歴史(歴史書/歴史学)が他の科学と異なる点 -芸術としての歴史)(1)




ある程度まで私はこの態度に共感します。数学者は,決して一般読者を喜ばそうとしてはいけません。自然科学の真面目な面は主に専門家に向けのものでなければなりませんが,自然科学(physical sciences)のより冒険好きな実務家(実践家)は,人をぞくぞくさせるような本を時々書きます。しかしそういった類いの本は,同僚の科学者からは,まともな仕事の一部とはみなされずに,彼らの専門家としての評判を高めるよりはむしろ低くします。




I am approaching the subject of this lecture (essay) with considerable trepidation. I know that among my hearers (readers) there are professional historians whom I greatly respect, and I should not at all wish to seem desirous of instructing them as to how their work should be done. I shall speak (write) as a consumer, not a producer. In shops they have a maxim: “The customer is always right.” But academic persons (among whom I should wish to include myself) are more lordly than shopkeepers: if the consumer does not like what he is offered, that is because he is a Philistine and because he does not know what is good for him. Up to a point I sympathize with this attitude. It would never do for a mathematician to try to please the general reader. The physical sciences in their serious aspects must be addressed primarily to specialists, though their more adventurous practitioners write occasional books designed to make your flesh creep. But such books are not regarded by their fellow scientists as part of their serious work, and detract from, rather than add to, their professional reputation. I think that in this respect history is in a position different from that of mathematics and physical science. There have to be physicists, worse luck, and there have to be mathematicians until calculating machines become cheaper, but when that happy consummation has been reached, there will be no point in teaching anybody to do sums, and the multiplication table can be placed alongside the birch as an out-of-date instrument of education. But history seems to me to be in a different category. The multiplication table, though useful, can hardly be called beautiful. It is seldom that essential wisdom in regard to human destiny is to be found by remembering even its more difficult items. History, on the other hand, is so I shall contend a desirable part of everybody’s mental furniture in the same kind of way as is generally recognized in the case of poetry. If history is to fulfill this function, it can only do so by appealing to those who are not professional historians. I have myself always found very great interest in the reading of history, and I have been grateful to those historians who gave me what I, as a consumer, though not a producer, was looking for in their books. It is from this point of view that I wish to speak (write). I wish to set forth what those who are not historians ought to get from history. And this is a theme upon which you will, I think, admit that non-historians have a right to express an opinion.
出典:History as an art (1954)






Roots of Social Progress

This certainly is the case with the irrational dogmatism that has been spreading over large parts of the world. Where danger is real the impersonal kind of feeling that philosophy should generate is the best cure. Spinoza, who was perhaps the best example of the way of feeling of which I am speaking, remained completely calm at all times, and in the last day of his life preserved the same friendly interest in others as he had shown in days of health. To a man whose hopes and wishes extend widely beyond his personal life there is not the same occasion for fear that there is for a man of more limited desires. He can reflect that when he is dead there will be others to carry on his work and that even the greatest disasters of past times have sooner or later been overcome. He can see the human race as a unity and history as a gradual emergence from animal subjection to nature. It is easier for him than it would be if he had no philosophy to avoid frantic panic and to develop a capacity for stoic endurance in misfortune. I do not pretend that such a man will always be happy. It is scarcely possible to be always happy in a world such as that in which we find ourselves, but I do think that the true philosopher is less likely than others are to suffer from baffled despair and fascinated terror in the contemplation of possible disaster.
出典:A Philosophy of Our Time (1953)

 オランダ哲学者であるスピノザ(Baruch De Spinoza、1632年 – 1677年/代表作は『エチカ』)は、日本ではそれほど知られていないが、後の哲学者たちに大きな影響を与えており、ラッセルも倫理思想の面で大きな影響を受けている。




