ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.6

第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.6:3世代くらい後でないと・・・

 これらの事実は,現在,ある程度まで,若い人たちを扱わなければいけない仕事をしているすべての知的な人たちに認識されている。けれども,本章の最初に引用した事例で明らかなように,法律や法律を執行する人たちにはまだ知られていない(法律に明文化されていない)。そうして,現状では,子供を扱う立場にあるすべての事情通(見聞の広い人)は,法律を破るか,あるいは,自分が預かっている(under his charge 世話をしている)子供たちに取り返しのつかない道徳的ならびに知的な損害を与えるか,のどちらかを選ぶことを強いられる。法律を変えることは,困難である。なぜなら,年配の人たちの大部分は,性は邪悪でありみだらなものだと信じないかぎり,性の喜びを得られないほど考えがゆがんでしまっているからである。残念ながら,現在,老年あるいは中年である人びとが(みな)死んでしまうまでは,法の改正などまったく望めないと思われる(注:あくまでも1929年の状況です)。

Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.6

To a certain extent these facts are now recognized by all intelligent people who have to deal with the young; they have, however, not yet become known to the law and those who administer it, as is evident from the case quoted at the beginning of this chapter. Thus the situation is at present that every well-informed person who has to deal with children is compelled to choose whether he will break the law or whether he will cause the children under his charge irreparable moral and intellectual damage. It is difficult to change the law, since most elderly men are so perverted that their pleasure in sex depends upon the belief that sex is wicked and nasty. I am afraid no reform can be hoped for until those who are now old or middle-aged have died.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.5

第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.5:親の道徳的・知的権威失墜の原因




Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.5

In addition to this intellectual damage, there is in most cases a very grave moral damage. As Freud first showed, and as everyone intimate with children soon discovers, the fables about the stork and the gooseberry-bush are usually disbelieved. The child thus comes to the conclusion that parents are apt to lie to him. If they lie in one matter, they may lie in another, so that their moral and intellectual authority is destroyed. Moreover, since parents lie where sex is concerned, the children conclude that they also may lie on such topics. They talk with each other about them, and very likely they practise masturbation in secret. In this way they learn to acquire habits of deceit and concealment, while, owing to their parents’ threats, their lives become clouded with fear. The threats of parents and nurses as to the bad consequences of masturbation have been shown by psycho-analysis to be a very frequent cause of nervous disorders, not only in childhood but in adult life also.
The effects of the conventional treatment of sex in dealing with the young are therefore to make people stupid, deceitful, and timorous, and to drive a not inconsiderable percentage over the border-line into insanity or something like it.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

子どもはなぜ嘘をついてもあやまらないことが多いのか? それは親も時々嘘をすつことを知っており,子どもにだけ「嘘をつくな」というのはおかしいと思っていることも一つの原因。

ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.4

第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.4


子供は,最初,どういう種類の好奇心が許され,どういう種頬の好奇心が認められないのか(許されないのか)理解しない(わからない)。どのようにして赤ん坊が生まれるのかを聞くのが悪いのであれば,たぶん(for aught the child can tell),どのようにして飛行機が製造されるのかを聞くことも,同様に悪いのかもしれない。子供は,いずれにしても,科学的な好奇心は危険な衝動であり,チェックなしのまま(野放しのまま)ではいけない,という結論へと追い立てられる。何かを知ろうとする前に,これは道徳的なもの(知識)なのか,邪悪なもの(知識)なのか,と心配して問わなければならない。そして,性的な好奇心は,萎縮(性欲減退)してしまうまでは一般的に非常に強いものであるので,子供は,自分が欲する知識は悪いものであり,それに反して,道徳的な唯一の知識は,いかなる人間も決して欲しないいもの,たとえば,九九表のようなもの,のみである,という結論に導かれる。


Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.4

Before considering the effect of this attitude in the realm of sex, I should like to say a few words about its consequences in other directions. The first and gravest consequence, in my opinion, is the hampering of scientific curiosity in the young. Intelligent children wish to know about everything in the world ; they ask questions about trains and motor-cars and aeroplanes, about what makes rain and about what makes babies. All these curiosities are to the child on exactly the same level ; he is merely following what pavlov calls the “What-is-it?” reflex, which is the source of all scientific knowledge. When the child in pursuit of the desire for knowledge learns that this desire in certain directions is considered wicked, his whole impulse of scientific curiosity is checked. He does not at first understand what kinds of curiosity are permissible and what kinds are not : if it is wicked to ask how babies are made, it may, for aught the child can tell, be equally wicked to ask how aeroplanes are made. In any case he is driven to the conclusion that scientific curiosity is a dangerous impulse, which must not be allowed to remain unchecked. Before seeking to know anything, one must anxiously inquire whether this is a virtuous or a vicious kind of knowledge. And since sexual curiosity is generally very strong until it hast become atrophied, the child is led to the conclusion that knowledge which he desires is wicked, while the only virtuous knowledge is such as no human being could possibly desire–for example, the multiplication table. The pursuit of knowledge, which is one of the spontaneous impulses of all healthy children, is thus destroyed, and children are rendered artificially stupid. I do not think it can be denied that women are on the average stupider than men, and I believe this to be largely due to the fact that in youth they are more effectively choked off from the pursuit of sex knowledge.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.3

 伝統的な子供に関する行動方針(course with children)は,両親と教師ができるだけ子供を無知にしておくことであった。子供たちは,両親の裸をまったく見たことがなかった。また,幼児期を過ぎると(自宅に部屋の余裕が十分にあるかぎり),異性の兄弟姉妹の裸も見なかった。子供たちは,自分の性器に絶対にさわってはいけないし,性器について話をしてもいけないと言われた。(そうして)性に関する質問をすると,その反応はいつも,ショックを受けているような語調で「しっ,しっ」という言葉であった。赤ん坊は,コウノトリが運んでくるとか,グーズベリーのやぶの下から掘り出すのだとか,教えられた。遅かれ早かれ,子供たちは,こっそりと語る他の子供から,通例,多少ともねじ曲げた形で,(性の)事実を学び(学ぶことになり),両親の教え(話題にしてはいけないもの)の結果として,子供たちは,性の事実を「不潔なもの」と見なした。子供たちは,両親は互いに不潔な行いをしており,両親は自らそのことを恥ずかしく思っていると推測した。両親がそのことを隠そうと大変苦労しているからである。


Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.3

The traditional course with children was to keep them in as great a degree of ignorance as parents and teachers could achieve. They never saw their parents naked, and after a very early age (provided housing accommodation was sufficient) they did not see their brothers or sisters of the opposite sex naked. They were told never to touch their sexual organs or to speak about them ; all questions concerning sex were met by the word “Hush, hush” in a shocked tone. They were informed that children were brought by the stork or dug up under a gooseberry-bush. Sooner or later they learnt the facts, usually in a more or less garbled form, from other children, who related them secretly, and, as a result of parental teaching, regarded them as “dirty”. The children inferred that their father and mother behaved to each other in a way which was nasty and of which they ‘themselves were ashamed, since they took so much trouble to conceal it. They learnt also that they had been systematically deceived by those to whom they had looked for guidance and instruction. Their attitude towards their parents, towards marriage, and towards the opposite sex was thus irrevocably poisoned. Very few men or women who have had a conventional upbringing have learnt to feel decently about sex and marriage. Their education has taught them that deceitfulness and lying are considered virtues by parents and teachers: that sexual relations, even within marriage, are more or less disgusting, and that in propagating the species men are yielding to their animal nature while women are submitting to a painful duty. This attitude has made marriage unsatisfying both to men and to women, and the lack of instinctive satisfaction has turned to cruelty masquerading as morality.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.2

第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.2:




