
 残酷な行為を正当化する意見残酷な衝動によって吹き込まれる(引き起こされる),という主張(thesis 命題)を支持する事例を(さらに)たくさんあげることは容易であろう。現在では馬鹿げていると認識されている昔のいろいろな見解を再考してみると,十中八,九,それらが,苦しみを加えることを正当化するような見解であることがわかるであろう。たとえば,医療行為(診療行為)の例をとってみよう。
(注:安藤訳では medical practice を「医師の慣行」と訳している。これは「医師の行為」即ち,医療行為(診療行為)が適訳であろう)。
麻酔剤(anethetics)が発明された時,それは神の意向を妨害する試みなので邪悪である,と考えられた。また狂気悪魔がとりついたせいだと考えられ,狂人の心に住みついた悪魔は,狂人に苦痛を加えて悪魔の居心地を悪くさせることによって追い出すことができる,と信じられていた。このような見解が追求され,狂人たちは長い間引き続き(on end),組織的かつ’良心的な’残忍さをもって扱われたのである。誤った医学的治療(法)で,患者にとって不快であるよりむしろ快適だった,というような事例を,私は一つとして考えつくことができない。あるいはまた,道徳教育の例をとってみよう。次の詩によって,これまでどれだけ多くの残忍な行為が正当化されてきたかを考えてみよう。



It would be easy to multiply instances in support of the thesis that opinions which justify cruelty are inspired by cruel impulses. When we pass in review the opinions of former times which are now recognized as absurd, it will be found that nine times out of ten they were such as to justify the infliction of suffering. Take, for instance, medical practice. When anesthetics were invented they were thought to be wicked as being an attempt to thwart God’s will. Insanity was thought to be due to diabolic possession, and it was believed that demons inhabiting a madman could be driven out by inflicting pain upon him, and so making them uncomfortable. In pursuit of this opinion, lunatics were treated for years on end with systematic and conscientious brutality. I cannot think of any instance of an erroneous medical treatment that was agreeable rather than disagreeable to the patient. Or again, take moral education. Consider how much brutality has been justified by the rhyme:

A dog, a wife, and a walnut tree,
The more you beat them the better they be.

I have no experience of the moral effect of flagellation on walnut trees, but no civilized person would now justify the rhyme as regards wives. The reformative effect of punishment is a belief that dies hard, chiefly I think, because it is so satisfying to our sadistic impulses.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.



I think that the evils that men inflict on each other, and by reflection upon themselves, have their main source in evil passions rather than in ideas or beliefs. But ideas and principles that do harm are, as a rule, though not always, cloaks for evil passions. In Lisbon when heretics were publicly burnt, it sometimes happened that one of them, by a particularly edifying recantation, would be granted the boon of being strangled before being put into the flames. This would make the spectators so furious that the authorities had great difficulty in preventing them from lynching the penitent and burning him on their own account. The spectacle of the writhing torments of the victims was, in fact, one of the principal pleasures to which the populace looked forward to enliven a somewhat drab existence. I cannot doubt that this pleasure greatly contributed to the general belief that the burning of heretics was a righteous act. The same sort of thing applies to war. People who are vigorous and brutal often find war enjoyable, provided that it is a victorious war and that there is not too much interference with rape and plunder. This is a great help in persuading people that wars are righteous. Dr Arnold, the hero of Tom Brown’s Schooldays, and the admired reformer of Public Schools, came across some cranks who thought it a mistake to flog boys. Anyone reading his outburst of furious indignation against this opinion will be forced to the conclusion that he enjoyed inflicting floggings, and did not wish to be deprived of this pleasure.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.



(種々の)人間の不幸(災い)は,二種類に分けることができるだろう。第一に,非人間的な環境によって被る不幸であり,第二には,他の人間によって被る不幸である。 人類は知識や技術においてこれまで進歩をとげてきているので,第二の種類の不幸は,不幸(災難)全体の中で占める割合(パーセンテージ)を,絶え間なく増大させるようになっている。
この例が示すように,人間(人類)の最悪の敵は今や(自然ではなく)人間(人類)である。たしかに,自然は,我々人間を今なお死すべき存在としている(遅から早かれ死ななければならない)。しかし,医学の進歩とともに,我々人間が天寿をまっとうするまで生きることが,ますます普通であるようになるだろう。我々は,永遠に生きることを願い,天国の終わりのない喜び -(つまり)神の奇蹟によってその単調さがけっしてうんざりするものにまでならない喜び- を期待するものだ,と想定されている。しかし,実際,もはや若くない正直な人に質問すれば,誰もが,たいてい次のように答えそうである。(即ち,これまで)この世の生活を味わってきたたので,あの世で再び「新人(new boy)」として,生活を始めようとは思わない,と。従って,今後のことについては,(あの世のことではなく)人類が考慮すべきもっとも重大な害悪は,人類が自らの愚かさや悪意,あるいはその両方によって互いに他の上に生じさせる害悪であると,言ってよいであろう。

