ラッセル『結婚論』第二十章 人間の価値の中の性の位置

第二十章 人間の価値の中の性の位置 n.1: 性的強迫観念の犠牲者

性に関わる主題を扱う著者は,そういう主題に言及すべきではないと考えている人びとから,その問題に不当にとりつかれていると非難される危険が常にある。この主題に対する著者の関心がその主題の重要性とまったく不釣り合いでないかぎり,この主題を扱う著者は,淑女ぶった好色な人びとの非難(censure 不信任)をあえてまねくようなことはしないだろう,と考えられている。(注:つまり,あえて扱う人は「性の問題にとらわれているのだと世間は考えているということ。)


 残忍な(厳しい)道徳は,通例,好色な感情に対する反動であり,そういう道徳を口にする人は通例,頭の中は下品な思い(thoughts 考え/思考)で満たされているのである その思い(思考)が下品になっているのは,単に性的な内容を含んでいるためだけではなく,道徳のせいで,この主題について清潔かつ健全な考え方をすることができなくなっているためである(incapacitate 無能力にする)。




Chapter XX: The Place of Sex among Human Values, n.1

The writer who deals with a sexual theme is always in danger of being accused, by those who think that such themes should not be mentioned, of an undue obsession with his subject. It is thought that he would not risk the censure of prudish and prurient persons unless his interest in the subject were out of all proportion to its importance. This view, however, is only taken in the case of those who advocate changes in the conventional ethic. Those who stimulate the appeals to harry prostitutes and those who secure legislation nominally against the White Slave Traffic, but really against voluntary and decent extra-marital relations ; those who denounce women for short skirts and lipsticks ; and those who spy upon sea beaches in the hopes of discovering inadequate bathing costumes, are none of them supposed to be the victims of a sexual obsession. Yet in fact they probably suffer much more in this way than do writers who advocate greater sexual freedom. Fierce morality is generally a reaction against lustful emotions, and the man who gives expression to it is generally filled with indecent thoughts – thoughts which are rendered indecent, not by the mere fact that they have a sexual content, but by the fact that morality has incapacitated the thinker from thinking cleanly and wholesomely on this topic. I am quite in agreement with the Church in thinking that obsession with sexual topics is an evil, but I am not in agreement with the Church as to the best methods of avoiding this evil. It is notorious that St. Anthony was more obsessed by sex than the most extreme voluptuary who ever lived; I will not adduce more recent examples for fear of giving offence. Sex is a natural need, like food and drink. We blame the gormandizer and the dipsomaniac, because in the case of each an interest which has a certain legitimate place in life has usurped too large a share of his thoughts and emotions. But we do not blame a man for a normal and healthy enjoyment of a reasonable quantity of food. Ascetics, it is true, have done so, and have considered that a man should cut down his nutriment to the lowest point compatible with survival, but this view is not now common, and may be ignored. The Puritans, in their determination to avoid the pleasures of sex, became somewhat more conscious than people had been before of the pleasures of the table. As a seventeenth-century critic of Puritanism says :-

Would you enjoy gay nights and pleasant dinners?
Then must you board with saints and bed with sinners.

出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉 n.10

第十九章 性と個人の福祉 n.10: 男女愛(恋愛)と親子愛は両立すべきもの

 全てこういうやり方で,幼年時代から,思春期,青年期を経て,結婚にいたるまで,我々は古い道徳が恋愛(love ここでは男女間の愛情)を毒する(損なう)のを許してきており,それは,恋愛を憂鬱,恐怖,相互の誤解,悔恨,精神的緊張で満たし,(古い道徳は)性の肉体的衝動と理想的な恋愛の精神的な衝動との二つの領域に分離し(separate into),前者を獣的に,後者を不毛のものにしてしまった。人生をこのように送る(生きる)べきではない。動物的な性質と精神的な性質は,せめぎ合う(闘う)べきではない。どちらにも,他方と両立できないものはないし,どちらも,他方と結びつかないことには完全に実を結ぶことはできない。男女の恋愛は,最上のかたちにおいては,自由かつ恐れを知らないものであり,肉体と精神が等しい割合で混じり合ったものである。肉体的基礎があるので理想化(しすぎること)を恐れず,肉体的基礎が(恋愛の)理想化を妨げはしないかと肉体的基礎(があること)を恐れることもない。恋愛は,大地に深く根ざすものであるべきであるが,枝は空に向かって広がっている樹木(木)であるべきである。しかし,恋愛(男女間の愛情)は,タブーや迷信的な恐怖で,また,非難の言葉や恐ろしい沈黙で囲い込まれているかぎり,成長し,繁栄することはできない。男女愛(恋愛)と親子愛は,我々の情緒生活における二つの中心的な事実である。因習的な道徳は,一方の愛情(男女愛)を卑しめながら,他方の愛情(親子愛)を賛美するふりをしてきたが,実際は,親の子供に寄せる愛は,親同士の愛を卑しめたために損なわれてきたのである。喜びと相互実現の結実である子供は,いまよりも,もっと健康でたくましく,もっと自然と調和し,もっと単純で,率直で,動物的な(野性的な),それでいて,もっと利己的でなく実り多い方法で,愛することができるのである。これに対し,飢えて,欠乏状態にあり,あせっている親(たち)は,無力な子供に手をのばし,ちょっぴりでもいい,自分たちが結婚生活で得ることができなかった栄養分を求めること(だけが)(現在)可能である。そして,そうすることによって, 子供の心をゆがめ,次の世代に対して同じ苦労の基礎を置いているのである。