 ニューイングランド出身の連邦判事で裁判長のウォレン・B・バローズは,上述(前述)の事実をすべて無視し,証言しようと待機していた高名な教育者や医師たちが意見を述べること(証言台に立つこと)も,有名な著述家によるデネット夫人の著作を是認する意見を陪審員団が聞くことも拒否した。裁判は,事実上,年配のブルックリンの既婚の男性たちで構成されている陪審員団に,パンフレットを音読して聞かせることで成り立っていた(音読するだけで終わった)。陪審員はすべて,H・L・メンケンやハヴュロック・エリスの著書を一冊も読んだことがないという理由で選ばれていた。読んでいないというテスト(確認)は,検察官(注:ptosecuting attorney 米国の検察官)によってなされた。


Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.2

Reticence about sexual facts, though it belongs in the main to a different department, has had its origin, at least in part, in a similar motive. It was at first only females who were to be kept ignorant, and their ignorance was desired as a help towards masculine domination. Gradually, however, women acquiesced in the view that ignorance is essential to virtue, and partly through their influence it came to be thought that children and young people, whether male or female, should be as ignorant as possible on sexual subjects. At this stage the motive ceased to be one of domination and passed into the region of irrational taboo. The question whether ignorance is desirable is never examined, and it is even illegal to bring evidence to show that ignorance does harm. I may take, as my text on this subject, the following extract from the Manchester Guardian of April 25, 1929:

American Liberals are shocked by the outcome of the court trial of Mrs. Mary Ware Dennett, who was yesterday found guilty by a Federal jury in Brooklyn of sending obscene literature through the mails. Mrs. Dennett is the author of a highly praised and widely used pamphlet giving in dignified language the elementary facts of sex for children. She is faced with a possible sentence of five years’ imprisonment or a dine of £1,000 or both.
Mrs. Dennett, a well-known social worker, is the mother of two grown-up sons, and originally wrote the pamphlet eleven years ago for their instruction. It was printed in a medical magazine and reprinted in pamphlet form at the request of the editor. It has the endorsement of scores of leading physicians, clergymen, and sociologists, and many thousands of copies have been distributed by the Young Men’s and Young Women’s Christian Associations. It has even been used in the municipal school system of Bronxville, a fashionable suburb of New York.
The Federal judge, Warren B. Burrows, from New England, who presided, ruled out all the foregoing facts, and refused to let any of the distinguished educators and physicians who were waiting to testify take their stand or permit the jury to hear endorsements of Mrs. Dennett’s work by prominent authors. The trial virtually consisted of the reading of the pamphlet aloud to a jury of elderly Brooklyn married men, all of whom had been chosen because they had never read any of the works of H. L. Mencken or Havelock Ellis, a test applied by the prosecuting attorney.
It seems clear that the New York World is correct when it says that if Mrs. Dennett’s work is not permitted to circulate then there is no hope of putting any plain, honest statement of the facts of sex before young people in America. The case will be the subject of an appeal to a higher court, whose decision will be awaited with the greatest interest.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.1

第八章 性知識に関するタブー, n.1: 「無知」を必要とするような性道徳はダメ

 新しい性道徳を構築する試みにおいて,最初に自問しなければならない問題は,(男女の)性関係をいかに規制するべきかということではなく,男性や女性や子供が性の問題に関する事実について人為的に無知のままにしておかれてよいのかということである。私がなぜ,最初にこの(性に関する知識に関する)問いを提起し理由は,本章において私が読者によく納得してもらうように努めるように,そのような事柄(問題)に関する無知は,個々人にとってはなはだ有害であり,それゆえそのような無知を要求しなければ永続できないようないかなる制度も望ましいものではないからである。私に言わせれば,性道徳は,よく事柄について知っている人々に気に入られるようなものであるべきであり(注:commend itself 気に入られる),無知につけこんで訴えようとするものであってはならない。これは,より広い原理の一部であり,政府や警察官が決して認めたことはなかったものではあるが,理性に照らして疑う余地のないものと思われる。

