恐怖(心)は憎しみを生みやすい- 勇気が必要な理由


GREEDY-S 恐怖(心)は,意識的であれ,無意識的であれ,憎しみを生みやすい。なぜなら,他人は,自分に危害を加えることができる者(可能性のある者)とみなされているからである。

Fears, conscious or unconscious, are very apt to produce hatred, because other people are regarded as capable of inflicting injuries. With most people, as things are, envy is a barrier to widespread affection. I do not think envy can be prevented except by happiness; moral discipline is powerless to touch its sub-conscious forms. Happiness, in turn, is largely prevented by fear. Young people who have a chance of happiness are deterred by parents and “friends”, nominally on moral grounds, but really from envy. If the young people have enough fearlessness they will ignore the croakers; otherwise they will allow themselves to be made miserable, and join the company of envious moralists. The education of character that we have been considering is designed to produce happiness and courage; I think, therefore, that it does what is possible to liberate the springs of affection. More than this cannot be done. If you tell children that they ought to be affectionate, you run the risk of producing cant and humbug. But if you make them happy and free, if you surround them with kindness, you will find that they become spontaneously friendly with everybody, and that almost everybody responds by being friendly with them. A trustful affectionate disposition justifies itself, because it gives irresistible charm, and creates the response which it expects. This is one of the most important results to be expected from the right education of character.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 11: Affection and Sympathy

abe_japan's-media_quailing 特に、汚職や嘘などの権力者の腐敗が明らかになり、政権基盤があやうくなった時には必ずといってよいほど、その傾向が強くなる。