簡単な類推をあげてみよう。一人の英国人と一人のフランス人が,それぞれ英語とフランス語で,厳密に同じ早さで「使徒信条(使徒信経)」(the Apostles’ Creed)を朗唱すると仮定しよう。あなたは,その時,彼らの一人が与えられた瞬間にその人の言語で言うことから,他の人がその人の言語で言うことを推論できる。この2つの系列は,並行して進行するが,どちらの系列も他の系列の原因となることはない(注:みすず書房版の中村訳ではこの一文はどういうわけか訳出されていない.。)現在では(今や),この理論のまるまる全体を固執する人はほとんどいないであろう。精神と脳との間の相互作用の否定は常識に反しており(矛盾しており),それを擁護するものは形而上学的議論しか存在しなかった。鼻をなぐられるような物理的刺激は,この場合には痛みという心的反応を惹き起こすだろうことをみんな知っている。またこのような痛みという心的反応が物理的運動 -たとえばこぶしを握るとかいった- の原因になりうることをみな知っている。

What one may call the conventional view has altered little since the days of the Cartesians. There is the brain, which acts according to the laws of physics; and there is the mind which, though it seems to have some laws of its own, is in many crucial ways subjected to physical conditions in the brain. The Cartesians supposed a parallelism according to which mind and brain were each determined by its own laws, but the two series were so related that, given an event in the one, it was sure to be accompanied by a corresponding event in the other. To take a simple analogy: suppose an Englishman and a Frenchman recite the Apostles’ Creed, one in English, the other in French, at exactly the same speed, you can then, from what one of them is saying at a given moment in his language, infer what the other is saying in his. The two series run parallel, though neither causes the other. Few people would now adhere to this theory in its entirety. The denial of interaction between mind and brain contradicts common sense, and never had any but metaphysical arguments in its favor. We all know that a physical stimulus, such as being hit on the nose, may cause a mental reaction in this case of pain. And we all know that this mental reaction of pain may be the cause of a physical movement for example, of the fist. There are, however, two opposing schools, not so much of thought as of practice. One school has as its ideal a complete physical determinism as regards the material universe, combined with a dictionary stating that certain physical occurrences are invariably contemporary with certain mental occurrences. There is another school, of whom the psycho-analysts are the most influential part, which seeks purely psychological laws and does not aim at first establishing a causal skeleton in physics. The difference shows in the interpretation of dreams. If you have a nightmare, the one school will say that it is because you ate too much lobster salad, and the other that it is because you are unconsciously in love with your mother. Far be it from me to take sides in so bitter a debate; my own view would be that each type of explanation is justified where it succeeds. Indeed I should view the whole matter in a way which makes the controversy vanish, but before I can make this clear, there is need of a considerable amount of theoretical clarification.
出典:Bertrand Russell : Mind and Matter (1950?)