Roots of Social Progress

World-wide co-operation with our present technique could abolish poverty and war, and could bring to all mankind a level of happiness and well-being such as has never hitherto existed. But although this is obvious men still prefer to confine co-operation to their own groups and to indulge toward other groups a fierce hostility which fills daily life with terrifying visions of disaster. The reasons for this absurd and tragic inability to behave as everybody’s interests would dictate lie not in anything external but in our own emotional nature. If we could feel in our moments of vision as impersonally as a man of science can think, we should see the folly of our divisions and contests, and we should soon perceive that our own interests are compatible with those of others but are not compatible with the desire to bring others to ruin. Fanatical dogmatism, which is one of the great evils of our time, is primarily an intellectual defect and, as I suggested before, it is one to which philosophy supplies an intellectual antidote. But a great deal of dogmatism has also an emotional source: namely, fear. It is felt that only the closest social unity is adequate to meet the enemy and that the slightest deviation from orthodoxy will have a weakening effect in war. Frightened populations are intolerant populations. I do not think they are wise in this. Fear seldom inspires rational action and very often inspires action which increases the very danger that is feared.
出典:A Philosophy of Our Time (1953)

しかし、現在では、「国民の命を守る」「国難」「悪の枢軸」など,言葉で恐怖心をあおるような行為を、世界の指導者が「愛国=無罪」の考えのもと,◯◯ first! を連呼してやっている。







Roots of Social Progress

Ethics, like science, should be general and should be emancipated, as far as this is humanly possible, from tyranny of the here and now. There is a simple rule by which ethical maxims can be tested, and it is this: “No ethical maxim must contain a proper name.” I mean by a proper name any designation of a particular part of space-time; not only the names of individual people but also the names of regions, countries, and historical periods. And when I say that ethical maxims should have this character I am suggesting something more than a cold intellectual assent, for, so long as that is all, a maxim may have very little influence on conduct. I mean something more active, something in the nature of actual desire or impulse, something which has its root in sympathetic imagination. It is from feelings of this generalized sort that most social progress has sprung and must still spring. If your hopes and wishes are confined to yourself, or your family, or your nation, or your class, or the adherents of your creed, you will find that all your affections and all your kindly feelings are paralleled by dislikes and hostile sentiments. From such a duality in men’s feelings spring almost all the major evils in human life–cruelties, oppressions, persecutions, and wars. If our world is to escape the disasters which threaten it men must learn to be less circumscribed in their sympathies.
This has no doubt always been true in a measure but it is more true now than it ever was before. Mankind, owing to science and scientific technique, are unified for evil but are not yet unified for good. They have learned the technique of world-wide mutual destruction but not the more desirable technique of world-wide co-operation. The failure to learn this more desirable technique has its source in emotional limitations, in the confining of sympathy to one’s own group, and in indulgence in hatred and fear toward other groups.
出典:A Philosophy of Our Time (1953)




 非個人的思考の発達と密接に並行して,非個人的な感情の発達があるが,後者は少くとも前者と等しく重要であり,また,当然,等しく哲学的な物の見方から結果するはずである(ought to)。我々の諸感覚と同様,我々の欲求本来自己中心的である。我々の欲求の自己中心的な性格は,我々(人間の)倫理に干渉する。他の問題と同じく,この問題においても,目標とすべきものは,生活に必要欠くべからざる動物的能力(資質)を完全になくすことではなくて,それに一層広汎かつ一般的な,個人的環境との結びつきの少いあるものを,付加するすることである。自分の子供に愛情をもたない親を称賛すべきでないのは,自分の子供を愛さない他人の親を称賛すべきでないのと同様である。しかし,自分の子供への愛から,一般的な慈愛へと導かれる人を我々は称賛すべきである栄養不良になるほど食物に無関心な人がいたとしても,そのような人を(無私の精神だと)称賛すべきではないが,自分の必要とする食物の知識から,飢餓への一般的な同情へと導かれる人を称賛すべきである。


