
ラッセル『結婚論』第二十一章 結論 n.11

 第二十一章 結論 n.11:





 大部分の男女は,もし幼年期に(いろいろな)タブーに(現状ほど)とりかこまれていなかったなら,心からの大らかな愛を結婚にもたらすことができたはずなのに,現状からすると(as things stand 現状では),それができない(のである)。彼らは,必要な経験を欠いているか,あるいは,こそこそした好ましくない方法でそれ得たかのいずれかである。さらに,嫉妬(心)は道徳家の認可を得ているので,彼らは,お互いを相互に牢獄に閉じこめ続けることは正当化されると感じている。夫婦が,どちらも不倫(不義)を働く気になれないほどに完全に愛しあっているのであるなら,もちろん,それはとても良いことである。しかし,もし(仮に)不倫が実際に起こったなら,それを何か恐ろしいことのように扱うのは,良いことではないし,また,(他の)異性とのつきあいを不可能にするところまで行くのも,望ましいことではない。


Chapter XXI: Conclusion, n.11

Sex morality has to be derived from certain general principles, as to which there is perhaps a fairly wide measure of agreement, in spite of the wide disagreement as to the consequences to be drawn from them. The first thing to be secured is that there should be as much as possible of that deep, serious love between man and woman which embraces the whole personality of both and leads to a fusion by which each is enriched and enhanced. The second thing of importance is that there should be adequate care of children, physical and psychological. Neither of these principles in itself can be considered in any way shocking, yet it is as a consequence of these two principles that I should advocate certain modifications of the conventional code. Most men and women, as things stand, are incapable of being as wholehearted and as generous in the love that they bring to marriage as they would be if their early years had been less hedged about with taboos. They either lack the necessary experience, or they have gained it in furtive and undesirable ways. Moreover, since jealousy has the sanction of moralists, they feel justified in keeping each other in a mutual prison. It is of course a very good thing when a husband and wife love each other so completely that neither is ever tempted to unfaithfulness; it is not, however, a good thing that unfaithfulness, if it does occur, should be treated as something terrible, nor is it desirable to go so far as to make all friendship with persons of the other sex impossible. A good life cannot be founded upon fear, prohibition, and mutual interference with freedom. Where faithfulness is achieved without these, it is good, but where all this is necessary it may well be that too high a price has been paid, and that a little mutual toleration of occasional lapses would be better. There can be no doubt that mutual jealousy, even where there is physical faithfulness, often causes more unhappiness in a marriage than would be caused if there were more confidence in the ultimate strength of a deep and permanent affection.
 出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第二十一章 結論 n.10

 第二十一章 結論 n.10: 幼年期に受け入れた道徳の影響力の強大さ

 現代世界には,因習的な教えに対する多種多様な度合いの反抗が見受けられる。その中で最もありふれたものは,若い時に教えられた道徳の倫理的真実を知的には認める者の反抗である。しかし,彼は,自分はその道徳に従って生きていく(liv up to it)ほど英雄的ではない,と多かれ少なかれ,見せかけの悔恨(unreal regret)とともに告白する(のである)。このような人については,何も言うべきこと(弁護の余地)はほとんどはない。彼は,実践と信念(信条)とが調和するような具合に,実践かあるいは信念のどちらかを改めると良いだろう。

 次にくるのは(次によくあるのは),意識的な理性は,子供部屋(in the nursery 保育室/育児室)で学んだ多くのことを捨てているのに,無意識では,まだそれを全体的に受け入れている人である。そういう人は,何か強い情緒,特に恐怖に襲われると,突然,行動方針(line of conduct)を変えるだろう。重い病気にかかったり,地震に見舞われたりすると,幼時期の信念(信じていたこと)が急によみがえってきて(as the result of an uprush of infantile beliefs.),その結果,彼は悔い改め,知的な確信(理性的な考え)を捨てるかもしれない。普段においてさえ,彼の行動は抑制されているだろうし,その抑制は望ましくない形をとるかもしれない(可能性がある)。その抑制は,伝統的な道徳が非難するようなやり方で彼がふるまうのを妨げはしないが,心の底からそうするのは妨げるだろうことから,そのようにして(thus その結果),彼の行為を価値あるものとしている要素がいくらか失われるだろう。新しい道徳律を古い道徳律に代替させることは,新しい道徳を我々の意識的思考を構成する最上層で受け入れるだけでなく,全人格で受け入れないかぎり,完全に満足すべきものには決してなりえない(のである)。大部分の人にとって,もし,彼らが幼年時代を通して古い道徳にさらされてきたのであるならば,これは非常に困難なことである。それゆえ,新しい道徳は,それを年少者の教育(早期の教育)に適用されるまで,公正に判断することは不可能である。

