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バートランド・ラッセル「我々の時代のための哲学」n4 (松下彰良 訳) - Bertrand Russell : Philosophy for Our Time (1953)

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 非個人的思考の発達と密接に並行して,非個人的な感情の発達があるが,後者は少くとも前者と等しく重要であり、また、当然,等しく哲学的な物の見方から結果するはずである(ought to)。我々の諸感覚と同様,我々の欲求も本来自己中心的である。我々の欲求の自己中心的な性格は,我々(人間の)倫理に干渉する。他の問題と同じく、この問題においても、目標とすべきものは,生活に必要欠くべからざる動物的能力(資質)を完全になくすことではなくて、それに一層広汎かつ一般的な、個人的環境との結びつきの少いあるものを、付加するすることである。自分の子供に愛情をもたない親を称賛すべきでないのは、自分の子供を愛さない他人の親を称賛すべきでないのと同様である。しかし,自分の子供への愛から、一般的な慈愛へと導かれる人を我々は称賛すべきである。栄養不良になるほど食物に無関心な人がいたとしても、そのような人を(無私の精神だと)称賛すべきではないが、自分の必要とする食物の知識から、飢餓への一般的な同情へと導かれる人を称賛すべきである。

Different Pictures of the Universe

Closely parallel to the development of impersonal thought there is the development of impersonal feeling, which is at least equally important and which ought equally to result from a philosophical outlook. Our desires, like our senses, are primarily self-centered. The egocentric character of our desires interferes with our ethics. In the one case, as in the other, what is to be aimed at is not a complete absence of the animal equipment that is necessary for life but the addition to it of something wider, more general, and less bound up with personal circumstances. We should not admire a parent who had no more affection for his own children than for those of others, but we should admire a man who from love of his own children is led to a general benevolence. We should not admire a man, if such a man there were, who was so indifferent to food as to become undernourished, but we should admire the man who from knowledge of his own need of food is led to a general sympathy with the hungry.
What philosophy should do in matters of feeling is very closely analogous to what it should do in matters of thought. It should not subtract from the personal life but should add to it. Just as the philosopher's intellectual survey is wider than that of an uneducated man, so also the scope of his desires and interests should be wider. Buddha is said to have asserted that he could not be happy so long as even one human being was suffering. This is carrying things to an extreme and, if taken literally, would be excessive, but it illustrates that universalizing of feeling of which I am speaking. A man who has acquired a philosophical way of feeling, and not only of thinking, will note what things seem to him good and bad in his own experience, and will wish to secure the former and avoid the latter for others as well as for himself.