
この間題については,人々が一般的論で言う場合には常に,深刻かつ広範な偽善が存在している。本当に(実際に)彼らが考えかる感じていることは,二流の小説を読むことで発見できる。そこからわかるのは,不適切な側(注:貧乏な側など)に生まれることがどれほど恐ろしいかということであり,またかつてドイツの小法廷でよくあったように,配偶のしまちがい(注:mesalliance 身分の低い者との結婚)に関して大騒動があるということである。富(財産)の大きな不平等が残存する限り,そのような状態を改める方法を理解するのは簡単ではない。家柄崇拝が深くしみついている英国においては,戦争(注:両大戦)によってもたらされた収入の平等化は,甚大な影響を及ぼしてきており,そうして,若者の間,年長の人たちの家柄崇拝はいくらか馬鹿げたことだと思われ始めている。現在でもいまだなお英国では,悲しむべき家柄崇拝(注:snobbery 俗物根性/紳士気取り)が非常に広範に見られるが,それは収入やかつての意味における社会的地位よりは,むしろ教育や言葉遣いに関連したものとなっている。

In America everybody is of opinion that he has no social superiors, since all men are equal, but he does not admit that he has no social inferiors, for, from the time of Jefferson onward, the doctrine that all men are equal applies only upwards, not downwards. There is on this subject a profound and widespread hypocrisy whenever people talk in general terms. What they really think and feel can be discovered by reading second-rate novels, where one finds that it is a dreadful thing to be born on the wrong side of the tracks, and that there is as much fuss about a mesalliance as there used to be in a small German Court. So long as great inequalities of wealth survive it is not easy to see how this can be otherwise. In England, where snobbery is deeply ingrained, the equalization of incomes which has been brought about by the war has had a profound effect, and among the young the snobbery of their elders has begun to seem somewhat ridiculous. There is still a very large amount of regrettable snobbery in England, but it is connected more with education and manner of speech than with income or with social status in the old sense.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.

(写真:安倍総理に対し、忖度して拍手をする与党議員 8安倍晋三首相が2016年9月26日の衆院本会議で行った所信表明演説で、領土や領海、領空の警備に当たっている海上保安庁、警察、自衛隊をたたえた際、安倍氏に促された自民党の議員たちが一斉に立ち上がって手をたたき続けたため、約10秒間、演説が中断)



Male domination has had some very unfortunate effects. It made the most intimate of human relations, that of marriage, one of master and slave, instead of one between equal partners. It made it unnecessary for a man to please a woman in order to acquire her as his wife, and thus confined the arts of courtship to irregular relations. By the seclusion which it forced upon respectable women it made them dull and uninteresting; the only women who could be interesting and adventurous were social outcasts. Owing to the dullness of respectable women, the most civilized men in the most civilized countries often became homosexual. Owing to the fact that there was no equality in marriage men became confirmed in domineering habits. All this has now more or less ended in civilized countries, but it will be a long time before either men or women learn to adapt their behavior completely to the new state of affairs. Emancipation always has at first certain bad effects; it leaves former superiors sore and former inferiors self-assertive. But it is to be hoped that time will bring adjustment in this matter as in others.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.



私はかつて多数の血統証付き(系図付き)の牡牛を飼っているところへいった時のことを記憶しているが,その牡牛を有名にしたのは,その牝(めす)の系統(注:母方)の祖先がいちじるしい授乳能力(milk-giving qualities 乳を与える優秀さ)をもつことであった。もしも牡牛たちが(自ら)系図をつくっていたとすれば,それは非常に違ったものになっていたことであろう。牝(めす)の祖先についてはおとなしくて有徳であったということ以外にはなにも書かれず,しかるに,牡(おす)の祖先たちは戦闘能力に優れていたと讃えられるであろう。

The belief in the superiority of the male sex, which has now officially died out in Western nations, is a curious example of the sin of pride. There was, I think, never any reason to believe in any innate superiority of the male, except his superior muscle. I remember once going to a place where they kept a number of pedigree bulls, and what made a bull illustrious was the milk-giving qualities of his female ancestors. But if bulls had drawn up the pedigrees they would have been very different. Nothing would have been said about the female ancestors, except that they were docile and virtuous, whereas the male ancestors would have been celebrated for their supremacy in battle. In the case of cattle we can take a disinterested view of the relative merits of the sexes, but in the case of our own species we find this more difficult. Male superiority in former days was easily demonstrated, because if a woman questioned her husband’s he could beat her. From superiority in this respect others were thought to follow. Men were more reasonable than women, more inventive, less swayed by their emotions, and so on. Anatomists, until the women had the vote, developed a number of ingenious arguments from the study of the brain to show that men’s intellectual capacities must be greater than women’s. Each of these arguments in turn was proved to be fallacious, but it always gave place to another from which the same conclusion would follow. It used to be held that the male fetus acquires a soul after six weeks, but the female only after three months. This opinion also has been abandoned since women have had the vote. Thomas Aquinas states parenthetically, as something entirely obvious, that men are more rational than women. For my part, I see no evidence of this. Some few individuals have some slight glimmerings of rationality in some directions, but so far as my observations go, such glimmerings are no commoner among men than among women.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.



