

I should encourage a habit of intelligent controversy among the older boys and girls, and I should place no obstacles in their way even if they questioned what I regarded as important truths. I should make it my object to teach thinking, not orthodoxy, or even heterodoxy. And I should absolutely never sacrifice intellect to the fancied interest of morals. It is generally held that the teaching of virtue demands the inculcation of falsehood. In politics, we conceal the vices of eminent statesmen of our own party. In theology, we conceal the sins of Popes if we are Catholics, and the sins of Luther and Calvin if we are Protestants. In matters of sex, we pretend before young people that virtue is much commoner than it is. … This whole attitude implies a certain feebleness. Let us know the truth, whatever it is ; then we can act rationally. The holders of power wish to conceal the truth from their slaves, in order that they may be misled as to their own interests ; this is intelligible. What is less intelligible is that democracies should voluntarily make laws designed to prevent themselves from knowing the truth. This is collective Quixotism : they are resolved not to be told that the helmet is less good than they wish to believe. Such an attitude of abject funk is unworthy of free men and women. In my school no obstacle to knowledge shall exist, of any sort or kind. I shall seek virtue by the right training of passions and instincts, not by lying and deceit. In the virtue that I desire, the pursuit of knowledge, without fear and without limitation, is an essential element, in the absence of which the rest has little value.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.16: Last school years.



 こういう心の習慣(主観主義的な考え方や生き方)を治すためには,他の多くの場合と同様,恐怖(心)を捨て,(将来生ずる可能性のある)不幸に対する理性的な予知をすること(予知力に置き換えること)が必要である。恐怖(心)があると,人びとは,現実の(本当の)危険を直視することを嫌がるようになる。主観主義の病いにかかった人は,真夜中に「火事だ!」という叫び声で目をさましたとしても(注: if = even if),火事は隣の家にちがいない,と結論付けるかもしれない。真実(事実)はあまりにも恐ろしいからである。こうして,彼は,(その時には)まだ逃げる余裕があったのに,その機会を失ってしまうかもしれない。

To cure this habit of mind, it is necessary, as in many other cases, to replace fear by rational prevision of misfortune. Fear makes people unwilling to face real dangers. A person afflicted with subjectivity, if awakened in the middle of the night by the cry of “fire”, might decide that it must be his neighbour’s house, since the truth would be too terrifying ; he might thus lose the moment when escape was still possible. This, of course, could only occur in a pathological case ; but in politics the analogous behaviour is normal. Fear, as an emotion, is disastrous in all cases where the right course can only be discovered by thinking ; we want, therefore, to be able to foresee possibilities of evil without feeling fear, and to use our intelligence for the purpose of avoiding what is not inevitable. Evils which are really inevitable have to be treated with sheer courage; ….
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.16: Last school years.


主観主義や「神話」は怠惰を助長する -我ら皆、ドン・キホーテなり!

 空想の中で生きる習慣は、幼年期においては正常であり、適切である。なぜなら、幼い子供たちは、病的ではない無力感をいだいているからである。しかし、おとなの生活が近づくけば、夢が価値を持つのは遅かれ早かれ実現できる場合に限る、ということをますますはっきりと認識しなければならない。子供(注:boys 若者/ boy は男の子とは限らない。)は、ほかの子供のまったく一人よがりの主張を正すから感心である。学校において、友達の間で,自分の持っている力について幻想を抱くことは難しい。しかし、神話を創りだす能力は、他の方面では相変わらず活発であり、しばしば教師の協力のもとに行われる。曰く、自分の学校は世界で一番良い学校である。自分の祖国は常に正しく、常に勝利を得る。自分の属する階級(子供が裕福な場合)は、他のいかなる階級よりも優っている。こういうのは、全て望ましくない神話である、。それは、実際は誰か他の人の剣がまっぷたつにできるかも知れないのに、私たちを、自分は良い甲を持っていると思い込ませるように導いてしまうのである。このようにして、こういう神話は怠惰を助長し、ついには大きな不幸を招く

