
 これは,聖アウグスティヌスからトインビー教授まで,多くの著名人を魅惑した歴史的発展の広大な体系(図式)にあてはまります。 現代における人間の発展に関する一般的理論の最も重要な発明者は,ヘーゲルとその弟子のマルクスでした。二人とも過去の歴史は論理的体系(図式)に従うこと,またこの同じ体系(図式)が未来を予言する手段を与えると信じました。(また)どちらも水素爆弾を予言しませんでしたし,これまでに作り上げられた人間発展の理論は,どれもこの発明の才に富む装置(水素爆弾)の影響を我々(人類)が予見することを可能にしませんでした。




This applies with especial force to those large schemes of historical development which have fascinated many eminent men from St. Augustine to Professor Toynbee. In modern times, the most important inventors of general theories as to human development, have been Hegel and his disciple Marx. Both believed that the history of the past obeyed a logical schema, and that this same schema gave a means of foretelling the future. Neither foresaw the hydrogen bomb, and no doctrine of human development hitherto concocted enables us to foresee the effects of this ingenious device. If this reflection seems gloomy, I will add another of a more cheerful sort: I cannot accept the view of Spengler that every society must inevitably grow old and decay like an individual human body. I think this view results from unduly pressing the analogy between a social and an individual organism. Most societies have perished by assassination, and not by old age. Some might maintain that Chinese society has been decrepit ever since the fall of the Han dynasty; but it survived because the countries immediately to the west of China were sparsely inhabited. What has put an end to the traditional civilization of China is not any new inherent weakness, but the improvement in means of communication with the West. Some among the Stoics thought that the world would be periodically destroyed by fire and then recreated. There is evidently something in this view which suits men’s preconceptions, and in milder forms it underlies almost all general theories of human development that historians have invented. All alike, I should say, are no more than myths, agreeable or disagreeable according to the temperaments of their inventors.
出典:History as an art (1954)