 ある人種の他の人種に対する優越は,いまだかつて十分な理由から信じられたことはほとんどない。そのような信念が執拗に存続しているところでは,その信念は軍事的優越によって活かし続けられているのである。日本人が(軍事的に)勝利を続けている限りは,日本人白人に対し軽蔑心を抱いて楽しんだのであり,それは日本人が弱かった間に白人日本人に対して感じていた軽蔑心の裏返し(対応物)であった。しかし,時々,優越感が軍事力となんの関係ももたない場合がある。ギリシャ人たちは,野蛮人ら(barbarians 異国の民・蛮族)が戦闘力において自分たちより勝っていた時でさえ,彼等を軽蔑したのである。ギリシャ人の間でより啓蒙された人々は,主人がギリシャ人で奴隷が野蛮人である限りは奴隷制を正当化できるものとみなしたが,そうでなければ自然に反するものであると考えた。古代のユダヤ人は,彼等自身の人種的優越性について,まったく特異な信仰をもっていた。キリスト教が国家宗教となって以降,異教徒たち(注:Gentiles ユダヤ人から見た「異教徒」。ここではキリスト教徒のこと)はユダヤ人に対する自分たちの優越性への同様に非合理的な信念をもってきた。この種の信念はまさに限りない弊害を生じさせるものであり,それを根絶させることは教育の目的の一つでなければならないが,現在,実際にはそうなっていない。少し前の方で,私は,英国人インド住民を扱うさいにとる優越的態度にふれたが,それは当然のこと,インドにおいて憤激をひき起したものである。しかし,(インドの)カースト制度は北方の「優越した」諸民族があい次いで侵入してきた結果,発生したものであり,その制度のいかなるものも,白人の傲慢さと同様に嫌悪すべきものである。

The superiority of one race to another is hardly ever believed in for any good reason. Where the belief persists it is kept alive by military supremacy. So long as the Japanese were victorious, they entertained a contempt for the white man, which was the counterpart of the contempt that the white man had felt for them while they were weak. Sometimes, however, the feeling of superiority has nothing to do with military prowess. The Greeks despised the barbarians, even at times when the barbarians surpassed them in warlike strength. The more enlightened among the Greeks held that slavery was justifiable so long as the masters were Greek and the slaves barbarian, but that otherwise it was contrary to nature. The Jews had, in antiquity, a quite peculiar belief in their own racial superiority; ever since Christianity became the religion of the State Gentiles have had an equally irrational belief in their superiority to Jews. Beliefs of this kind do infinite harm, and it should be, but is not, one of the aims of education to eradicate them. I spoke a moment ago about the attitude of superiority that Englishmen have permitted themselves in their dealings with the inhabitants of India, which was naturally resented in that country, but the caste system arose as a result of successive invasions by ‘superior’ races from the North, and is every bit as objectionable as white arrogance.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.




Pride of race is even more harmful than national pride. When I was in China I was struck by the fact that cultivated Chinese were perhaps more highly civilized than any other human beings that it has been my good fortune to meet. Nevertheless, I found numbers of gross and ignorant white men who despised even the best of the Chinese solely because their skins were yellow. In general, the British were more to blame in this than the Americans, but there were exceptions. I was once in the company of a Chinese scholar of vast learning, not only of the traditional Chinese kind, but also of the kind taught in Western universities, a man with a breadth of culture which I scarcely hoped to equal. He and I went together into a garage to hire a motor car. The garage proprietor was a bad type of American, who treated my Chinese friend like dirt, contemptuously accused him of being Japanese, and made my blood boil by his ignorant malevolence. The similar attitude of the English in India, exacerbated by their political power, was one of the main causes of the friction that arose in that country between the British and the educated Indians.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.