Different Pictures of the Universe

Closely parallel to the development of impersonal thought there is the development of impersonal feeling, which is at least equally important and which ought equally to result from a philosophical outlook. Our desires, like our senses, are primarily self-centered. The egocentric character of our desires interferes with our ethics. In the one case, as in the other, what is to be aimed at is not a complete absence of the animal equipment that is necessary for life but the addition to it of something wider, more general, and less bound up with personal circumstances. We should not admire a parent who had no more affection for his own children than for those of others, but we should admire a man who from love of his own children is led to a general benevolence. We should not admire a man, if such a man there were, who was so indifferent to food as to become undernourished, but we should admire the man who from knowledge of his own need of food is led to a general sympathy with the hungry.
What philosophy should do in matters of feeling is very closely analogous to what it should do in matters of thought. It should not subtract from the personal life but should add to it. Just as the philosopher’s intellectual survey is wider than that of an uneducated man, so also the scope of his desires and interests should be wider. Buddha is said to have asserted that he could not be happy so long as even one human being was suffering. This is carrying things to an extreme and, if taken literally, would be excessive, but it illustrates that universalizing of feeling of which I am speaking. A man who has acquired a philosophical way of feeling, and not only of thinking, will note what things seem to him good and bad in his own experience, and will wish to secure the former and avoid the latter for others as well as for himself.
出典:A Philosophy of Our Time (1953)








Different Pictures of the Universe

If you read the systems of the great philosophers of the past you will find that there are a number of different pictures of the universe which have seemed good to men with a certain kind of imagination. Some have thought that there is nothing in the world but mind, that physical objects are really phantoms. Others have thought that there is nothing but matter, and that what we call “mind” is only an odd way in which certain kinds of matter behave. I am not at the moment concerned to say that any one of these ways of viewing the world is more true or otherwise more desirable than another. What I am concerned to say is that practice in appreciating these different world pictures stretches the mind and makes it more receptive of new and perhaps fruitful hypotheses.
There is another intellectual use which philosophy ought to have, though in this respect it not infrequently fails. It ought to inculcate a realization of human fallibility and of the uncertainty of many things which to the uneducated seem indubitable. Children at first will refuse to believe that the earth is round and will assert passionately that they can see that it is flat.
But the more important applications of the kind of uncertainty that I have in mind are in regard to such things as social systems and theologies. When we have acquired the habit of impersonal thinking we shall be able to view the popular beliefs of our own nation, our own class, or our own religious sect with the same detachment with which we view those of others. We shall discover that the beliefs that are held most firmly and most passionately are very often those for which there is least evidence. When one large body of men believes A, and another large body of men believes B, there is a tendency of each body to hate the other for believing anything so obviously absurd.
The best cure for this tendency is the practice of going by the evidence, and forgoing certainty where evidence is lacking. This applies not only to theological and political beliefs but also to social customs. The study of anthropology shows that an amazing variety of social customs exists, and that societies can persist with habits that might be thought contrary to human nature. This kind of knowledge is very valuable as an antidote to dogmatism, especially in our own day when rival dogmatisms are the chief danger that threatens mankind.
出典:A Philosophy of Our Time (1953)








The Here and the Now

The first thing that philosophy does, or should do, is to enlarge intellectual imagination. Animals, including human beings, view the world from a center consisting of the here and the now. Our senses, like a candle in the night, spread a gradually diminishing illumination upon objects as they become more distant. But we never get away from the fact that in our animal life we are compelled to view everything from just one standpoint.
Science attempts to escape from this geographical and chronological prison. In physics the origin of co-ordinates in space-time is wholly arbitrary, and the physicist aims at saying things which have nothing to do with his point of view but would be equally true for an inhabitant of Sirius or of an extra-galactic nebula.
Here again there are stages in emancipation. History and geology take us away from the now, astronomy takes us away from the here. The man whose mind has been filled with these studies gets a feeling that there is something accidental, and almost trivial, about the fact that his ego occupies a very particular portion of the space-time stream. His intellect becomes gradually more and more detached from these physical needs. It acquires in this way a generality and scope and power which is impossible to one whose thoughts are bounded by his animal wants.
Up to a point this is recognized in all civilized countries. A learned man is not expected to grow his own food and is relieved to a considerable extent of the useless expenditure of time and worry on the mere problem of keeping alive. It is, of course, only through this social mechanism that an impersonal outlook is in any degree possible. We all become absorbed in our animal wants in so far as is necessary for survival, but it has been found useful that men with certain kinds of capacity should be free to develop a way of thinking and feeling which is not bounded by their own need. This is done to some extent by the acquisition of any branch of knowledge, but it is done most completely by the sort of general survey that is characteristic of philosophy.
出典:A Philosophy of Our Time (1953)