Chapter XIX: Sex and Individual Well-being, n.10

In all these ways, from childhood through adolescence and youth, and on into marriage, the older morality has been allowed to poison love, filling it with gloom, fear, mutual misunderstanding, remorse, and nervous strain, separating into two regions the bodily impulse of sex and the spiritual impulse of ideal love, making the one beastly and the other sterile. It is not so that life should be lived. The animal and the spiritual natures should not be at war. There is nothing in either that is incompatible with the other, and neither can reach its full fruition except in union with the other. The love of man and woman at its best is free and fearless, compounded of body and mind in equal proportions; not dreading to idealize because there is a physical basis, not dreading the physical basis lest it should interfere with the idealization. Love should be a tree whose roots are deep in the earth, but whose branches extend into heaven. But love cannot grow and nourish while it is hedged about with taboos and superstitious terrors, with words of reprobation and silences of horror. The love of man and woman and the love of parents and children are the two central facts in our emotional life. While degrading the one, conventional morality has pretended to exalt the other, but in fact the love of parents for children has suffered through the degradation of the love of parents for each other. Children who are the fruit of joy and mutual fulfilment can be loved in a way more healthy and robust, more in accordance with the ways of nature, more simple, direct, and animal, and yet more unselfish and fruitful, than is possible to parents starved, hungry, and eager, reaching out to the helpless young for some fragments of the nutriment that has been denied them in marriage, and in so doing, warping infant minds and laying the foundation of the same troubles for the next generation. To fear love is to fear life, and those who fear life are already three parts dead.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉 n.9

第十九章 性と個人の福祉 n.9


女性は,性的な事柄について自由に話すことに慣れていない。男性は(男性も),男同士で話す時や売春婦と話すとき以外は,それ(性的なことについて自由に話すこと)に慣れていない。お互いの生活の最も親密で重要な関心事について,彼らは内気であり,ぎこちなく,まったく黙っていることさえある。は,もしかすると(perphaps),満たされないまま,自分が望んでいるものが何であるかもよくわからないまま,眠らずに横たわっているかも知れない。夫は,もしかすると,売春婦でさえ,自分の正妻(lawful wife 法律によって認められた妻)よりも,もっと惜しみなく(愛情を)与えるのではないか,と考えるかも知れない。この考えは,初めはつかのまのものですぐに消え去るが,次第に,ますますしつこくなっていく。
(注:probably は「多分」「十中八九は」。これに対し,perphaps は「ことによると」「もしかすると」というように,可能性はあるが確実性はない状態を示している。安藤貞雄氏は,もちろんそのことはご存知であるが,岩波文庫版の『ラッセル結婚論』においては「たぶん」という訳語をあてて,「売春婦でさえ,自分の正妻よりも,もっと惜しみなく与えるのではないか,と考えている。」と訳されている。これは言い過ぎに思われる。)

Chapter XIX: Sex and Individual Well-being, n.9

Marriage, the one conventionally tolerated outlet for sex, itself suffers from the rigidity of the code. The complexes acquired in childhood, the experiences of men with prostitutes, and the attitude of aversion from sex instilled into young ladies in order to preserve their virtue, all militate against happiness in marriage. A well-brought-up girl, if her sexual impulses are strong, will be unable to distinguish, when she is courted, between a serious congeniality with a man and a mere sex attraction. She may easily marry the first man who awakens her sexually, and find out too late that when her sexual hunger is satisfied she has no longer anything in common with him. Everything has been done in the education of the two to make her unduly timid and him unduly sudden in the sexual approach. Neither has the knowledge on sexual matters that each ought to have, and very often initial failures, due to this ignorance, make the marriage ever after sexually unsatisfying to both. Moreover, mental as well as physical companionship is rendered difficult. A woman is not accustomed to free speech on sexual matters. A man is not accustomed to it, except with men and prostitutes. In the most intimate and vital concern of their mutual life, they are shy, awkward, even wholly silent. The wife, perhaps, lies awake unsatisfied and hardly knowing what it is she wants. The man, perhaps, has the thought, at first fleeting and instantly banished, but gradually becoming more and more insistent, that even prostitutes are more generous in giving than his lawful wife. He is offended by her coldness, at the very moment, perhaps, when she is suffering because he does not know how to rouse her. All this misery results from our policy of silence and decency.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉 n.8

