
私はかつて多数の血統証付き(系図付き)の牡牛を飼っているところへいった時のことを記憶しているが,その牡牛を有名にしたのは,その牝(めす)の系統(注:母方)の祖先がいちじるしい授乳能力(milk-giving qualities 乳を与える優秀さ)をもつことであった。もしも牡牛たちが(自ら)系図をつくっていたとすれば,それは非常に違ったものになっていたことであろう。牝(めす)の祖先についてはおとなしくて有徳であったということ以外にはなにも書かれず,しかるに,牡(おす)の祖先たちは戦闘能力に優れていたと讃えられるであろう。

The belief in the superiority of the male sex, which has now officially died out in Western nations, is a curious example of the sin of pride. There was, I think, never any reason to believe in any innate superiority of the male, except his superior muscle. I remember once going to a place where they kept a number of pedigree bulls, and what made a bull illustrious was the milk-giving qualities of his female ancestors. But if bulls had drawn up the pedigrees they would have been very different. Nothing would have been said about the female ancestors, except that they were docile and virtuous, whereas the male ancestors would have been celebrated for their supremacy in battle. In the case of cattle we can take a disinterested view of the relative merits of the sexes, but in the case of our own species we find this more difficult. Male superiority in former days was easily demonstrated, because if a woman questioned her husband’s he could beat her. From superiority in this respect others were thought to follow. Men were more reasonable than women, more inventive, less swayed by their emotions, and so on. Anatomists, until the women had the vote, developed a number of ingenious arguments from the study of the brain to show that men’s intellectual capacities must be greater than women’s. Each of these arguments in turn was proved to be fallacious, but it always gave place to another from which the same conclusion would follow. It used to be held that the male fetus acquires a soul after six weeks, but the female only after three months. This opinion also has been abandoned since women have had the vote. Thomas Aquinas states parenthetically, as something entirely obvious, that men are more rational than women. For my part, I see no evidence of this. Some few individuals have some slight glimmerings of rationality in some directions, but so far as my observations go, such glimmerings are no commoner among men than among women.
出典:Bertrand Russell: Ideas That Have Harmed Mankind,1946.
