


I still remember with a profound sense of guilt an occasion on which I forgot a dinner engagement and remembered just as I had finished my own dinner. I rushed round, arriving very late, and tried to eat a second dinner, which I found to be an agonising torture.
出典:Bertrand Russell: On Feeling Ashamed, Nov. 23, 1932. In: Mortals and Others, v.1 (1975)




As we get older the portions of our life that do not enter into our ordinary relations become greater and greater. Most of our friends know nothing of large passages in our lives, so that an increasing part of our past experience is excluded from most of our personal relations. The inevitable result is that as men grow older they come to feel more solitary, and when they meet a friend of long ago, this feeling is suddenly relieved.
出典:Bertrand Russell: On old friends,Jan. 4th, 1933. In: Mortals and Others, v.1 (1975)

<寸言> 再掲


 幸福な人生は,驚くほど,善い人生と同じである。職業的な道徳家は,これまで,自己否定を重視しすぎてきた。そして,それを重視しすぎることによって,強調すべきところを間違えてきた。意識的な自己否定は,人を自己に没入させ,自分が犠牲にしたものをまざまざと意識させる。その結果,自己否定は,しばしばその当面の目的を達成しないばかりか,必ずといってよいほど究極の目的も達成しない。必要なのは,自己否定ではなく --自分の美徳の追求に没頭している人なら意識的な自己否定によってのみ実行できるような行為を自発的かつ自然に可能とするように-- 興味を外へ向けることである。

The happy life is to an extraordinary extent the same as the good life. Professional moralists have made too much of self-denial, and in so doing have put the emphasis in the wrong place. Conscious self-denial leaves a man self-absorbed and vividly aware of what he has sacrificed; in consequence it fails often of its immediate object and almost always of its ultimate purpose. What is needed is not self-denial, but that kind of direction of interest outward which will lead spontaneously and naturally to the same acts that a person absorbed in the pursuit of his own virtue could only perform by means of conscious self-denial.
出典: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap. 17: Th Happy Man.

<寸言> ★再掲(share し忘れていたため)



野蛮な(迫害)衝動を「道徳の衣」を着せて発散させること - ヘイトも・・


Among the head-hunters of Borneo it is indulged without the need of any moral claptrap, but civilised people cannot adequately enjoy the indulgence of their baser passions until they have cloaked them in a garment of lofty ethical sentiments. When people let loose upon a murderer the savage impulses of the head-hunter, they feel neither savage nor wicked but believe themselves to be upholders of virtue and good citizenship.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Interest in crime,Dec. 21st, 1932. In: Mortals and Others, v.1 (1975)




To be the recipient of affection is a potent cause of happiness, but the man who demands affection is not the man upon whom it is bestowed. The man who receives affection is, speaking broadly, the man who gives it. But it is useless to attempt to give it as a calculation, in the way in which one might lend money at interest, for a calculated affection is not genuine and is not felt to be so by the recipient.
出典:The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap. 17:The happy man





The happy man is the man who lives objectively, who has free affections and wide interests, who secures his happiness through these interests and affections and through the fact that they, in turn, make him an object of interest and affection to many others.
出典: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap. 17: Th Happy Man.


Happiness in childhood is absolutely necessary to the production of the best type of human being.


Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, center, and his cabinet ministers, escorted by a Shinto priest, arrive at the Grand Shrine of Ise, central Japan, for offering a new year’s prayer Monday, Jan. 5, 2015. Japanese Prime Minister Abe said Monday that his government would express remorse for World War II on the 70th anniversary of its end in August. (AP Photo/Kyodo News) JAPAN OUT, MANDATORY CREDIT


Fear is the principal reason why men are so unwilling to admit facts and so anxious to wrap themselves round in a warm garment of myth. But the thorns tear the warm garment and the cold blasts penetrate through the rents, and the man who has become accustomed to its warmth suffers far more from these blasts than a man who has hardened himself to them from the first. Moreover, those who deceive themselves generally know at bottom that they are doing so, and live in a state of apprehension lest some untoward event should force unwelcome realisations upon them.
出典: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap. 17: Th Happy Man.


幸・不幸の背景や状況と個々人の信条及び感情 - 相互の因果関係は?


The man who is unhappy will, as a rule, adopt an unhappy creed, while the man who is happy will adopt a happy creed; each may attribute his happiness or unhappiness to his beliefs, while the real causation is the other way round.
出典: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap. 17: Th Happy Man.

不幸(幸福)な状態・状況にある=客観的な状況・状態 (1)
不幸(幸福)に感じる = 主観的な状態 (2)
(結果として,)不幸(幸福)な信条を抱く (3)

(3)だから(2) ではなく,(2)あるいは(1)だから(3)である。



Men in whom ambition is the leading passion are likely to love women who assist them in their career, and it would be very shallow psychology to suppose that the love is not real because it has its instinctive root in self-interest
出典:Bertrand Russell: Love and Money,Dec. 14th, 1932. In: Mortals and Others, v.1 (1975)


信じるものは救われる?→ (嘘つきを)信じるからこそ裏切られる


Nothing is more fatiguing nor, in the long run, more exasperating than the daily effort to believe things which daily become more incredible. To be done with this effort is an indispensable condition of secure and lasting happiness.
出典: The Conquest of Happiness, 1930, chap. 16: Effort and Resignation.
