

 は,若い時から,偉大かつ困難な仕事に自らを捧げた(捧げている)と自任していた。61年前(注:1895年始め/本エッセイは最初1952年に出され,1956年に単行本に収録された。即ち,初出の1952年から見れば57年前が正解),冷たく光り輝く3月の太陽のもとで溶け始めた雪の中(雪を踏みながら),ティーアガルテン(注:Tiergarten :ベルリンにあった総面積210ヘクタールの大公園/右写真)の中を一人で歩きながら,私は二系列の本を書こうと決意した。(即ち)一方は,抽象的な本(著作)で次第に具体的になってゆくもの(の一連の著作),他方は,具体的な本(著作)で次第に抽象的になってゆくもの(の一連の著作)であった。それらは純粋な理論を実際的な社会哲学と結びつけた一つの総合によって有終の美を飾るはずであった。いまだ実現できていない総合を除いて,私はこれらの本を書いてきた。

My work is near its end, and the time has come when I can survey it as a whole. How far have I succeeded, and how far have I failed? From an early age I thought of myself as dedicated to great and arduous tasks. Sixty-one years ago, walking alone in the Tiergarten through melting snow under the coldly glittering March sun, I determined to write two series of books: one abstract, growing gradually more concrete; the other concrete, growing gradually more abstract. They were to be crowned by a synthesis, combining pure theory with a practical social philosophy. Except for the final synthesis, which still eludes me, I have written these books. They have been acclaimed and praised, and the thoughts of many men and women have been affected by them. To this extent I have succeeded.
But as against this must be set two kinds of failure, one outward, one inward.
出典: Reflections on My Eightieth Birthday (1952)



 私は、私が社会的,政治的諸問題に関して(これまで)行ったことは非常に重要であったなどと,言い立てることはできない。教条的かつ明確な福音,たとえば共産主義の 教条的かつ明確な福音によって,甚大な影響をあたえることは比較的容易である。私としては,人類が必要とするものは何か明確なもの,あるいは教条的なものであるなどとは信ずることができない。また,私は人間生活のある部分ないし側面だけを扱ういかなる部分的な(不完全な)教義(信条)も,心の底から信ずることはできない。全ては制度に依存しており,良い諸制度は不可避的に至福千年期をもたらすと考えている人たちがいる。他方,必要なものは心の変化であり,これに較べれば,制度はほとんど重要ではないと信じている人たちがいる。私はどちらの見解も受けいれることができない。


I cannot pretend that what I have done in regard to social and political problems has had any great importance. It is comparatively easy to have an immense effect by means of a dogmatic and precise gospel, such as that of Communism. But for my part I cannot believe that what mankind needs is anything either precise or dogmatic. Nor can I believe with any wholeheartedness in any partial doctrine which deals only with some part or aspect of human life. There are those who hold that everything depends upon institutions, and that good institutions will inevitably bring the millennium. And, on the other hand, there are those who believe that what is needed is a change of heart, and that, in comparison, institutions are of little account. I cannot accept either view. Institutions mold character, and character transforms institutions. Reforms in both must march hand in hand. And if individuals are to retain that measure of initiative and flexibility which they ought to have, they must not be all forced into one rigid mold; or, to change the metaphor, all drilled into one army. Diversity is essential in spite of the fact that it precludes universal acceptance of a single gospel. But to preach such a doctrine is difficult especially in arduous times. And perhaps it cannot be effective until some bitter lessons have been learned by tragic experience.
出典: Reflections on My Eightieth Birthday (1952)





The last half of my life has been lived in one of those painful epochs of human history during which the world is getting worse, and past victories which had seemed to be definitive have turned out to be only temporary. When I was young, Victorian optimism was taken for granted. It was thought that freedom and prosperity would spread gradually throughout the world by an orderly process, and it was hoped that cruelty, tyranny, and injustice would continually diminish. Hardly anyone was haunted by the fear of great wars. Hardly anyone thought of the nineteenth century as a brief interlude between past and future barbarism. For those who grew up in that atmosphere, adjustment to the world of the present has been difficult. It has been difficult not only emotionally but intellectually. Ideas that had been thought adequate have proved inadequate. In some directions valuable freedoms have proved very hard to preserve. In other directions, specially as regards relations between nations, freedoms formerly valued have proved potent sources of disaster. New thoughts, new hopes, new freedoms, and new restrictions upon freedom are needed if the world is to emerge from its present perilous state.
出典: Reflections on My Eightieth Birthday (1952)