The classic example of subjectivity is Don Quixote. The first time he made a helmet, he tested its capacity for resisting blows, and battered it out of shape ; next time he did not test it, but “deemed” it to be a very good helmet. This habit of “deeming” dominated his life. But every refusal to face unpleasant facts is of the same kind ; we are all Don Quixotes more or less. Don Quixote would not have done as he did if he had been taught at school to make a really good helmet, and if he had been surrounded by companions who refused to “deem” whatever he wished to believe. The habit of living in fancies is normal and right in early childhood, because young children have an impotence which ,is not pathological. But as adult life approaches, there must be a more and more vivid realization that dreams are only valuable in so far as they can be translated, sooner or later, into fact. Boys are admirable in correcting the purely personal claims of other boys ; in a school, it is difficult to cherish illusions as to one’s power in relation to schoolfellows. But the myth-making faculty remains active in other directions, often with the co-operation of the masters. One’s own school is the best in the world; one’s country is always right and always victorious ; one’s social class (if one is rich) is better than any other class. All these are undesirable myths. They lead us to deem that we have a good helmet, when in fact someone else’s sword could cut it in two. In this way they promote laziness and lead ultimately to disaster.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.16: Last school years.



しかし,私は,私自身の見解を生徒たちに押しつけたくない。私のなすべきことは,実際的な問題に対して科学的な態度をとるという理想を,生徒たちの前に掲げることである。私は,生徒たちが議論は議論,事実は事実として提示する(produce)ことを期待したい。 特に政治(の世界)においては,この習慣は貴重であるが,同時にまれである。熱狂的な政党はすべて,神話の繭(まゆ)をつむぎ,政党の精神はその中で太平の眠りをむさぼる。情熱は,あまりにもしばしば知性を殺してしまう。反対に,知識人においては,知性が情熱を殺すことも少なくない。私の目的は,こういう二つの不幸を避けることにある。情熱的な感情は,破壊的でないかぎり,望ましいものである。知性も,同じような条件づきで,望ましいものである。私は,根本的な政治的情熱は建設的であってほしいと思っていると同時に,知性をこういう情熱に役立つものにするように努力したい。だが,知性は,夢の世界で役立つだけではなく,それらの情熱に対して,本当に,客観的に,役立たなければならない。現実の世界が十分に快いものでないときには,我々は皆,空想の世界に逃れがちである。空想の世界においては,私たちの欲望は大した努力をしなくても満たされる(からである)。これこそが,ヒステリーの本質である。それはまた,国家主義者の・神学的・階級的/神話の源泉でもある。それは,今日の世界でほとんど一般的になっている性格の弱さを示している。

If I were at the head of a school for older boys and girls, I should consider it equally undesirable to shirk current questions and to do propaganda about them. It is a good thing to make pupils feel that their education is fitting them to cope with matters about which the world is excited ; it gives them a sense that scholastic teaching is not divorced from the practical world. But I should not urge my own views upon the pupils. What I should do is to put before them the ideal of a scientific attitude to practical questions. I should expect them to produce arguments that are arguments, and facts that are facts. In politics, especially, this habit is as rare as it is valuable. Every vehement political party generates a cocoon of myth, within which its mentality peacefully slumbers. Passion too often kills intellect ; in intellectuals, on the contrary, intellect not infrequently kills passion. My aim would be to avoid both these misfortunes. Passionate feeling is desirable, provided it is not destructive ; intellect is desirable, with the same proviso. I should wish the fundamental political passions to be constructive, and I should try to make the intellect serve these passions. But it must serve them genuinely, objectively, not only in the world of dreams. When the real world is not sufficiently flattering we all tend to take refuge in an imaginary world, where our desires are gratified without great effort. This is the essence of hysteria. It is also the source of nationalist, theological, and class myths. It shows a weakness of character which is almost universal in the present world. To combat this weakness of character should be one of the aims of later school education. There are two ways of combating it, both necessary, though in a sense opposites. The one is to increase our sense of what we can achieve in the world of reality ; the other is to make us more sensitive to what reality can do in the way of dispelling our dreams. Both are comprised in the principle of living objectively rather than subjectively.
出典:On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 3: Intellectual education, chap.16: Last school years.