 その原理とは,正しい行為は,稀な偶然による場合を除いて,無知によって促進されたり,知識によってさまたげられたりすることは絶対にないというもの(原理)である。もちろん,もしAが,Aの利益にはなってもBの利益にはならないような行為をBにさせたいと思うなら,Bの真の利益がどこにあるかを示すような事実をBに知らせないでおくほうがAにとって有利であることは確かである。この事実は,株式取引所(株式市場)ではよく理解されているが,倫理という高い部門に属しているとは,一般的には考えられていない。これは,事実を隠蔽しようとする際の政府の活動の大部分にあてはまるのである たとえば,いずれの国の政府も,戦争における敗北に関する話題はいっさい差し止めたいと願っている。というのは,戦争における敗北が(国民)知れると,政府の崩壊をまねくかもしれないし,それは通例,国民の利益にはなっても,政府の利益にはならないからである。

Chapter VIII: The Taboo on sex knowledge, n.1

In the attempt to build up a new sexual morality, the first question we have to ask ourselves is not, how should the relations of the sexes be regulated,but, is it good that men, women, and children should be kept in artificial ignorance of facts relating to sexual affairs? My reason for putting this question first is that, as I shall try to persuade the reader in this chapter, ignorance on such matters is extraordinarily harmful to the individual, and therefore no system whose perpetuation demands such ignorance can be desirable. Sexual morality, I should say, must be such as to commend itself to well-informed persons and not to depend upon ignorance for its appeal. This is part of a wider doctrine which, though it has never been held by Governments or policemen, appears indubitable in the light of reason. That doctrine is that right conduct can never, except by some rare accident, be promoted by ignorance or hindered by knowledge. It is, of course, true that if A desires B to act in a certain manner which is in A’s interest but not in B’s, it may be useful to A to keep B in ignorance of facts which would show B where his true interest lies. This fact is well understood on the Stock Exchange, but is not generally held to belong to the higher departments of ethics. It covers a large part of Governmental activity in concealing facts-for example, the desire which every Government feels to prevent all mention of a defeat in war, for the knowledge of a defeat may lead to the downfall of the Government, which, though usually in the national interest, is, of course, not in the interest of the Government.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第七章 女性の解放, n.10

第七章 女性の解放 n.10: 前進のためにも必要な新しい性道徳


すべての道学者(モラリスト)が,時代遅れの制度への回帰(a system which is as dead as the Dodo/Dodo 飛べなくなってしまった鳥ドードー)を説くことで満足しているかぎり,新しい自由に道徳性を与えたり,それに伴って生じる新しい義務を指摘したりすることは,何びとつできない。私は,新しい制度が古い制度以上に抑制のない衝動への屈服(衝動に身をまかせる)を伴うとは考えないが,衝動を抑制する機会とそうする動機は,過去のものとは違っていなければならない,と考えている。要するに,性道徳の問題全体を,改めて徹底的に検討し直す必要がある。以下のページは,ささやかではあるが,この仕事に寄与しようと意図されたものである。

Chapter VII: The Liberation of women, n.10

It will be seen that there are difficulties and objections whichever course we adopt. If we are to allow the new morality to take its course, it is bound to go farther than it has done, and to raise difficulties hardly as yet appreciated. If, on the other hand, we attempt in the modern world to enforce restrictions which were possible in a former age, we are led into an impossible stringency of regulations, against which human nature would soon rebel. This is so clear that, whatever the dangers or difficulties, we must be content to let the world go forward rather than back. For this purpose we shall need a genuinely new morality. I mean by this that obligations and duties will still have to be recognized, though they may be very different from the obligations and duties recognized in the past. So long as all the moralists content themselves with preaching a return to a system which is as dead as the Dodo, they can do nothing whatever to moralize the new freedom or to point out the new duties which it brings with it. I do not think that the new system, any more than the old, should involve unbridled yielding to impulse, but I think the occasions for restraining impulse and the motives for doing so will have to be different from what they have been in the past. In fact the whole problem of sexual morality needs thinking out afresh. The following pages are intended as a contribution, however humble, to this task.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第七章 女性の解放, n.9