『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉: n.8:好奇心を抑圧する弊害

 現状では(as things are 今のところ),生涯にわたって未婚のままでいなければならない多数の女性にとって,因習的な道徳は苦痛であり,また,たいていの場合,有害である。あらゆる人が知っているように,いかなる点から見ても最高の称賛に値する,厳格な因習的な美徳を備えた独身女性たちを,私も知っている。しかし,一般的には,そうではない(賞賛に値しない)と思われる。性体験がなく,貞操を守ること(preserve her virture)が大切だと考えてきた女性は,恐怖心も少し入りまじった,否定的な反応をしてきたので,概して臆病になっており,一方,同時に,本能的で無意識的な嫉妬のために,正常な人びとに対する不承認(disapproval 非難)と,自分がさし控えてきたものを楽しんでいる人々に罰を与えたい,という欲求を胸に募らせてきている

知的な臆病さは,とりわけ万年処女に共通した(common ありふれた)付きもの(concomitant 付随物)である。実際,仮に,女性が知的に劣っているとしたら,それは主として,性に対する恐怖心から,女性が好奇心を抑制するようになったせい(結果)ではないかという気がする。きまった夫を見つけられない女性が終生,処女でいるために,不幸になったり,無益になったりする十分ないわれはない(注:そんな必然性も理由もない)。こういうことが必然的に,頻繁に起こる現在の状況は,結婚制度の初期の頃には,予期されないことであった。当時においては,男女の数はほぼ等しかったからである(注:第一次対戦で多くの男性が戦死したために,男女比が歪になったことを言っている)。多くの国で女性が(男性の数に比較して)とても超過していることは,疑いもなく,因習的な道徳律の修正を支持する非常に真剣な論議を提供している(提供するものである)。

Chapter XIX: Sex and Individual Well-being, n.8

For the large class of women who, as things are, must remain permanently unmarried, conventional morality is painful and, in most cases, harmful. I have known, as we all have, unmarried women of strict conventional virtue who deserve the highest admiration from every possible point of view. But I think the general rule is otherwise. A woman who has had no experience of sex and has considered it important to preserve her virtue has been engaged in a negative reaction, tinged with fear, and has therefore, as a rule, become timid, while at the same time instinctive unconscious jealousy has filled her with disapproval of normal people, and with a desire to punish those who have enjoyed what she has foregone. Intellectual timidity is an especially common concomitant of prolonged virginity. Indeed, I am inclined to think that the intellectual inferiority of women, in so far as it exists, is mainly due to the restraint upon curiosity which the fear of sex leads them to impose. There is no good reason for the unhappiness and waste involved in the lifelong virginity of those women who cannot find an exclusive husband. The present situation, in which this necessarily occurs very frequently, was not contemplated in the earlier days of the institution of marriage, since in those days the numbers of the sexes were approximately equal. Undoubtedly, the existence of a great excess of women in many countries affords a very serious argument in favour of modifications of the conventional moral code.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉 n.7

『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉: n.7:学生の試験結婚の効用

大部分の若者(青年)は,大人になりたての頃,性に関してまったく不必要な悩みと困難を経験する。もしも,青年が童貞(chaste 貞節)のままでいれば,(性的欲求の)コントロールが難しいので,多分,臆病かつ内気になるだろう。その結果,とうとう
fail his wife 妻の役に立たない)。もしも,売春婦のもとへ通うなら,思春期に始まった恋愛(love)の肉体的な側面と理想主義的な側面との分離は永続的なものとなり,その結果,彼の女性との関係は,それ以後プラトニックなものになるか,あるいは,彼が信じているように,品位を下げるものとならざるをえない。さらに,(売春婦と付き合うことによって)性病にかかるという重大な危険を冒すことになる。もしも,同じ階級(階層)の娘と情事をもてば,害はずっと少なくなるが,その場合でも,秘密にしなければならないことで有害なものになり,安定した関係の発達を阻害する(ことになる)。