 正規の(regular 標準の)勉強のほかに,少年少女(生徒)は,現在論争の的になっている,政治や社会に係る,また神学すらに係る,重要問題に関心を寄せるように奨励されなければならない。そういう論争の正統的な側(多くの人に正しいとされた立場)だけでなく,あらゆる側の意見を読むよう奨励されるべきである。もしも,彼らの中にある側あるいはその反対側に強く共感している者がいたら,教師はその生徒に自分の意見(見解)を支持する事実を見つける方法を教えてあげるべきであり,また,反対意見を持つ者と討論するように仕向けるべきである。真理を突きとめるために(注:事実を確かめ,何が正しいかを明らかにするために)真剣に行なわれる討論は,大きな価値を持ちうる。こういう討論では,教師は,たとえ(個人的な)強い確信を持っている場合でも,特定の側に立つことがないようにしなければならない。しも,大半の生徒が一方の側に立つようであれば、教師は、単に論争のためにこうしますと言って、反対の側に立つとよい。さもなければ、教師の役割は、事実に関する誤りを正すことに限らなければならない。こういう方法によって、生徒たちは、討論を言葉の上での勝負を争うものとしてではなく、真理を突きとめる手段として学ぶことができるだろう。

In addition to regular work, boys and girls ought to be encouraged to take an interest in current controversial questions of importance, political, social, and even theological. They should be encouraged to read all sides in such controversies, not only the orthodox side. If any of them have strong feelings on one side or the other, they should be told how to find out facts which support their view, and should be set to debate with those who hold the opposite view. Debates, conducted seriously with a view to ascertaining the truth, could be of great value. In these, the teacher should learn not to take sides, even if he or she has strong convictions. If almost all the pupils take one side, the teacher should take the other, saying that it is only for purposes of argument. Otherwise, his part should be confined to correcting mistakes as to facts. By such means, the pupils could learn discussion as a means of ascertaining truth, not as a contest for rhetorical victory.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 16: Last school years.




 教育全体を通して,自発性は,できるかぎり生徒(の側)から出て釆なければならない。モンテッソーリ夫人は,ごく幼い子供(たち)の場合,どうすればそれができるかを明らかにしている。しかし,年上の子供(たち)の場合は,違った方法が必要になる。従来よりも個人学習(独りで行う勉強)をずっと多くし,クラスでする学習(勉強)をずっと少なくしなければならないということは,進歩的な教育家の一般的に認めるところであると思われる。ただし,その場合,個人学習は,同じように個人学習している他の少年少女がいっぱいいる教室でなされなければならない。図書室や実験室も,充実し,広々と(ゆったりと)していなければならない。一日の学習時間のうちのかなりの部分は,自発的かつ自ら方向を定めた学習(勉強)のために取っておかなければならない。しかし,生徒は,自分が今勉強していることについて(先生への)報告文(an account)を書き,それに,身につけた知識についての摘要(要約)を付しておかなければならない。こうすれば,事柄が記憶に刻みこまれるし,読書も散漫でなく一つの目的を持つものになり,教師は,個々のケースについてそれぞれ必要なだけの監督(コントロール)をすればよいようになる。

All through education, initiative should come from the pupil as far as possible. Madame Montessori has shown how this can be done with very young children, but with older children different methods are required. It is, I think, generally recognized by progressive educationists that there should be much more individual work and much less class work than has been customary, though the individual work should be done in a room full of other boys and girls similarly engaged. Libraries and laboratories should be adequate and roomy. A considerable part of the working day should be set apart for voluntary self-directed study, but the pupil should write an account of what he or she is studying, with an abstract of any information acquired. This helps to fix things in the memory, to make reading have a purpose instead of being desultory, and to give the teacher just that amount of control which may be necessary in each case. The cleverer the pupil, the less control is required. With those who are not very clever, it will be necessary to give a great deal of guidance ; but even with them it should be by way of suggestion, inquiry, and stimulus rather than by command. There should, however, also be set themes, giving practice in ascertaining the facts about some prescribed subject, and in presenting them in an orderly manner.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 16: Last school years.