 この信念を基にして,私は常に一定程度の楽天主義を持ちつづけた。ただしその楽天主義は年をとるに従ってより冷静なものになり,幸福な結末(happy issue)はより遠のいていった。しかし,人間は苦しむように生れついているという物の見方を宿命論的に受けいれる人たちには,私は,相変わらず,全く同意することができない過去及び現在の不幸の原因は(何か),確かめることは困難なことではない。貧困や疾病や飢餓がこれまであったが,それらは人間が自然について十分精通していなかったからである(man’s inadequate mastery of nature)。(これまで)戦争や抑圧や拷問があったが,それらは同胞に対する敵意のせいであった。また,陰気な信条によって促進された病的な惨めさがあり,それはあらゆる外的繁栄を役に立たないものにするような,深刻な内面的な不調和に人間を導いてきた。これらすべて不要である。これらのどれについても,克服することができる手段は知られている。

On the basis of this belief, I have had always a certain degree of optimism, although, as I have grown older, the optimism has grown more sober and the happy issue more distant. But I remain completely incapable of agreeing with those who accept fatalistically the view that man is born to trouble. The causes of unhappiness in the past and, in the present are not difficult to ascertain. There have been poverty, pestilence, and famine, which were due to man’s inadequate mastery of nature. There have been wars, oppressions and tortures which have been due to men’s hostility to their fellow men. And there have been morbid miseries fostered by gloomy creeds, which have led men into profound inner discords that made all outward prosperity of no avail. All these are unnecessary. In regard to all of them, means are known by which they can be overcome. In the modern world, if communities are unhappy, it is because they choose to be so. Or, to speak more precisely, because they have ignorances, habits, beliefs, and passions, which are dearer to them than happiness or even life. I find many men in our dangerous age who seem to be in love with misery and death, and who grow angry when hopes are suggested to them. They think that hope is irrational and that, in sitting down to lazy despair, they are merely facing facts. I cannot agree with these men. To preserve hope in our world makes calls upon our intelligence and our energy. In those who despair it is very frequently the energy that is lacking.
出典: Reflections on My Eightieth Birthday (1952)


2つの大きな目的 - 知の探求と幸福な世界の創造





On reaching the age of eighty it is reasonable to suppose that the bulk of one’s work is done, and that what remains to do will be of less importance. The serious part of my life ever since boyhood has been devoted to two different objects which for a long time remained separate and have only in recent years united into a single whole. I wanted, on the one hand, to find out whether anything could be known; and, on the other hand, to do whatever might be possible toward creating a happier world. Up to the age of thirty-eight I gave most of my energies to the first of these tasks. I was troubled by scepticism and unwillingly forced to the conclusion that most of what passes for knowledge is open to reasonable doubt. I wanted certainty in the kind of way in which people want religious faith. I thought that certainty is more likely to be found in mathematics than elsewhere. But I discovered that many mathematical demonstrations, which my teachers expected me to accept, were full of fallacies, and that, if certainty were indeed discoverable in mathematics, it would be in a new kind of mathematics, with more solid foundations than those that had hitherto been thought secure. But as the work proceeded, I was continually reminded of the fable about the elephant and the tortoise. Having constructed an elephant upon which the mathematical world could rest, I found the elephant tottering, and proceeded to construct a tortoise to keep the elephant from falling. But the tortoise was no more secure than the elephant, and after some twenty years of very arduous toil, I came to the conclusion that there was nothing more that I could do in the way of making mathematical knowledge indubitable. Then came the First World War, and my thoughts became concentrated on human misery and folly. Neither misery nor folly seems to me any part of the inevitable lot of man. And I am convinced that intelligence, patience, and eloquence can, sooner or later, lead the human race out of its self-imposed tortures provided it does not exterminate itself meanwhile.
出典: Reflections on My Eightieth Birthday (1952)