高慢やおごりは偏見や誤解を生む母である -裸の王様(為政者)たち

 政治的に有害である誤まった信念を生じさせるもう一つの情熱高慢(pride うぬぼれ) 国籍,人種,性,階級,あるいは,信条に対する高慢(うぬぼれ)- である。私が小さい時,フランスはいまだ英国の伝統的な敵国とみなされており,また、1人の英国人は3人のフランス人をやっつけることができるということを,疑問の余地のない真理である,と思った。(だが)ドイツが敵国となると,この信念は修正され,英国人フランス人が,蛙を喰う傾向があるのを嘲笑することを止めてしまった(注:フランスはドイツと戦ってくれる「味方」になったため)。しかし、英国政府のさまざまな努力にもかかわらず,フランス人を自分たちと同等な人間であると本当に考えるようになった英国人は,ごくわずかしかいなかった,と私は思う。アメリカ人や英国人は,バルカン諸国についてよく知るようになると,ブルガリア人セルビア人との間に,あるいはハンガリア人ルーマニア人との間に,相互に敵意をもっていることを学ぶと,驚くとともに軽蔑心を感じる。彼ら(アメリカ人と英国人)にとって,それらの(小国同士の)敵意は馬鹿げたものであり,またそれら小国のそれぞれがみずからの(相手国に対する)優越を信じていることには,まったく客観的根拠がないことはあきらかだと思う。しかし彼ら(英米人)の大部分は,大国の国民的自尊心(うぬぼれ)が.バルカン半島の小国のそれと同様に,本質的に正当化しえないものであることにまったく気づくことができないのである。

Another passion which gives rise to false beliefs that are politically harmful is pride – pride of nationality, race, sex, class, or creed. When I was young France was still regarded as the traditional enemy of England, and I gathered as an unquestionable truth that one Englishman could defeat three Frenchmen. When Germany became the enemy this belief was modified and English people ceased to mention derisively the French propensity for eating frogs. But in spite of governmental efforts, I think few Englishmen succeeded in genuinely regarding the French as their equals. Americans and Englishmen, when they become acquainted with the Balkans, feel an astonished contempt when they study the mutual enmities of Bulgarians and Serbs, or Hungarians and Rumanians. It is evident to them that these enmities are absurd and that the belief of each little nation in its own superiority has no objective basis. But most of them are quite unable to see that the national pride of a Great Power is essentially as unjustifiable as that of a little Balkan country.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.




The whole philosophy of economic nationalism, which is now universal throughout the world, is based upon the false belief that the economic interest of one nation is necessarily opposed to that of another. This false belief, by producing international hatreds and rivalries, is a cause of war, and in this way tends to make itself true, since when war has once broken out the conflict of national interests becomes only too real. If you try to explain to someone, say, in the steel industry, that possibly prosperity in other countries might be advantageous to him, you will find it quite impossible to make him see the argument, because the only foreigners of whom he is vividly aware are his competitors in the steel industry. Other foreigners are shadowy beings in whom he has no emotional interest. This is the psychological root of economic nationalism, and war, and man-made starvation, and all the other evils which will bring our civilization to a disastrous and disgraceful end unless men can be induced to take a wider and less hysterical view of their mutual relations.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.

America First! の不都合な結果がわかるのは、2,3年後かも知れないが,それがわかった時には、アメリカの世界における地位の相対的低下がはっきりすることであろう。


 我々人間が妬み(ねたみ)がちであることの最も不幸な結果の一つは,それが経済的私利 -個人的及び国民的の,両方の- に関するまったく誤まった考え方をもたらしてきたことである。
むかしむかし,ある中ぐらいの大きさの町があって,そこにはかなりの肉屋,かなりのパン屋,その他が住んでいました(注:a number of かなりの/市井訳では「一定量の」と訳されている)。並外れて精力のある一人の肉屋が,他のすべての肉屋がつぶれて自分が独占業者になれば,ずっと大きな利益をあげられるだろう,と心に決意しました。そこで他の店(競争相手)より組織的に安く売ることによって,彼はその目的を達成するのに成功しました。ただし,その(厳しい競争の)間に,彼の損失はひどくなり,資本や信用をあやつる能力はほとんどなくなってしまいました。同時に,ある一人の精力的なパン屋が,同じ考えを持っていて,同様な成功をかち得るまでやりぬきました。消費者たちに品物を売ることで生計をたてているあらゆる業種(商い)で,同じことが起こりました。

One of the most unfortunate results of our proneness to envy is that it has caused a complete misconception of economic self-interest, both individual and national. I will illustrate by a parable. There was once upon a time a medium-sized town containing a number of butchers, a number of bakers, and so forth. One butcher, who was exceptionally energetic, decided that he would make much larger profits if all the other butchers were ruined and he became a monopolist. By systematically under-selling them he succeeded in his object, though his losses meanwhile had almost exhausted his command of capital and credit. At the same time an energetic baker had had the same idea and had pursued it to a similar successful conclusion. In every trade which lived by selling goods to consumers the same thing had happened. Each of the successful monopolists had a happy anticipation of making a fortune, but unfortunately the ruined butchers were no longer in the position to buy bread, and the ruined bakers were no longer in the position to buy meat. Their employees had had to be dismissed and had gone elsewhere. The consequence was that, although the butcher and the baker each had a monopoly, they sold less than they had done in the old days. They had forgotten that while a man may be injured by his competitors he is benefited by his customers, and that customers become more numerous when the general level of prosperity is increased. Envy had made them concentrate their attention upon competitors and forget altogether the aspect of their prosperity that depended upon customers.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.