Chapter XIX: Sex and Individual Well-being, n.7

Most young men, in their early adult years, go through troubles and difficulties of a quite unnecessary kind in regard to sex. If young man remains chaste, the difficulty of control probably causes him to become timid and inhibited, so that when he finally marries he cannot break down the self-control of past years, except perhaps in a brutal and sudden manner, which leads him to fail his wife in the capacity of a lover. If he goes with prostitutes, the dissociation between the physical and the idealistic aspects of love which has begun in adolescence is perpetuated,
with the result that his relations with women ever after have to be either platonic or, in his belief, degrading. Moreover, he runs a grave risk of venereal disease. If he has affairs with girls of his own class, much less harm is done, but even then the need of secrecy is harmful, and interferes
with the development of stable relations. Owing partly to snobbery and partly to the belief that marriage ought immediately to lead to children, it is difficult for a man to marry young. Moreover, where divorce is very difficult, early marriage has great dangers, since two people who suit
each other at twenty are quite likely not to suit each other af thirty.  Stable relations with one partner are difficult for many people until they have had some experience of variety. If our outlook on sex were sane, we should expect university students to be temporarily married, though
childless. They would in this way be freed from the obsession of sex, which at present greatly interferes with work. They would acquire that experience of the other sex which is desirable as a prelude to the serious partnership
of a marriage with children. And they would be free to experience love  without the concomitants of subterfuge, concealment, and dread of disease which at present poison youthful adventures.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉 n.6

『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉

 思春期は,周知のように,神経障害がよく起こり,普段はいつも精神が安定している人が,まったく逆(精神不安定)になりやすい時期である。ミード女史は,『サモア島の成人』という著書の中で,思春期の障害(変調)はサモア島では知られていないと主張しており,これは性の自由が広く行きわたっているためだとしている(同書p.157)。なるほど,この性の自由は,布教活動のために(サモア島でも現在)いくらか切り詰められつつある。ミード女史が質問した娘の何人かは,宣教師の家に住んでいて,これらの娘たちは,思春期の間は,マスターベーションと同性愛をおこなっただけだがそれ以外のところに住んでいる娘たちは,異性との交渉も持っていた。わが国(英国)の最も有名な男子校も,この点において,サモアの宣教師の家とあまり変わったところはないが,サモアでは無害である行動の心理的な影響も,英国の男子生徒にとっては悲惨なものになるかもしれない。なぜなら,彼(男子生徒)はおそらく,心の中で伝統的な教えを尊重しているのに対して,サモア島民は,宣教師のことを奇妙な趣味の持ち主で,その趣味を満足させてやらなければならない白人としてしか見ていないからである。(注:humour ここでは「満足させる」)

Chapter XIX: Sex and Individual Well-being, n.6

Adolescence, as everyone knows, is a time when nervous disorders are very frequent, and when persons who at all other times are well balanced may easily be quite the reverse. Miss Mead, in her book called Coming of Age in Samoa, asserts that adolescent disorders are unknown in that island, and she attributes this fact to the prevalent sexual freedom (p.157). This sexual freedom, it is true, is being somewhat curtailed by missionary activity. Some of the girls whom she questioned lived in the missionary’s house, and these, during adolescence, practised only masturbation and homosexuality, whilst those who lived elsewhere engaged also in heterosexual practices. Our most famous boys’ schools are not altogether so very different in this respect from the house of the Samoan missionary, but the psychological effect of behaviour which, in Samoa, is harmless, may in an English schoolboy be disastrous, because he probably respects in his heart the conventional teaching, whereas the Samoan regards the missionary merely as a white man with peculiar tastes that have to be humoured.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉 n.5

『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉 n.5:思春期における理想主義と現実的欲求

 比較的(性格及び知能の)優れた少年の中には,同時に,美や詩歌に対する,また,性とはまったくかけ離れていると考えられる,理想的な愛に対する,この上ない極端な理想主義の衝動も存在(同居)している。キリスト教の教えにあるマニ教的な要素(注:二元論的要素)のために,思春期の理想主義的な衝動と肉欲的な衝動が,われわれの中で完全に分離したままで存在し,ときには戦い(せめぎあい)さえする傾向がある(at war one with the other)。この点について,私はある知的な友人の次の告白を引用してもよいだろう。彼は言う。





Chapter XIX: Sex and Individual Well-being, n.5

… there are at the same time impulses of the most extreme idealism towards beauty and poetry, and towards ideal love, which is thought of as wholly divorced from sex. Owing to the Manichaean elements in Christian teaching, the idealistic and the carnal impulses of adolescence are apt, among ourselves, to remain wholly dissociated, and even at war one with the other. On this point I may quote the confession of an intellectual friend, who says :