 政治問題正しい思考(法)だけでも,適切な感受性(right feeling)だけでも解決することはできない(即ち)正しい思考は事実の評価における中立(性)に寄与できるが,適切な感受性は知識に動的なカを与えるために必要である。公衆(一般)の福祉への願望がなければ,知識があっても人類の幸福を増進するように意図された行為を起こさせる(鼓舞する)ことはないだろう。しかし,多くの者は混乱した思考によって,自己のやっていることを理解しないで,悪しき感情に従って行動することが可能であるが,純粋に知的な手段でこのことがよく理解(認識)されれば,彼らはしばしば,より荒っぽくなく,より闘争を助長しがちでないやり方で行動するように人々を導くことが可能である。世界中の学校が単一の国際的権威のもとにあり,この国際的権威が,情熱を駆り立てるように意図された言葉の使用法を解明することに専念すれば,国家間や,信条間や,政党間に存在する憎悪の念は急速に減少し,世界中の平和の維持は容易なものになるだろう,と私は堅く信じている。一方,明晰な思考の味方であり,悲惨な相互の敵意に反対する者は,人間性が陥りやすい感情に反対するばかりでなく,不寛容と気狂いじみた自己主張の大規模な組織勢力に反対する仕事を行わなければならない。この闘争において,明噺な論理的思考は立役者(行為者)の一人にすぎないが,演ずべき決定的な役割を有している

Political problems cannot be solved either by correct thinking alone, or by right feeling alone: correct thinking can contribute neutrality in the estimation of facts, but right feeling is needed to give dynamic force to knowledge. Unless a wish for the general welfare exists, no amount of knowledge will inspire action calculated to promote the happiness of mankind. But many men, owing to confused thinking, can act under the direction of bad passions without any realization that they are doing so, and when, by purely intellectual means, this realization is brought home to them, they can often be induced to act in a manner which is less harsh and less apt to promote strife. I am firmly persuaded that if schools throughout the world were under a single international authority, and if this authority devoted itself to clarifying the use of words calculated to promote passion, the existing hatreds between nations, creeds, and political parties would very rapidly diminish, and the preservation of peace throughout the world would become an easy matter. Meanwhile, those who stand for clear thinking and against mutual disastrous enmities have to work, not only against passions to which human nature is all too prone, but also against great organized forces of intolerance and insane self-assertion. In this struggle clear logical thinking, though only one of the actors, has a definite part to play.
出典: A Plea for Clear Thinking(1947)




Translating Problems into an Abstract Form

One useful technique which scientific philosophy teaches consists in the transformation of every problem from a concrete to an abstract form. Take, for example, the following: Had the Irish the right to object to being included with Great Britain in one democratic government? Every American Radical would say yes. Have the Moslems the same right as against the Hindus? Nine out of ten American Radicals would formerly have said no. I do not suggest that either of these problems can be solved by being stated in abstract terms, but I do say that, when for the two concrete problems we substitute a single abstract problem in which the letters A and B replace the names of nations or communities about which we have strong feelings, it becomes very much easier to see what sort of considerations ought to be involved in arriving at any impartial solution.
出典: A Plea for Clear Thinking(1947)


「民主主義」の意味(4)- 少しうかつだったウィルソン(米国大統領)

 言葉から情緒を取り除き,明断な論理的意味でおき代える技術を経験することは,もし興奮させる宣伝の渦中においても平静を保ちたいと望むなら,その人にとって大変役立つであろう。(注:keep one’s head 平静を保つ/みすず書房版の中村訳ではこの成句に気づかず「興奮した宣伝の渦中に★頭を突っ込んでいたい★人には・・・」と誤訳している。)1917年に,ウィルソン(米国大統領)は,あらゆる民族国家(nation)は自らの問題を処理する権利を持つという民族自決の大原則を宜言したが,不幸にして彼は「民族国家(nation)」という言葉の定義を添えることを忘れていたアイルランドは一つの民族国家であったか? 確かに、そうである。(それでは)北東アルスター(注:英国領となっている北アイルランドのこと)は一つの民族国家であったか? プロテスタントはそうだと肯定し,カトリック教徒はそうでないと否定し,そうして辞書は黙った(何も記載されなかった)。今日までこの民族自決の問題は未決のままであり,この問題に関する論争は大英帝国に対する合衆国の政策に影響しがちである。事実,ペトログラードでは,ケレンスキー時代に,ある一軒の家が正当な権利をもって自由のために闘っている民族国家であると自ら宣言し,ウィルソン大統領に独立した議会を与えることを訴えた。けれども,これはゆきすぎだと感じられた。ウィルソン大統領が論理的精確性において訓練されていたら,民族国家はある一定以上の人数の個人をもっていなければならないという脚注を付け加えたことであろう。だが,これは彼の(民族自決の)原則を恣意的なものとし,修辞的な効果を奪ったことであろう。

