精神(心)の最も本質的な特徴は --「記憶」という語を,過去の経験の現在の反応に対するあらゆる影響を含むように,最も広い意味で使った場合-- 記憶であるというのは正しい,と私は思う。記憶には,通常,知覚の知識(知覚についての知識/知覚したものを知る・理解すること)と言われるような種類の知識が含まれている。あなたが単にあるものを(漫然と)見るにすぎない場合(ぼんやりと眺めている場合)には,それはほとんど知識としてみなされない。あなたがそれを(意識的に)見るとか,そこにそれがあるとかを自分自身に言う(意識する)時には,それは知識となる。このことは,単に(漫然と)見ることに対する内省(反省)である。この内省(反省)は知識であり,それは可能であるので,そのようにして見ること(行為)は ,石に起こるであろうような単なる出来事ではなく,経験とみなされる(のである)。
I think it would be just to say that the most essential characteristic of mind is memory, using this word in its broadest sense to include every influence of past experience on present reactions. Memory includes the sort of knowledge which is commonly called knowledge of perception. When you merely see something it can hardly count as knowledge. It becomes knowledge when you say to yourself that you see it, or that there it is. This is a reflection upon the mere seeing. This reflection is knowledge, and because it is possible, the seeing counts as experience and not as a mere occurrence, such as might happen to a stone. The influence of past experience is embodied in the principle of the conditioned reflex, which says that, in suitable circumstances, if A originally produces a certain reaction, and A frequently occurs in conjunction with B, B alone will ultimately produce the reaction that A originally produced. For example: if you wish to teach bears to dance, you place them upon a platform so hot that they cannot bear to leave a foot on it for more than a moment, and meanwhile you play “Rule Britannia” on the orchestra. After a time “Rule Britannia” alone will make them dance. Our intellectual life, even in its highest flights, is based upon this principle.
出典:Bertrand Russell : Mind and Matter (1950?)
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