
dad-selfless-love 子供たちには,両親の暖かい愛情を受ける権利がある。そうした愛情は,子供たちに幸福なのびのびとした(気苦労のない)人生観を与えるものであり,健康な心の発達のために不可欠なものである。しかし,そうした愛情は,子供が呼吸する空気のように,子供が当然と考えるようなものであるべきであり,反応することを期待されるようなものであってはならない。問題の本質は,こういう反応を求めるか否かの問題である。多少は自発的な反応も見られるだろうが,それはすべて儲けもの(予想外のボーナス)である。

E-Fromm_Mother-love-chilodrenFor one reason or another a very large proportion of married women in civilized countries fail to have a satisfying sex life. When this happens to a woman she is apt to seek from her children an illegitimate and spurious gratification of desires which only men can gratify adequately and naturally. I do not mean anything obvious: I mean merely a certain emotional tension, a certain passionateness of feeling, a pleasure in kissing and fondling to excess. These things used to be thought quite right and proper in an affectionate mother. Indeed, the difference between what is right and what is harmful is very subtle. It is absurd to maintain, as some Freudians do, that parents ought not to kiss and fondle their children at all. Children have a right to warm affection from their parents; it gives them a happy, care-free outlook upon the world, and is essential to healthy psychological development. But it should be something that they take for granted, like the air they breathe, not something to which they are expected to respond. It is this question of response that is the essence of the matter. There will be a certain spontaneous response, which is all to the good; but it will be quite different from the active pursuit of friendship from childish companions. Psychologically, parents should be a background, and the child should not be made to act with a view to giving his parents pleasure. Their pleasure should consist in his growth and progress ; anything that he gives them in the way of response should be accepted gratefully as a pure extra, like fine weather in spring, but should not be expected as part of the order of nature.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 11: Affection and Sympathy