 カリキュラム(教育課程: 教育内容・教える順序・時間割など)よりも重要なのは,教育方法(教授方法)と,教育を授ける際の精神の問題である。これらのことに関して,主要な問題は,勉強(work)を,易しすぎるようにしないで,興味深いものにすることである。精確かつ詳細な勉強(study 学習)は,その勉強(学習)の一般的ないろいろな側面を扱った本や講義によって補足してあげなければならない。
数学(の授業)は,ときどき,数学上の発見の歴史や,数学の個々の発見(this or that piece of mathematics)が科学や日常生活に及ぼした影響について,高等数学に見いだされる喜びのかずかずにも触れながら講義することによって,変化を与えるべきである。

More important than the curriculum is the question of the methods of teaching and the spirit in which the teaching is given. As to this,
the main problem is to make the work interesting without making it too easy. Exact and detailed study should be supplemented by books and lectures on general aspects of the studies concerned. Before sitting down to a Greek play, I would have the students read a translation,  by Gilbert Murray or some other translator with a poetic gift.  Mathematics should be diversified by an occasional lecture on the  history of mathematical discovery, and on the influence of this or that piece of mathematics upon science and daily life, with hints of the delightful things to be found in higher mathematics. Similarly,  the detailed study of history should be supplemented by brilliant outlines, even if they contained questionable generalizations. The students might be told that the generalizations are doubtful, and be invited to consider their detailed knowledge as supporting or refuting them. In science, it is good to read popular books which give an apercu of recent research, in order to have some idea of the general scientific purpose served by particular facts and laws. All these things are useful as incentives to exact and minute study, but are pernicious if they are treated as substitutes for it. Pupils must not be encouraged to think that there are short cuts to knowledge. This is a real danger in modern education, owing to the reaction against the old severe drill. The mental work involved in the drill was good ; what was bad was the killing of intellectual interests. We must try to secure the hard work, but by other methods than those of the old disciplinarian. I do not believe this is impossible. One finds in America that men who were idle as undergraduates work hard in the law school or the medical school, because at last they are doing work which strikes them as important. That is the essence of the matter : make the school work seem important to the pupils, and they will work hard. But if you make the work too easy, they will know, almost by  instinct, that you are not giving them what is really worth having.  Clever boys and girls like to test their minds on difficulties. With good teaching and the elimination of fear, very many boys and girls would be clever who now seem stupid and lethargic.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:
Education of character, chap. 16: Last school years.



(古語ではなく現代における)外国語(習得)の問題は(注:languages いろいろな国や民族の言語。従って国家レベルの言語だけをいうのではなく,自分の国や民族以外の言語のこと。),必ずしも容易な問題ではない。幼年期には,外国語を完璧に話すことを学ぶことが可能である。大きくなってからでは,それは決して達成できない。れゆえ,教えるからには(if at all),(複数の)外国語(languages)を幼年期に教えることを支持する強い根拠が存在している。外国語をあまり早くから学ぶ(教えると)と母国語の知識が損なわれると心配する人びともいるようだが,私はそうは思わない。トルストイやツルゲーネフは,幼年期に,英語,フランス語,ドイツ語を学んだけれども,ロシア語もまったく堪能であった。ギボンは,フランス語でも英語と同じくらい容易に書くことができたが,そのために彼の英語の文体が損なわれることはなかった。18世紀を通じて,英国の貴族はみな幼い頃にフランス語を学ぶのを当然のこととしていたし,多くの者がさらにイタリア語も学んだ。しかも,彼らの英語は,彼ら(貴族)の現代の子孫の英語よりもはるかに優れていた(のである)。子供が二つの国語(言語)をそれぞれ別な人びとに向かって話しているということであれば,子供の演劇的本能(dramatic instinct 複数の役を平行して行う能力)により,二つの言語が混同されることはない。は,英語と同時にドイツ語を学び,10歳のときまで,保母や家庭教師にはドイツ語で話した(注:ラッセルの幼児期の家庭教師は主にドイツ人の女性であったため)。その後フランス語を学び,家庭教師(governesses 女性の家庭教師のこと)や個人教師(tutor 主として住み込みの家庭教師)にはフランス語で話した。どちらの言語も(ドイツ語もフランス語も)英語とごちゃまぜになることはまったくなかった。それぞれ,個人的な結びつきが異なっていたからである。(注:ラッセルは,幼稚園以外,大学に入るまで学校教育を受けることなく,通いや住み込みの多くの家庭教師に勉強を習っていることに注意)
外国語を教える場合には,その言語を母国語とする人が教えるべきである,と私は考える。そのほうがうまく教えられるだけではなく,子供たちは,母語が同じ人に向かって外国語を話すときよりも,外国人(その言語を母語とする人)に向かって話すときのほうがわざとらしさを感じないからである。だから,私見によれば,あらゆる子供の学校にもフランス人の女性教師(mistress 「愛人」の意味があるが,ここでは「女教師」のこと)が一人いるのがよいし,可能であれば,ドイツ人の女教師も一人いるとよい。(注:言うまでもなく,これは英国の場合を言っている。)彼女たちは,まったくの初歩は別として,子供たちに本格的に自分の母語を教えるべきではない。だが,子供たちと一緒に遊戯(games)をしたり話しかけたりして,遊戯がうまくいくかどうかは,子供たちがその言語(外国語)を理解し答えることにかかっている,というようにするとよい。彼女は,まず「兄弟のジャック」とか「アヴィニョンの橋の上で」などから始め,しだいに複雑な遊戯に及ぶようにするとよい。このようにして,(学習対象の)外国語を,精神的な疲労もなく,お芝居をしているように,まったく楽しく学ぶことができるだろう。しかも,その時期ならば,その後のどんな時期よりも,はるかに完璧に,また貴重な教育上の時間を浪費することもより少なく,その外国語を身につけることができるのである。