Chapter 21: Conclusion, n.10

One finds in the modern world various different degrees of revolt against conventional teaching. The commonest of all is the revolt of the man who intellectually acknowledges the ethical truth of the morality he was taught in youth, but confesses with a more or less unreal regret that he is not sufficiently heroic to live up to it. For such a man there is little to be said. It would be better that he should alter either his practice or his beliefs in such a way as to bring harmony between them. Next comes the man whose conscious reason has rejected much that he learnt in the nursery, but whose unconscious still accepts it in its entirety. Such a man will suddenly change his line of conduct under the stress of any strong emotion, especially fear. A serious illness or an earthquake may cause him to repent and to abandon his intellectual convictions as the result of an uprush of infantile beliefs. Even at ordinary times his behaviour will be inhibited, and the inhibitions may take an undesirable form. They will not prevent him from acting in ways that are condemned by traditional morals, but they will prevent him from doing so in a wholehearted way, and will thus eliminate from his actions some of the elements that would have given them value. The substitution of a new moral code for the old one can never be completely satisfactory, unless the new one is accepted with the whole personality, not only with that top layer which constitutes our conscious thought. To most people this is very difficult if throughout their early years they have been exposed to the old morality. It is therefore impossible to judge a new morality fairly until it has been applied in early education.
 出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第二十一章 結論 n.9

 第二十一章 結論 n.9:

 これらの一般的な考察は,特に有効に,性的衝動にあてはまる。なぜなら,一つには,性的衝動は非常に強いものであるから,また一つには,伝統的な道徳が性的衝動を特別な関心事としてきたからである。大部分の伝統的道徳家は,我々の性的衝動を厳しく抑制しなければ,我々は,つまらなく,無政府的で,粗野なものになる,と考えているらしい。こうした見解は,幼児の頃から日常的に(ふだんに)抑制(注:usual inhibitions 岩波文庫の安藤訳では「おきまりの抑制」と訳出されている。)を身につけ,その後それを無視しようとしてきた人びとを観察することから生じたものだ,と私は信じている。しかし,こういう人びとの場合,幼いころの抑制は,抑制に失敗した時でさえ,やはり働いている(作用している)いる(のである)。

 良心と呼ばれるもの,即ち,子供の頃に学んだ道徳的な教えを,理性を働かせることなく,多かれ少なかれ無意識的に受け入れたもののために,人びとはいまだ,慣習が禁じたものはなんでも悪いことであると感じている。そして,知的にはそうではないと確信しているにもかかわらず,この感情は存続することがある(可能性がある)。このようにして,この感情は,分裂した人格を生み出す。本能と理性はもはやともに手を取り合って歩むことはなく,本能はつまらないものになり,理性は貧血症(anaemic = anamic 貧血症の;無気力な)を起こす

Chapter 21: Conclusion, n.9

These general considerations apply with peculiar force to sexual impulses, both because of their great strength and because of the fact that traditional morality has made them its peculiar concern. Most traditional moralists appear to think that, if our sexual impulses were not severely checked, they would become trivial, anarchic, and gross. I believe this view to be derived from observation of those who have acquired the usual inhibitions from their early years, and have subsequently attempted to ignore them. But in such men the early prohibitions are still operative even when they do not succeed in prohibiting. What is called conscience, that is to say, the unreasoning and more or less unconscious acceptance of precepts learnt in early youth, causes men still to feel that whatever the conventions prohibit is wrong, and this feeling may persist in spite of intellectual convictions to the contrary. It thus produces a personality divided against itself, one in which instinct and reason no longer go hand in hand, but instinct has become trivial and reason has become anaemic.
 出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第二十一章 結論 n.8

 第二十一章 結論 n.8: 必要な自制の程度



Chapter 21: Conclusion, n.8

The degree to which self-control is necessary in life depends upon the early treatment of instinct. Instincts, as they exist in children, may lead to useful activities or harmful ones, just as the steam in a locomotive may take towards its destination, or into a siding where it is smashed by an accident. The function of education is to guide instinct into the directions in which it will develop useful rather than harmful activities. If this task has been adequately performed in early years, a man or woman will, as a rule, be able to live a useful life without the need of severe self-control except, perhaps, at a few rare crises. If, on the other hand, early education has consisted in a mere thwarting of instinct, the acts to which instinct prompts in later life will be partly harmful, and will therefore have to be continually restrained by self-control.
 出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第二十一章 結論 n.7