The misfortunes of human beings may be divided into two classes: First, those inflicted by the non-human environment and, second, those inflicted by other people. As mankind have progressed in knowledge and technique, the second class has become a continually increasing percentage of the total. In old times, famine, for example, was due to natural causes, and although people did their best to combat it, large numbers of them died of starvation. At the present moment large parts of the world are faced with the threat of famine, but although natural causes have contributed to the situation, the principal causes are human. For six years the civilized nations of the world devoted all their best energies to killing each other, and they find it difficult suddenly to switch over to keeping each other alive. Having destroyed harvests, dismantled agricultural machinery, and disorganized shipping, they find it no easy matter to relieve the shortage of crops in one place by means of a superabundance in another, as would easily be done if the economic system were in normal working order. As this illustration shows, it is now man that is man’s worst enemy. Nature, it is true, still sees to it that we are mortal, but with the progress in medicine it will become more and more common for people to live until they have had their fill of life. We are supposed to wish to live for ever and to look forward to the unending joys of heaven, of which, by miracle, the monotony will never grow stale. But in fact, if you question any candid person who is no longer young, he is very likely to tell you that, having tasted life in this world, he has no wish to begin again as a ‘new boy’ in another. For the future, therefore, it may be taken that much the most important evils that mankind have to consider are those which they inflict upon each other through stupidity or malevolence or both.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.



【『ラッセル教育論』の最後の部分です。 全文訳(対訳)を閲覧したい方は,次のページを御覧ください。
http://russell-j.com/beginner/OE-CONT.HTM 】

人間性の泉を枯らしてしまうもう一つの教義は,国家主義である。戦争中,私たちは,ほとんどすべてのドイツの子供たちをくる病(rickets)にかからせてしまった。私たちは,私たちが生まれつき持っている思いやり(人間的優しさ)を解放しなければならない。もしも,ある教義が子供たちに不幸をもたらすことを要求するならば,どれだけ大きな代価を払ったとしても(However dear it may be to us),そのような教義は拒否しよう。残酷な教義を説く心理的源泉(原因)は,ほとんどすべてと言ってよいほど,恐怖(心)である。幼年期の恐怖をなくしてあげることを私があれほど強調した理由の一つは,ここにある。我々の心の暗部に潜むいろいろな恐怖(心)を根絶しよう。
現在,専門職についている階層(階級)の子供が通常教えられている以上に授業の量を増やすことは,重要なことではない重要なのは,冒険と自由の精神, 即ち,発見の航海(旅)に乗り出しつつあるという感覚である。もし,正規の教育がこのような精神のもとに与えられるならば,ますます多くの知的な生徒は皆,正規教育(で足りないところ)をみずからの努力で補っていくだろう。それに対し,あらゆる機会を用意してあげなければならない。知識は,自然の力と破壊的な情熱の支配する帝国からの解放者である。知識なしには,我々が希望する世界を建設することはできない。恐怖(心)のない自由の中で教育された世代は,私たち(大人)には望めない,より幅広くかつ大胆な希望を持つことだろう。(それに対し)私たち(大人)は,意識下で我々を待ちうけているいろいろな迷信的な恐怖(心)といまだに闘わなければならない。私たちではなく,私たちが創りあげる自由な男女は,最初は希望として,そして,ついには輝きにみちた現実として,新しい世界を見るにちがいない。
道は,はっきりしている。我々は,その道をとろうとするほど十分に我が子を愛しているだろうか? それとも,我々が苦しんできたように,我が子も(親同様に)苦しませるのだろうか? 我々は,幼いころに,わが子をゆがめ,正気を失わせ,怖がらせ,後に,怯えきった彼らの知性では防ぐことのできない無益な戦争で,彼らを殺してしまうのだろうか? 古くからの無数の恐怖が,幸福と自由への道を遮断している。しかし,愛情は,恐怖(心)を克服できる。だから,もしも,わが子を愛しているのであれば,私たちが与えることのできる偉大な贈り物を,差し控えさせることができるものは何ひとつないはずである。