第七章 女性の解放 n.9: 後戻りできない




けれども,以上の条件は,すでに存在しているのだから(存在しているのに十分でないのであるから),明らかに不十分である。唯一の十分な条件は,若い女性から,男性と二人だけでいるいっさいの機会をとりあげることである。即ち,女子には,家庭の外の仕事で生計をたてることを禁止しなければならない。(また)母親,あるいはおばといっしょでないかぎり,絶対に外出を許してはならない。付き添いなしにダンスパーティーに(若い女性一人で)行くという嘆かわしい習慣は,断固,根絶(stamped out)しなければならない。50歳以下の未婚の女性が自動車を持つことは違法としなければならない(注:もちろん監視の目が届かないため)。また,すべての未婚女性に月に一度,警察医の診断を受けさせ,処女でないことがわかった者(hot virgins)は,残らず更生施設に送るのが,おそらく,賢明であろう。避妊用具の使用は,むろん,根絶やしにしなければならないし,未婚女性との会話で,永遠の地獄の責め苦の教義に疑いを投げかけるようなことは,違法としなければならない。これらの措置が,百年ないしそれ以上の間,精力的に実施されるならば,もしかすると,不道徳の上げ潮(流れ)をせき止めるのに,いくらか役立つかもしれない。けれども,ある一定の権力乱用のリスクを避けるために,すべての警官や医者を去勢することが必要であろう,と私は考える。男の性質に内在する堕落を考えると,おそらく,この政策をもう一歩推し進めるのが賢明だろう。道学者(モラリスト)が,牧師を除き全ての男性は去勢されるべきである,と主張するのも思慮のあることだと私は考えに傾いている。(原注:『エルマー・ギャントリー』を読んで以来,私は,おそらく,この例外さえもあまり賢明でないはないと感じ始めている。)(注:つまり,牧師も含め全員断種すれば人類は絶滅することになるのでこんなことはできるはずはない,という皮肉。)

Chapter VII: The Liberation of women, n.9

If, on the other hand, the old morality is to be re-established, certain things are essential ; some of them are already done, but experience shows that these alone are not effective. The first essential is that the education of girls should be such as to make them stupid and superstitious and ignorant ; this requisite is already fulfilled in schools over which the Churches have any control. The next requisite is a very severe censorship upon all books giving information on sex subjects ; this condition also is coming to be fulfilled in England and in America, since the censorship, without change in the law, is being tightened up by the increasing zeal of the police. These conditions, however, since they exist already, are clearly insufficient. The only thing that will suffice is to remove from young women all opportunity of being alone with men: girls must be forbidden to earn their living by work outside the home; they must never be allowed an outing unless accompanied by their mother or an aunt ; the regrettable practice of going to dances without a chaperon must be sternly stamped out. It must be illegal for an unmarried woman under fifty to possess a motor-car, and perhaps it would be wise to subject all unmarried women once a month to medical examination by police doctors, and to send to a penitentiary all such as were found to be hot virgins. The use of contraceptives must, of course, be eradicated, and it must be illegal in conversation with unmarried women to throw doubt upon the dogma of eternal damnation. These measures, if carried out vigorously for a hundred years or more, may perhaps do something to stem the rising tide of immorality. I think, however, that in order to avoid the risk of certain abuses, it would be necessary that all policemen and all medical men should be castrated. Perhaps it would be wise to carry this policy a step farther, in view of the inherent depravity of the male character: I am inclined to think that moralists would be well advised to advocate that all men should be castrated, with the exception of ministers of religion.(note: Since reading Elmer Gantry, I have begun to feel that even this exception is perhaps not quite wise.)
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第七章 女性の解放, n.8

第七章 女性の解放 n.8;