The question of modern languages is one which is not altogether easy. In childhood it is possible to learn to speak a modern language perfectly, which can never be achieved in later years ; there are therefore strong grounds for teaching languages at an early age, if at all. Some people seem to fear that knowledge of one’s own language suffers if others are learnt too soon. I do not believe this. Tolstoy and Turgenev were quite competent in Russian, though they learnt English, French, and German in infancy. Gibbon could write in French as easily as in English, but this did not spoil his English style. All through the eighteenth century all English aristocrats learnt French in early youth as a matter of course, and many also learnt Italian ; yet their English was vastly better than that of their modern descendants. A child’s dramatic instinct prevents it from confusing one language with another, provided it speaks them to different people. I learnt German at the same time as English, and spoke it to nurses and governesses up to the age of ten ; then I learnt French, and spoke it to governesses and tutors. Neither language ever confused itself with English, because it had different personal associations. I think that if a modern language is to be taught it should be taught by a person whose native language it is, not only because it will be better taught, but because children feel less artificiality in talking a foreign language to a foreigner than in talking it to a person whose natural language is the same as their own. I think, therefore, that every school for children ought to have a French mistress, and if possible a German mistress too, who should not formally instruct the children in her language, except quite at first, but should play games with them and talk to them, and make the success of the games depend upon their understanding and answering. She could start with Frere Jacques and Sur le pont d,Avignon, and go on gradually to more complicated games. In this way the language could be acquired without any mental fatigue, and with all the pleasure of play-acting. And it can be acquired then far more perfectly and with less waste of valuable educational time than at any subsequent period.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 15: The school curriculum before fourteen



 しかし,「慈悲の本質 “the quality of mercy”」(注:シェークスピア『ベニスの商人』から)とか,「この世は全て舞台だ(芝居だ)”all the world’s a stage”」」(注:シェークスピア『お気に召すまま』から)というような単なる断片的な決まり文句(set pieces)を学ぶことは,大部分の子供たちには退屈かつわざとらしく思われるので,当初の目的を達成できない。作品の暗記を演技に結びつけるほうがずっと良い。なぜなら,(その場合)暗記は,あらゆる子供が好きなことをするための必要な手段となるからである。


(安藤訳では “a patronizeing pleasure” は「先輩ぶった喜び」となっている。しかし,ここは「(保護者やパトロンのように,)子供っぽさを「いいね!(かわいいね!)」と喜ぶようなことをしてはいけない」という意味だと考えられる。従って,「先輩ぶった喜び」では意味がずれていると思われるがいかかだろうか?)。
今日の児童図書の多くに見られるわざとらしい愚かさは,実に不愉快である。そのような本は,子供をいらいらさせるか,あるいは,精神的に成長したいという衝動を困惑させ混乱させるにちがいない。こういった理由で,最良の児童図書とは,もともとはおとなのために書かれたものであるが,たまたま子供にも向いているような本である。唯一の例外は,たとえば,リア(注: Edward Lear, 1812-1886, 英国の画家・詩人)やルイス・キャロルが書いた本のように,子供のために書かれたもので,おとなが読んでも楽しい本である。

