
たとえば,私は椅子を見ている(I see a chair),あるいはむしろ,通常そのように記述される出来事があると(いう言い方/状況を)仮定しよう。この句(注: phrase 2語以上の集合体で意味機能上の一単位をなすもの)は,「私」が存在しかつ椅子が存在し,また,知覚することがその両者間の関係である,を意味すると解釈される
既に私は,「私 I」について取り扱った。しかし,椅子は物理的世界に属するものであり,当面のところ,(物理世界に属するものごとは私が)無視しようとしているものである。

But the word “perception,” as ordinarily used, is question-begging. Suppose, for example, that I see a chair, or rather that there is an occurrence which would ordinarily be so described. The phrase is taken to imply that there is “I” and there is a chair, and that the perceiving is a relation between the two. I have already dealt with “I,” but the chair belongs to the physical world, which, for the moment, I am trying to ignore. For the moment I will say only this: common sense supposes that the chair which I perceive would still be there if I did not perceive it, for example, if I shut my eyes. Physics and physiology between them assure me that what is there independently of my seeing, is something very unlike a visual experience, namely, a mad dance of billions of electrons undergoing billions of quantum transitions. My relation to this object is indirect, and is known only by inference; it is not something that I directly experience whenever there is that occurrence which I call “seeing a chair.” In fact the whole of what occurs when I have the experience which I call “seeing a chair” is to be counted as belonging to my mental world. If there is a chair which is outside my mental world, as I firmly believe, this is something which is not a direct object of experience, but is arrived at by a process of inference. This conclusion has odd consequences. We must distinguish between the physical world of physics, and the physical world of our everyday experience. The physical world of physics, supposing physics to be correct, exists independently of my mental life. From a metaphysical point of view, it is solid and self-subsistent, always assuming that there is such a world. Per contra, the physical world of my everyday experience is a part of my mental life. Unlike the physical world of physics, it is not solid, and is no more substantial than the world that I see in dreams. On the other hand it is indubitable, in a way in which the physical world of physics is not. The experience of seeing a chair is one that I cannot explain away. I certainly have this experience, even if I am dreaming. But the chair of physics, though certainly solid, perhaps does not exist. It does not exist if I am dreaming. And even if I am awake it may not exist, if there are fallacies in certain kinds of inference to which I am prone, but which are not demonstrative. In short, as Mr. Micawber would say, the physical world of physics is solid but not indubitable, while the physical world of daily experience is indubitable but not solid. In this statement I am using the word “solid” to mean “existing independently of my mental life.”
出典:Bertrand Russell : Mind and Matter (1950?)

私たちは、現代物理学(量子力学と相対性理論)を信じるとともに、自分の心の存在も「信じて」おり、両者が本当に両立するのかどうか論理的整合性を疑うことを余りしない? 果たして両者は同時に肯定できるであろうか? 厳密に考え始めると、大変難しい問題がそこには潜んでいることがわかる。