 この新旧の道徳の対立という問題から,非常に明快な争点(issue 論点)が提起される。もしも,娘の純潔や妻の貞操が,もはや要求すべきでないとすれば,家族を守る新しい手段を持つか(講じるか),あるいは,家族(家庭)が崩壊するのを黙認するかしなければならない。子供を作るのは結婚している場合に限定するべきであり,すべての婚外性交は避妊用具を使用することで妊娠しないようにすべきであると提案してもよい。その場合は,夫は,東洋人(注:中国人)が宦官(かんがん)に対してそうであるように,妻の愛人に寛容であるようになるかもしれない。今のところ,そのような案(scheme)が(実施)困難なのは,そのためには避妊用具の効果と妻の正直さとを不合理と思われるほど(合理的と思われる以上)信頼しなければならないからである。けれども,こうした困難は時が経過するにつれて減少するかもしれない。


Chapter VII: The Liberation of women, n.8

A very clear-cut issue is raised by this question of the new morality versus the old. If the chastity of girls and the faithfulness of wives are no longer to be demanded, it becomes necessary either to have new methods of safeguarding the family or else to acquiesce in the break-up of the family. It may be suggested that the procreation of children should only occur within marriage, and that all extra-marital sexual intercourse should be rendered sterile by the use of contraceptives. In that case husbands might learn to be as tolerant of lovers as Orientals are of eunuchs. The difficulty of such a scheme, as yet, is that it requires us to place more reliance on the efficacy of contraceptives and the truthfulness of wives than seems rational ; this difficulty may, however, be diminished with time. The other alternative compatible with the new morality is the decay of fatherhood as an important social institution, and the taking over of the duties of the father by the State. In particular cases where a man felt sure of his paternity and fond of his child, he might, of course, voluntarily undertake to do what fathers now normally do in the way of financial support for the mother and child ; but he would not be obliged to do so by law. Indeed all children would be in the position in which illegitimate children of unknown paternity are now, except that the State, regarding this as the normal case, would take more trouble with their nurture than it does at present.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.


ラッセル『結婚論』第七章 女性の解放, n.7

第七章 女性の解放 n.7; 婚前の性交

 以上の事情を考えると,多くの男性が経済的な理由で早い時期に結婚することは不可能と考えている一方で多くの女性がまったく結婚できないでいる以上,男女平等のためには,女性の美徳(ここでは性的美徳/貞操)の伝統的な基準の緩和が要請される,ということが明らかになる(注:第一次世界大戦により多くの男性が戦死。そのため長期間にわたって結婚できない女性が存在していたことに注意)。(男女平等の立場に立つのであれば)もしも,男性に婚前の性交(prenuptial intercource)が許されるのであれば(事実そのとおりであるが),女性にもまたそれが許されなければならない。また,女性のほうが男性よりも多いすべての国において,算術的必然から(数があわないために)未婚のままでいなければならない女性たちがまったく性体験を禁じられているのは,明らかに不公平である。疑いもなく,婦人運動の先駆者たちは,こういう結果を視野(考慮)に入れていなかった。しかし,現代の後継者たちは,そのことをはっきりと認識している。そうして,誰であれこの結論に反対する者は女性に対する正義(公正さ)を支持していないという事実を直視しなければならないのである。

Chapter VII: The Liberation of women, n.7

In view of the above circumstances, it is evident that so long as many men for economic reasons find early marriage impossible, while many women cannot marry at all, equality as between men and women demands a relaxation in the traditional standards of feminine virtue. If men are allowed prenuptial intercourse (as in fact they are), women must be allowed it also. And in all countries where there is an excess of women it is an obvious injustice that those women who by arithmetical necessity must remain unmarried should be wholly debarred from sexual experience. Doubtless the pioneers of the women’s movement had no such consequences in view, but their modern followers perceive them clearly, and whoever opposes these deductions must face the fact that he or she is not in favour of justice to the female sex.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.