ラッセル『結婚論』序論 n.7:性倫理の人口問題への影響


We come next to the question of population. This is in itself a vast problem which must be considered from many points of view. There is the question of the health of mothers, the question of the health of children, the question of the psychological effects of large and small families respectively upon the character of children. These are what may be called the hygienic aspects of the problem. Then there are the economic aspects, both personal and pubic: the question of the wealth per head of a family or a community in relation to the size of the family or the birth-rate of the community. Closely connected with this is the bearing of the pqpulation question upon international politics and the possibility of world peace. And finally there is the eugenic question as to the improvement or deterioration of the stock through the different birth and death rates of the different sections of the community.
出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929, Introduction.