I have tried to bring before the reader the wonderful possibilities which are now open to us. Think what it would mean : health, freedom, happiness, kindness, intelligence, all nearly universal. In one generation. if we chose, we could bring the millennium.
But none of this can come about without love. The knowledge exists ; lack of love prevents it from being applied. Sometimes the lack of love towards children brings me near to despair–for example, when I find almost all our recognized moral leaders unwilling that anything should be done to prevent the birth of children with venereal disease. Nevertheless, there is a gradual liberation of love of children, which surely is one of our natural impulses. Ages of fierceness have overlaid what is naturally kindly in the dispositions of ordinary men and women. It is only lately that the Church has ceased to teach the damnation of unbaptized infants. Nationalism is another doctrine which dries up the springs of humanity ; during the war, we caused almost all German children to suffer from rickets. We must let loose our natural kindliness ; if a doctrine demands that we should inflict misery upon children, let us reject it, however dear it may be to us. In almost all cases, the psychological source of cruel doctrines is fear ; that is one reason why I have laid so much stress upon the elimination of fear in childhood. Let us root out the fears that lurk in the dark places of our own minds. The possibilities of a happy world that are opened up by modern education make it well worth while to run some personal risk, even if the risk were more real than it is.
When we have created young people freed from fear and inhibitions and rebellious or thwarted instincts, we shall be able to open to them the world of knowledge, freely and completely, without dark hidden corners ; and if instruction is wisely given, it will be a joy rather than a task to those who receive it. It is not important to increase the amount of what is learnt above that now usually taught to the children of the professional classes. What is important is the spirit of adventure and liberty, the sense of setting out upon a voyage of discovery. If formal education is given in this spirit, all the more intelligent pupils will supplement it by their own efforts, for which every opportunity should be provided. Knowledge is the liberator from the empire of natural forces and destructive passions ; without knowledge, the world of our hopes cannot be built. A generation educated in fearless freedom will have wider and bolder hopes than possible to us, who still have to struggle with superstitious fears that lie in wait for us below the level of consciousness. Not we, but the free men and women whom we shall create, must see the new world, first in their hopes, and then at last in the full splendour of reality.
The way is clear. Do we love our children enough to take it ? Or shall we let them suffer as we have suffered ? Shall we let them be twisted and stunted and terrified in youth, to be killed afterwards in futile wars which their intelligence was too cowed to prevent ? A thousand ancient fears obstruct the road to happiness and freedom. But love can conquer fear, and if we love our children nothing can make us withhold the great gift which it is in our power to bestow.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.18: The University.

ラッセルには『教育論』(1926年)執筆時に子供が二人(長男と長女)いた。そうして,近くに良い幼児学校がなかったために、妻ドーラとともに、幼児学校 Beacon Hill School を設立し,本書で書かれている考え方をもとに,幼児教育に乗り出していった。



The crude material of instinct is, in most respects, equally capable of leading to desirable and to undesirable actions. In the past, men did not understand the training of instinct, and therefore were compelled to resort to repression. Punishment and fear were the great incentives to what was called virtue. We now know that repression is a bad method, both because it is never really successful, and because it produces mental disorders. The training of instincts is a totally different method, involving a totally different technique. Habits and skill make, as it were, a channel for instinct, leading it flow one way or another according to the direction of the channel. By creating the right habits and the right skill, we cause the child’s instincts themselves to prompt desirable actions. There is no sense of strain, because there is no need to resist temptation. There is no thwarting, and the child has a sense of unfettered spontaneity. I do not mean these statements to be taken in an absolute sense ; there will always be unforeseen contingencies in which older methods may become necessary. But the more the science of child psychology is perfected, and the more experience we acquire in nursery schools, the more perfectly the new methods can be applied.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.18: The University.




And even the pursuit of knowledge, if it is utilitarian, is not self-sustaining. Utilitarian knowledge needs to be fructified by disinterested investigation, which has no motive beyond the desire to understand the world better. All the great advances are at first purely theoretical, and are only afterwards found to be capable of practical applications. And even if some splendid theory never has any practical use, it remains of value on its own account ; for the understanding of the world is one of the ultimate goods. If science and organization had succeeded in satisfying the needs of the body and in abolishing cruelty and war, the pursuit of knowledge and beauty would remain to exercise our love of strenuous creation. I should not wish the poet, the painter, the composer, or the mathematician to be preoccupied with some remote effect of his activities in the world of practice. He should be occupied, rather, in the pursuit of a vision, in capturing and giving permanence to something which he has first seen dimly for a moment which’ he has loved with such ardour that the joys of this world have grown pale by comparison. All great art and all great science springs from the passionate desire to embody what was at first an unsubstantial phantom, a beckoning beauty luring men away from safety and ease to a glorious torment. The men in whom this passion exists must not be fettered by the shackles of a utilitarian philosophy, for to their ardour we owe all that makes man great.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.18: The University.
