男性が色情をおぼえる(経験する)頻度は,彼の肉体的な条件に依存するのに対して,そういう感情を起こさせる機会は,彼が慣れ親しんでいる社会的慣習に依存している。ヴィクトリア朝時代初期の男性にとっては,女性のくるぶしが十分な刺激であったが,現代の男性は,腿(もも)まで(注:脚の付け根から膝までの部分まで)見てもなんとも感じない。これは,ただ,衣服の流行の問題にすぎない。もしも,裸が流行になれば,裸がわれわれを興奮させることはなくなるだろうし,女性は,ある未開種族の女性のように,自分を性的に魅力的にする手段として,衣服をまとわざるをえなくなるだろう。 まったく同様な考察が,文学や絵画(pictures)にもあてはまる。(すなわち,)ヴィクトリア時代に刺激的であったものにも,もっと隠し立てをしない時代の男性は,まったく動揺しないであろう。分別によって,性的アピールの許容度を制限すればするほど,ますます少ない努力で性的アピールを効果的なものにすることができるのである。ポルノグラフィー(猥褻文書)の魅力は,十分の九まで,道徳家(モラリスト)が若い人たちに植えつける性に関するみだらな感情によるものである。残りの十分の一は,生理学的なもので,法律の状態がどうであろうと,いずれにせよ生じるであろう。(残念ながら)私に同意する人はほとんどいないであろうが,以上の理由から,猥褻な出版物の問題にはいかなる法律も設けるべきではない,と私は固く信じている。 |
Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.18There is, however, a further ground for objecting to censorship, and that is that even frank pornography would do less harm if it were open and unashamed than it does when it is rendered interesting by secrecy and stealth. In spite of the law, nearly every fairly well-to-do man has in adolescence seen indecent photographs, and has been proud of obtaining possession of them because they were difficult to procure. Conventional men are of opinion that such things are extraordinarily injurious to others, although hardly one of them will admit that they have been injurious to himself. Undoubtedly they stir a transient feeling of lust, but in any sexually vigorous male such feelings will be stirred in one way if not in another. The frequency with which a man experiences lust depends upon his own physical condition, whereas the occasions which rouse such feelings in him depend upon the social conventions to which he is accustomed. To an early Victorian man a woman's ankles were sufficient stimulus, whereas a modern man remains unmoved by anything up to the thigh. This is merely a question of fashion in clothing. If nakedness were the fashion, it would cease to excite us, and women would be forced, as they are in certain savage tribes, to adopt clothing as a means of making themselves sexually attractive. Exactly similar considerations apply to literature and pictures: what was exciting in the Victorian age would leave the men of a franker epoch quite unmoved. The more prudes restrict the permissible degree of sexual appeal, the less is required to make such an appeal effective. Nine-tenths of the appeal of pornography is due to the indecent feelings concerning sex which moralists inculcate in the young; the other tenth is physiological, and will occur in one way or another whatever the state of the law may be. On these grounds, although I fear that few will agree with me, I am firmly persuaded that there ought to be no law whatsoever on the subject of obscene publications. |