 第二十一章 結論 n.7: 自制は必要だがブレーキの掛け方は要注意

 新しい道徳が,ビュリタニズム(清教徒主義)に基づく伝統的道徳と異なる一般的な原理はこうである。即ち,(現代の)我々は,本能は抑える(thwart 邪魔する)よりも訓練するべきであると信じている,ということである。このような一般的な言葉で表現すれば(Put in these general terms 接続詞の省略),この見方は,現代の男女の間で非常に広く受け入れられるものであろうが,こういった見方は,その意味するものを全て受け入れられるとともに,ごく幼いときから適用された時にのみ(適用されて初めて),十分に妥当なものとなる(のである)。もしも幼年期に,本能が訓練されずに抑えられるなら(妨害されるなら),その結果として,その後の生涯ずっと,ある程度,抑え続けていかなくてはならないかもしれない。幼いころに抑えつけた結果,本能がきわめて望ましくない形をとってしまっているからである。(take on 持つようになる;引き受ける)

Chapter 21: Conclusion, n.7

he general principle upon which the newer morality differs from the traditional morality of Puritanism is this : we believe that instinct should be trained rather than thwarted. Put in these general terms, the view is one which would win very wide acceptance among modern men and women, but it is one which is only fully valid when accepted with its full implications and applied from the earliest years. If in childhood instinct is thwarted rather than trained, the result may be that it has to be to some extent thwarted throughout later life, because it will have taken on highly undesirable forms as a result of thwarting in early years. The morality which I should advocate does not consist simply of saying to grown-up people or to adolescents: “Follow your impulses and do as you like.” There has to be consistency in life; there has to be continuous effort directed to ends that are not immediately beneficial and not at every moment attractive; there has to be consideration for others; and there should be certain standards of rectitude. I should not, however, regard self-control as an end in itself, and I should wish our institutions and our moral conventions to be such as to make the need for self-control a minimum rather than a maximum. The use of self-control is like the use of brakes on a train. It is useful when you find yourself going in the wrong direction, but merely harmful when the direction is right. No one would maintain that a train ought always to be run with the brakes on, yet the habit of difficult self-control has a very similar injurious effect upon the energies available for useful activity. Self-control causes these energies to be largely wasted on internal friction instead of external activity ; and on this account it is always regrettable, though sometimes necessary.
 出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第二十一章 結論 n.6

 第二十一章 結論 n.6: 守旧派からの抵抗


Chapter 21: Conclusion, n.6

It is true that the transition from the old system to the new has its own difficulties, as all transitions have. Those who advocate any ethical innovation are invariably accused, like Socrates, of being corrupters of youth; nor is this accusation always wholly unfounded, even when in fact the new ethic which they preach would, if accepted in its entirety, lead to a better life than the old ethic which they seek to amend. Everyone who knows the Mohammedan East asserts that those who have ceased to think it necessary to pray five times a day have also ceased to respect other moral rules which we consider more important. The man who proposes any change in sexual morality is especially liable to be misinterpreted in this way, and I am conscious myself of having said things which some readers may have misinterpreted.
 出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第二十一章 結論 n.5

 第二十一章 結論 n.5:性に必要な倫理と不要な倫理

 社会学的な問題は,しばしば困難で複雑である一方,個人的な問題は,ごく単純であるように,私には思われる。性には何か罪深いものがあるという教え(教義)は,個人の性格に,幼児期初期から生涯を通して,言うに言えない(計り知れない)害悪(untold harm)を与えてきた。性愛(sex love 性的な愛)を牢獄にとじ込めることによって,因習的な道徳は,他のあらゆる友好的な感情を牢獄に閉じ込め,人間をいっそう非寛容かつ不親切にし,いっそう自己主張的かつ残酷にすることに大いに貢献してきた(のである)。どのような性倫理が最終的に受け入れられるようになるとしても,それは,迷信から解放されていなければならず,また,それを支持する明確な,論証可能な根拠をもっているものでなければならない。


Chapter 21: Conclusion, n.5

While the sociological questions are often difficult and complicated, the personal questions are, to my mind, quite simple. The doctrine that there is something sinful about sex is one which has done untold harm to individual character-a harm beginning in early childhood and continuing throughout life. By keeping sex love in a prison, conventional morality has done much to imprison all other forms of friendly feeling, and to make men less generous, less kindly, more self-assertive and more cruel. Whatever sexual ethic may come to be ultimately accepted must be free from superstition and must have recognizable and demonstrable grounds in its favour. Sex cannot dispense with an ethic, any more than business or sport or scientific research or any other branch of human activity. But it can dispense with an ethic based solely upon ancient prohibitions propounded by uneducated people in a society totally unlike our own. In sex, as in economics and in politics, our ethic is still dominated by fears which modern discoveries have made irrational, and the benefit to be derived from those discoveries is largely lost through failure of psychological adaptation to them.
 出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第二十一章 結論 n.4