Although this is my subject I do not think that the tasks of philosophy in our time are in any way different from its tasks at other times. Philosophy has, I believe, a certain perennial value, which is unchanging except in one respect: that some ages depart from wisdom more widely than others do, and have, therefore, more need of philosophy combined with less willingness to accept it. Our age is in many respects one which has little wisdom, and which would therefore profit greatly by what philosophy has to teach.
The value of philosophy is partly in relation to thought and partly in relation to feeling, though its effects in these two ways are closely interconnected. On the theoretical side it is a help in understanding the universe as a whole, in so far as this is possible. On the side of feeling it is a help toward a just appreciation of the ends of human life. I propose to consider first what philosophy can do for our thoughts, and then what it can do for our feelings.
出典:A Philosophy of Our Time (1953)




But beneath all this load of failure I am still conscious of something that I feel to be victory. I may have conceived theoretical truth wrongly, but I was not wrong in thinking that there is such a thing, and that it deserves our allegiance. I may have thought the road to a world of free and happy human beings shorter than it is proving to be, but I was not wrong in thinking that such a world is possible, and that it is worth while to live with a view to bringing it nearer. I have lived in the pursuit of a vision, both personal and social. Personal: to care for what is noble, for what is beautiful, for what is gentle; to allow moments of insight to give wisdom at more mundane times. Social: to see in imagination the society that is to be created, where individuals grow freely, and where hate and greed and envy die because there is nothing to nourish them. These things I believe, and the world, for all its horrors, has left me unshaken.
出典: Reflections on My Eightieth Birthday (1952)



 (私の2種類の失敗のうち、)まず外的失敗から言うと,ティーアガルテン(Tiergarten ベルリンにあった総面積210ヘクタールの大公園)は荒れ果てた場所となっている。(1895年の)あの3月の朝,そこを通ってティーアガルテンに入ったブランデンブルク門は二つの敵対する帝国(注:東西両陣営の境界(線)になった。東西両帝国はほとんど見ることができな障壁の向う側に対しお互いにらみ合い,冷酷に人類の滅亡を準備している。共産主義者,ファシスト,ナチス主義者は,相継いで,私の善いと思った全てに異議を唱え(いどみかかり),彼らを打ち負かす過程で,彼らの反対者(注:連合国側)が保存しようとしたものの多くは失われつつある。自由は弱さと考えられるようになり,寛容は裏切りの衣を身にまとうように強いられた。古い理想は不適切なものと裁断され,残酷さのない理論はまったく尊敬を払われない。

(私の)内的失敗は,世界にとってはほんの瞬間のものであるが(注:人間の命は短いため),私の精神生活をは終わりなき(絶え間のない)闘争と化した。私は,プラトン的な永遠の世界への,多少とも宗教的な信念から出発したが,そこでは数学神曲_天国篇の最後の歌(the last Cantos of the Paradiso)におけるような美をもって輝いていた。(しかし)プラトンの永遠の世界はつまらないものであり,数学はたんに同じことを違った言葉で言う技術にすぎないという結論に達した。私は愛と自由と勇気は闘わずして世界を克服できるという信念から出発したが,つらくて恐ろしい戦争(注:第二次世界大戦)を支持することで終った。これらの点においては,失敗が存在した(含まれていた)。

To begin with the outward failure: the Tiergarten has become a desert; the Brandenburger Tor, through which I entered it on that March morning, has become the boundary of two hostile empires, glaring at each other across an almost invisible barrier, and grimly preparing the ruin of mankind. Communists, Fascists, and Nazis have successively challenged all that I thought good, and in defeating them much of what their opponents have sought to preserve is being lost. Freedom has come to be thought weakness, and tolerance has been compelled to wear the garb of treachery. Old ideals are judged irrelevant, and no doctrine free from harshness commands respect.
The inner failure, though of little moment to the world, has made my mental life a perpetual battle. I set out with a more or less religious belief in a Platonic eternal world, in which mathematics shone with a beauty like that of the last Cantos of the Paradiso. I came to the conclusion that the eternal world is trivial, and that mathematics is only the art of saying the same thing in different words. I set out with a belief that love, free and courageous, could conquer the world without fighting, I ended by supporting a bitter and terrible war. In these respects there was failure.
出典: Reflections on My Eightieth Birthday (1952)