“My own adolescence was, I believe, not untypical, and it exhibited this dissociation in a very marked form. For hours in the day I would read Shelley and sentimentalize over :
The desire of the moth for the star,
Of the night for the morrow.
Then suddenly I would leave these heights and try to catch a surreptitious glimpse of the housemaid undressing. The latter impulse caused me profound shame ; the former had, of course, an element of silliness, since its idealism was the obverse of a foolish fear of sex.”
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉 n.4

『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉 n.4:子供の生活を支配するべきもの



Chapter XIX: Sex and Individual Well-being, n.4

It is not guilt and shame and fear that should dominate the lives of children. Children should be happy and gay and spontaneous; they should not dread their own impulses; they should not shrink away from the exploration of natural facts. They should not hide away in the darkness all their instinctive life. They should not bury in the depths of the unconscious impulses which, even with their utmost endeavours, they cannot kill. If they are to grow into upright men and women, intellectually honest, socially fearless, vigorous in action and tolerant in thought, we must begin from the very beginning to train them so that these results may be possible. Education has been conceived too much on the analogy of the training of dancing bears. Everyone knows how dancing bears are trained. They are put on a hot floor, which compels them to dance because their toes are burnt if they remain in contact with it. While this is done, a certain tune is played to them. After a time the tune suffices to make them dance, without the hot floor. So it is with children. While a child is conscious of his sexual organ, grown-ups scold him. In the end, such consciousness brings up a thought of their scolding and makes him dance to their tune, to the complete destruction of all possibility of a healthy or happy sexual life.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉 n.3

『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉 n.3:道徳的恐怖心をもたせること


少年期のごく早い時期から,子供は自分のことを罪人(つみびと)だと考える。やがて彼は,こっそり罪を犯すことを学び,誰も彼(自分)の罪を知らないということに中途半端な慰め(a half-hearted consolation)を見いだすようになる。彼は,とても不幸なので,似たような罪を彼ほどうまく隠しおおせなかった人々を罰することで,世間に復讐しようととする(注:自分は細心の注意をはらってわからないようにやっているのに,あいつは堂々とやっている。あいつを処罰すべきだ,といった感情)子供のころに嘘をつくことに慣れたので,大人になっても平気で嘘をつくようになる。こうして,彼は,病的に内向的な偽善者でありかつ迫害者になる。これは,両親が判断を誤って子供を自分たちの考える道徳的な人間にしようと試みた結果である。

Chapter XIX: Sex and Individual Well-being, n.3

Childhood and youth form a period in life when pranks and naughtiness and performances of forbidden acts are natural, spontaneous, and not regrettable except when carried too far. But infraction of sex prohibitions is treated by grown-up people quite differently from any other breach of rules, and is therefore felt by the child to belong to a quite different category. If a child steals fruit from the larder you may be annoyed, you may rate the child soundly, but you feel no moral horror, and you do not convey to the child the sense that something appalling has occured. If, on the other hand, you are an old-fashioned person and you find him masturbating, there will be a tone in your voice which he will never hear in any other connection. This tone produces an abject terror, all the greater since the child probably finds it impossible to abstain from the behaviour that has called forth your denunciation. The child, impressed by your earnestness, profoundly believes that masturbation is as wicked as you say it is. Nevertheless, he persists in it. Thus the foundations are laid for a morbidness which probably continues through life. From his earliest youth onward, he regards himself as a sinner. He soon learns to sin in secret, and to find a half-hearted consolation in the fact that no one knows of his sin. Being profoundly unhappy, he seeks to avenge himself on the world by punishing those who have been less successful than himself in concealing a similar guilt. Being accustomed to deceit as a child, he finds no difficulty in practising it in later life. Thus he becomes a morbidly introverted hypocrite and persecutor as a result of his parents’ ill-judged attempt to make him what they consider virtuous.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉 n.2

『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉 n.2: サディズム 対 マゾヒズム

Chapter XIX: Sex and Individual Well-being, n.2

Both sadism and masochism, although in their milder forms they are normal, are connected, in their pernicious manifestations, with the sense of sexual guilt. A masochist is a man acutely conscious of his own guilt in connection with sex. A sadist is a man more conscious of the guilt of the woman as temptress. These effects, in later life, show how profound has been the early impression produced by unduly severe moral teaching in childhood. On this matter, persons connected with the teaching of children, and especially with the care of the very young, are becoming more enlightened. But unfortunately enlightenment has not yet reached the law-courts.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.
