
from_cradle_to_grave しかし,(これに対し)反応を求めるのは,親の愛情の本質ではない。
子供は,無力な間は,母親を必要とする,それだけで十分な反応なのである。やがて,子供が大人になり始めると(注: grow up 動物は赤ん坊の時から成長し続ける。 ‘up’ がついているので,ここでは 大人になり始める=大人に近づく),彼女(母親)の愛情は少なくなり,要求が増えるかもしれない。

But it is not of the essence of parental love to seek a response. The natural unsophisticated parental instinct feels towards the child as towards an externalized part of the parent’s body. If your great toe is out of order you attend to it from self-interest, and you do not expect it to feel grateful. The savage woman, I imagine, has a very similar feeling towards her child. She desires its welfare in just the same way as she desires her own, especially while it is still very young. She has no more sense of self-denial in looking after the child than in looking after herself ; and for that very reason she does not look for gratitude. The child’s need of her is sufficient response so long as it is helpless. Later, when it begins to grow up, her affection diminishes and her demands may increase. In animals parental affection ceases when the child is adult, and no demands are made upon it ; but in human beings, even if they are very primitive, this is not the case. A son who is a lusty warrior is expected to feed and protect his parents when they are old and decrepit ; the story of Aneas and Anchises embodies this feeling at a higher level of culture. With the growth of foresight there is an increasing tendency to exploit children’s affections for the sake of their help when old age comes. Hence the principle of filial piety, which has existed throughout the world and is embodied in the Fifth Commandment. With the development of private property and ordered government, filial piety becomes less important ; after some centuries people become aware of this fact, and the sentiment goes out of fashion. In the modern world a man of fifty may be financially dependent upon a parent of eighty, so that the important thing is still the affection of the parent for the child, rather than of the child for the parent. This, of course, applies chiefly to the propertied classes ; among wage-earners the older relationship persists. But even there it is being gradually displaced as a result of old-age pensions and similar measures. Affection of children for parents, therefore, is ceasing to deserve a place among cardinal virtues, while affection of parents for children remains of enormous importance.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 11: Affection and Sympathy

[寸言] ★一億総活躍
ichioku-sokatuyaku_abe これに対し、自由競争を信奉する米国や(その真似を好んでする)日本などでは、「拡大し続ける社会保障費を抑制しなければならない」ということで、逆の動きもしているが、格差拡大(非正規労働者は労働者全体の約4割!)や貧困対策(日本の子どもの貧困率は先進国で最悪!)に力を入れずに、「頑張った者が報われる社会」(安倍総理)などと言い続けている。そういった総理を支持している国民が多いのだから、被虐的な国民が少なくないのかも知れない。