ラッセル『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉 n.7

『結婚論』第19章 性と個人の福祉: n.7:学生の試験結婚の効用

大部分の若者(青年)は,大人になりたての頃,性に関してまったく不必要な悩みと困難を経験する。もしも,青年が童貞(chaste 貞節)のままでいれば,(性的欲求の)コントロールが難しいので,多分,臆病かつ内気になるだろう。その結果,とうとう
fail his wife 妻の役に立たない)。もしも,売春婦のもとへ通うなら,思春期に始まった恋愛(love)の肉体的な側面と理想主義的な側面との分離は永続的なものとなり,その結果,彼の女性との関係は,それ以後プラトニックなものになるか,あるいは,彼が信じているように,品位を下げるものとならざるをえない。さらに,(売春婦と付き合うことによって)性病にかかるという重大な危険を冒すことになる。もしも,同じ階級(階層)の娘と情事をもてば,害はずっと少なくなるが,その場合でも,秘密にしなければならないことで有害なものになり,安定した関係の発達を阻害する(ことになる)。


Chapter XIX: Sex and Individual Well-being, n.7

Most young men, in their early adult years, go through troubles and difficulties of a quite unnecessary kind in regard to sex. If young man remains chaste, the difficulty of control probably causes him to become timid and inhibited, so that when he finally marries he cannot break down the self-control of past years, except perhaps in a brutal and sudden manner, which leads him to fail his wife in the capacity of a lover. If he goes with prostitutes, the dissociation between the physical and the idealistic aspects of love which has begun in adolescence is perpetuated,
with the result that his relations with women ever after have to be either platonic or, in his belief, degrading. Moreover, he runs a grave risk of venereal disease. If he has affairs with girls of his own class, much less harm is done, but even then the need of secrecy is harmful, and interferes
with the development of stable relations. Owing partly to snobbery and partly to the belief that marriage ought immediately to lead to children, it is difficult for a man to marry young. Moreover, where divorce is very difficult, early marriage has great dangers, since two people who suit
each other at twenty are quite likely not to suit each other af thirty.  Stable relations with one partner are difficult for many people until they have had some experience of variety. If our outlook on sex were sane, we should expect university students to be temporarily married, though
childless. They would in this way be freed from the obsession of sex, which at present greatly interferes with work. They would acquire that experience of the other sex which is desirable as a prelude to the serious partnership
of a marriage with children. And they would be free to experience love  without the concomitants of subterfuge, concealment, and dread of disease which at present poison youthful adventures.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


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