Experience in the technique of taking the emotion out of words and substituting a clear logical significance will stand a man in good stead if he wishes to keep his head amid the welter of excited propaganda. In 1917, Wilson proclaimed the great principle of self-determination, according to which every nation had a right to direct its own affairs; but unfortunately he forgot to append the definition of the word “nation.” Was Ireland a nation? Yes, certainly. Was northeast Ulster a nation? Protestants said yes, and Catholics said no, and the dictionary was silent. To this day this question remains undecided, and the controversies in regard to it are liable to influence the policy of the United States toward Great Britain. In Petrograd, as it then was, during the time of Kerensky, a certain single house proclaimed itself a nation rightly struggling to be free, and appealed to President Wilson to give it a separate Parliament. This, however, was felt to be going too far. If President Wilson had been trained in logical accuracy he would have appended a footnote saying that a nation must contain not less than some assigned number of individuals. This, however, would have made his principle arbitrary and would have robbed it of rhetorical force.
出典: A Plea for Clear Thinking(1947)


「民主主義」の意味(3)- わずかの情熱しか掻き立てない言葉から始める


 たとえば「真理」という言葉をとってみよう。畏敬の念を込めてこの言葉を使う者もいれば,ポンティウス・ビラト(注:Pontius Pilate, ピラト:ローマ帝国のユダヤ属州総督。新約聖書においてイエスの処刑に関与した総督として登場する。)のように,嘲笑をもって使う者もいる。「真理(性)は文の属性の一つである。」といった陳述を初めて聞くと,。(中立性について)学ぶ者は,文は素晴らしいものでもつまらないものでもない(注:つまり中立である)と考えることに慣れているので、ショックを受ける。(注:どういうわけか,みすず書房版の中村訳『(ラッセル)自伝的回想』では訳出されていない。)あるいは,また,「無限」という言葉をとってみよう。人々はあなたに有限の精神は無限を理解できないと教えるだろう。しかし,彼らに「あなたは〝無限″(という言葉)をどういう意味で使い,人間精神はどういう意味で有限なのか」と尋ねれば,彼らはただちに怒り出す(正気を失う)だろう。事実,「無限」という言葉は数学者によってあたえられている完全に精確な意味をもっており,それは,数学におけるほかのいかなるものと同じく,完全に理解できるものである。

Political passion is so virulent and so natural to man that the accurate use of language cannot well be first taught in the political sphere; it is easier to begin with words that arouse comparatively little passion. The first effect of a training in intellectual neutrality is apt to look like cynicism. Take, say, the word “truth,” a word which some people use with awe, and others, like Pontius Pilate, with derision. It produces a shock when the learner first hears such a statement as “truth is a property of sentences,” because he is accustomed to think of sentences neither as grand nor as ridiculous. Or take again the word “infinity”; people will tell you that a finite mind cannot comprehend the infinite, but if you ask them “what do you mean by ‘infinite,’ and in what sense is a human mind finite?” they will at once lose their tempers. In fact, the word “infinite” has a perfectly precise meaning which has been assigned to it by the mathematicians, and which is quite as comprehensible as anything else in mathematics.
出典: A Plea for Clear Thinking(1947)


「民主主義」の意味(2)- 若者に精確な意味をもった言葉を使わせる教育



It should be a part of education, as it is of science and scientific philosophy, to teach the young to use words with a precise meaning, rather than with a vague mist of emotion. I know from observation that the pursuit of scientific philosophy is practically effective in this respect. Two or three years before the outbreak of the late war I attended an international congress of scientific philosophy in Paris. Those who attended belonged to a great variety of nations, and their governments were engaged in acrimonious disputes which it seemed practically hopeless to settle except by force. The members of the congress in their professional hours discussed abstruse points of logic or theory of knowledge, apparently wholly divorced from the world of affairs, but in their unprofessional moments they debated all the most vexed questions of international politics. Not once did I hear any of them display patriotic bias or fail through passion to give due weight to arguments adverse to his national interest. If that congress could have taken over the government of the world, and been protected by Martians from the fury of all the fanatics whom they would have outraged, they could have come to just decisions without being compelled to ignore the protests of indignant minorities among themselves. If the governments of their several countries had so chosen, they could have educated the young to an equal degree of impartiality. But they did not so choose. Governments in their schools are only too ready to foster the germs of irrationality, hatred, suspicion and envy, which are all too easily fructified in human minds.
出典: A Plea for Clear Thinking(1947)

