ラッセル『結婚論(結婚と性道徳』序論 n.4



We come next to the question of the family. There have existed in various times and places many different kinds of family groups, but the patriarchal family has a very large preponderance, and, moreover, the monogamic patriarchal family has prevailed more and more over the polygamic. The primary motives of sexual ethics as they have existed in Western civilisation since pre-Christian times has been to secure that degree of female virtue without which the patriarchal family becomes impossible, since paternity is uncertain. What has been added to this in the way of insistence on male virtue by Christianity had its psychological source in asceticism, although in quite recent times this motive has been reinforced by female jealousy, which became potent with the emancipation of women. This latter motive seems, however, to be temporary, since, if we may judge by appearances, women will tend to prefer a system allowing freedom to both sexes rather than one imposing upon men the restrictions which hitherto have been suffered only by women.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929, Introduction.


ラッセル『結婚論』序論 n.3: 多様な視点で考える

性倫理の影響は、この上もなく多様である。(即ち)、個人、夫婦(間)、家族(間)、国家、及び、国際社会、といった多様な面での影響である。その影響は、これらの点(細目)の(それぞれにおいて),ある面では良いが他の面では良くないという場合も、多分よく起こるだろう。(注:”may well happen” If you say that something may well happen, you mean that it is likely to happen.) 特定の制度について、結局(注:on balance; on the balance いろいろ考慮して)どう考えるべきかの結論を出す前に、全ての影響(影響するもの全て)について考察しておかなければならない。

The effects of a sexual ethic are of the most diverse kinds – personal, conjugal, familial, national and international. It may well happen that the effects are good in some of these respects, where they are bad in others. All must be considered before we can decide what on the balance we are to think of a given system. To begin with the purely personal: these are the effects considered by psychoanalysis. We have here to take account not only of the adult behaviour inculcated by a code, but also of the early education designed to produce obedience to the code, and in this region, as everyone knows, the effects of early taboos may be very curious and indirect. In this department of the subject we are at the level of personal well-being. The next stage of other problem arises when we consider the relations of men and women. It is clear that some sex relations have more value than others. Most people would agree that a sex relation is better when it has a large psychical element than when it is purely physical. Indeed, the view which has passed from the poets into the common consciousness of civilised men and women is that love increases in value in proportion as more of the personalities of the people concerned enters into the relation. The poets also have taught many people to value love in proportion to its intensity; this, however, is a more debatable matter. Most moderns would agree that love should be an equal relation, and that on this ground, if on no other, polygamy, for example, cannot be regarded as an ideal system. Throughout this department of the subject it is necessary to consider both marriage and extra-marital relations, since whatever system of marriage prevails, extra-marital relations will vary correspondingly.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929, Introduction.
