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バートランド・ラッセル 教育論 第二部_性格の教育_第8章_正直(誠実)であること(松下 訳) - Bertrand Russell On Education, 1926

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第二部_性格の教育_第8章_正直(誠実)であること - 子供に対して常に誠実であること


Pt.2 Education of Character - Chap. 8 Truthfulness

Invariable truthfulness to a child reaps its reward in increased trust. The child has a natural tendency to believe what you say, except when it runs counter to a strong desire, as in the case of the Easter eggs which I mentioned just now. A little experience of the truth of your remarks even in these cases enables you to win belief easily and without emphasis. But if you have been in the habit of threatening consequences which did not happen, you will have to become more and more insistent and terrifying, and in the end you will only produce a state of nervous uncertainty. One day my boy wanted to paddle in a stream, but I told him not to, because I thought there were bits of broken crockery which would cut his feet. His desire was keen, so he was sceptical about the crockery ; but after I had found a piece and shown him the sharp edge, he became entirely acquiescent. If I had invented the crockery for my own convenience I should have lost his confidence. If I had not found any I should have let him paddle. In consequence of repeated experiences of this sort he has almost entirely ceased to be sceptical of my reasons.

(掲載日:2015.04.20/更新日: )