But mere learning of set pieces, such as “the quality of mercy” and “all the world’s a stage”, seems tedious and artificial to most children, and therefore fails of its purpose. It is much better that learning by heart should be associated with acting, because then it is a necessary means to something which every child loves. From the age of three onwards, children delight in acting a part ; they do it spontaneously, but are overjoyed when more elaborate ways of doing it are put in their way. I remember the exquisite amusement with which I acted the quarrel scene between Brutus and Cassius, and declaimed.

I had rather be a dog and bay the moon
Than such a Roman.

Children who take part in performing Julius Caesar or The Merchant of Venice, or any other suitable play, will not only know their own parts, but most of the other parts as well, The play will be in their thoughts for a long time, and all by way of enjoyment. After all, good literature is intended to give pleasure, and if children cannot be got to derive pleasure from it they are hardly likely to derive benefit either. For these reasons I should confine the teaching of literature, in early years, to the learning of parts for acting. The rest should consist of voluntary reading of well-written stories, obtainable in the school library. People nowadays write silly, sentimental stuff for children, which insults them by not taking them seriously. Contrast the intense seriousness of Robinson Crusoe. Sentimentality, in dealing with children and elsewhere, is a failure of dramatic sympathy. No child thinks it charming to be childish ; he wants, as soon as possible, to learn to behave like a grown-up person. Therefore a book for children ought never to display a patronizing pleasure in childish ways. The artificial silliness of many modern children’s books is disgusting. It must either annoy a child, or puzzle and confuse his impulse towards mental grow. For this reason, the best books for children are those that happen to suit them, though written for grown-up people. The only exceptions are books written for children, but delightful also to grown-up people, such as those of Lear and Lewis Carroll.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 15: The school curriculum before fourteen



文学のよい影響は,作品を暗記することなしには十分には得られない,と私は思っている。(注:昔の日本で言えば、「素読」ですね。)作品を暗記することは,かつては記憶力を訓練するものとして推奨されていたが,心理学者たちは -たとえなんらかの効果があるとしても- 暗記には記憶力の増進効果はほとんどないことを証明した。
(注:安藤氏は ‘if any effect in this way’ の部分を訳していないが、記憶力増進以外には効用がないとは言っていない,というニュアンスがある。)
(安藤訳では,「・・・。そうするためには,思想を表現する習慣を身につけることが必要になる。この習慣は,優れた文学に親しむことによってのみ生み出すことができる。」となっている。「思想を表現する習慣」という訳は不適切ではないか? ここでは「考えたことを口にださないのではなく,できるだけ表現するようにしよう」と言っているのではなく、暗記した文学表現などが,適時思い浮かび、効果的に使用できる,というような思考習慣を身につけるのが良い,というニュアンスと思われるが,いかがであろうか?)私にとって,暗記が重要と思われる理由は,ここにある。

The teaching of literature is a matter as to which it is easy to make mistakes. There is not the slightest use, either for young or old, in being well-informed about literature, knowing the dates of the poets, the names of their works, and so on. Everything that can be put into a handbook is worthless. What is valuable is great familiarity with certain examples of good literature–such familiarity as will influence the style, not only of writing, but of thought. In old days the Bible supplied this to English children, certainly with a beneficial effect upon prose style ; but few modern children know the Bible intimately. I think the good effect of literature cannot be fully obtained without learning by heart. This practice used to be advocated as a training for the memory, but psychologists have shown that it has little, if any effect in this way. Modern educationists give it less and less place. But I think they are mistaken, not because of any possible improvement of memory, but on account of the effect upon beauty of language in speech and writing. This should come without effort, as a spontaneous expression of thought ; but in order to do so, in a community which has lost the primitive aesthetic impulses, it is necessary to produce a habit of thought which I believe is only to be generated by intimate knowledge of good literature. That is why learning by heart seems to me important.
出典: On Education, especially in early childhood, 1926, Pt. 2:Education of character, chap. 15: The school curriculum before fourteen