女性の嫉妬は男たちのあいだではよく知られている。しかし,大規模な事務所(職場)ならどこにおいても,まさに男性職員の間に同様の種類の嫉妬を見いだすであろう。(その職場の)男性職員の一人が昇進すると,他の男たちは次のように言うだろう。「ふん,あいつはお偉方に取り入る術を心得ているよ。もし私が自分を堕落させて,あいつが恥知らずにやったようなへつらい術を使っていたら,私もあいつとまったく同じように早く出世できたはずだ。たしかにあいつの仕事ぶりには線香花火のような才気(a flashy brilliance,)はあるが,堅実さに欠けている。それゆえ,遅かれ早かれ,お偉がたは自分らの判断(昇進させたこと)の間違いに気づくだろう。」。
(注:ラッセル『人類の将来ー反俗評論集』の中の市井三郎訳では,「このように凡庸なすべての人々は、本当にできる男がその才能の値する程度に早く昇格できるようになればよい,というだろう」となっている。all the mediocre men will say so が倒置されて ‘So’ が先頭に来ているわけだが、‘if’ は ここでは ‘even if’ の意味であることを捉え損なっていると思われる。)

One of the most powerful sources of false belief is envy. In any small town you will find, if you question the comparatively well-to-do, that they all exaggerate their neighbors’ incomes, which gives them an opportunity to justify an accusation of meanness. The jealousies of women are proverbial among men, but in any large office you will find exactly the same kind of jealousy among male officials. When one of them secures promotion the others will say: ‘Humph! So-and so knows how to make up to the big men. I could have riser quite as fast as he has if I had chosen to debase myself by using the sycophantic arts of which he is not ashamed. No doubt his work has a flashy brilliance, but it lacks solidly, and sooner or later the authorities will find out their mistake.’ So all the mediocre men will say if a really able man is allowed to rise as fast as his abilities deserve, and that is why there is a tendency to adopt the rule of seniority, which, since it has nothing to do with merit, does not give rise to the same envious discontent.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.





また,この悪魔の心理は,呪われた人々の苦しみを天国から眺められるだろうという想いに大喜びしたテルトゥリアヌス(注:Tertullian カルタゴの神学者)の心理と,それほど異なっているわけではない。感覚的快楽を禁欲主義的に軽視することは,親切心や寛容な心,あるいは人間性に関する非迷信的な考え方が我々を望むように導くような,その他のいかなる美徳をも助長したことはこれまでなかった。それとは逆に,人間が自分自身に責め苦を課する場合には,そのことによって自分は他の人々を苦しませる権利をもつのだと感じ,その権利を強化させるような教義ドグマ)なら,いかなるものも受け容れようという気にさせるのである。

The most obvious case as regards past history is constituted by the beliefs which may be called religious or superstitious, according to one’s personal bias. It was supposed that human sacrifice would improve the crops, at first for purely magical reasons, and then because the blood of victims was thought pleasing to the gods, who certainly were made in the image of their worshippers. We read in the Old Testament that it was a religious duty to exterminate conquered races completely, and that to spare even their cattle and sheep was an impiety. Dark terrors and misfortunes in the life to come oppressed the Egyptians and Etruscans, but never reached their full development until the victory of Christianity. Gloomy saints who abstained from all pleasures of sense, who lived in solitude in the desert, denying themselves meat and wine and the society of women, were, nevertheless, not obliged to abstain from all pleasures. The pleasures of the mind were considered to be superior to those of the body, and a high place among the pleasures of the mind was assigned to the contemplation of the eternal tortures to which the pagans and heretics would hereafter be subjected. It is one of the drawbacks to asceticism that it sees no harm in pleasures other than those of sense, and yet, in fact, not only the best pleasures, but also the very worst, are purely mental. Consider the pleasures of Milton’s Satan when he contemplates the harm that he could do to man. As Milton makes him say:
The mind is its own place, and in itself
Can make a heav’n of hell, a hell of heav’n.
and his psychology is not so very different from that of Tertullian, exulting in the thought that he will be able to look out from heaven at the sufferings of the damned. The ascetic depreciation of the pleasures of sense has not promoted kindliness or tolerance, or any of the other virtues that a non-superstitious outlook on human life would lead us to desire. On the contrary, when a man tortures himself he feels that it gives him a right to torture others, and inclines him to accept any system of dogma by which this right is fortified.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.