 第二十一章 結論 n.4:

 もしも,家族(制度)の崩壊が起こるとしたらそれは喜ぶべき事柄ではない, と私には思われる。両親の愛情は,子供にとって重要であり(あるが),施設(注:保育所などの子どもを預かる「公共」施設/ここでは子どもが家庭で育てられずに原則として施設で育てられることになった場合を言っている。)は,大規模に設けられる場合,非常にお役所的かつかなり無情なものになるのは確実である。(平等の観点から)種々の(多様な)家庭環境の,差違を認める影響(力)が取り除かれる時(取り除かれれば),恐ろしいほどの画一性が生じるだろう。そして,国際政府が前もって作られているのでなければ,いろいろな国の子供たちは,敵意に満ちた愛国心を教えこまれるであろうことから,それによって,おとなになったら,互いに殺し合うようになるのは,ほぼまちがいないだろう。国際政府の必要(性)は,人口(問題)に関しても生じる。というのは,国際政府がなければ,国家主義者たちは,望ましくないほどの人口増加を奨励する動機を持って,医学と衛生学の進歩とともに,過剰人口を始末するための唯一の方法は,戦争ということになるからである。

Chapter 21: Conclusion, n.4

he break-up of the family, if it comes about, will not be, to my mind, a matter for rejoicing. The affection of parents is important to children. and institutions, if they exist on a large scale, are sure to become very official and rather harsh. There will be a terrible degree of uniformity when the differentiating influence of different home environments is removed. And unless an international Government is previously established, the children of different countries will be taught a virulent form of patriotism which will make it nearly certain that they will exterminate each other when grown up. The necessity for an international Government arises also in regard to population, since in its absence nationalists have a motive for encouraging a greater increase of numbers than is desirable, and with the progress of medicine and hygiene, the only remaining method of disposing of excessive numbers will be war.
 出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第二十一章 結論 n.3

 第二十一章 結論 n.3:


 母親については,二つの可能性がある。母親は通常の仕事を続け,子供の世話は施設(institutions)に世話をしてもらうかもしれないし,あるいは,法律でそう決まれば,子供が幼い間は,国家から手当てをもらって子供の世話をするかもしれない。後者の方針(course 方向)がとられると,その方針は,伝統的な道徳をささえるために,しばらくの間,使われるかもしれない。貞節でない女性は,支払いを停止されるかもしれないからである。しかし,支払いを停止されれば,働きに行かないかぎり,子供を扶養することができなくなるので,子供を施設(注:保育所など)に入れる必要が生じるだろう。それゆえ,両親が金持ちでない子供の世話については,経済的な強い力の作用(働き)によって,父親の排除(不要化)を,また,大部分の母親も排除(不要化)するかもしれない。かりに,そうなれば, 伝統的道徳のための(支持する)伝統的理由はすべて消滅し,新しい道徳のための(支持する)新しい理由が発見されなければならないだろう。

Chapter 21: Conclusion, n.3

he bi-parental family may, therefore, survive in the future without making such great demands upon the continence of women as it had to make in the past. A second factor, however, in the change which is coming over sexual morals, is liable to have more far-reaching effects. This is the increasing participation of the State in the maintenance and education of children. This factor, so far, affects mainly the wage-earning classes, but they, after all, are a majority of the population, and it is quite likely that the substitution of the State for the father, which is gradually taking place where they are concerned, will ultimately extend to the whole population. The part of the father, in animal families as with the human family, has been to provide protection and maintenance, but in civilized communities protection is provided by the police, and maintenance may come to be provided wholly by the State, so far, at any rate, as the poorer sections of the population are concerned. If that were so, the father would cease to serve any obvious purpose. With regard to the mother, there are two possibilities. She may continue her ordinary work and have her children cared for in institutions, or she may, if the law so decides, be paid by the State to care for her children while they are young. If the latter course is adopted, it may be used for a while to bolster up traditional morality, since a woman who is not virtuous may be deprived of payment. But if she is deprived of payment she will be unable to support her children unless she goes to work, and it will therefore be necessary to put her children in some institution. It would seem probable, therefore, that the operation of economic forces may lead to the elimination of the father, and even to a great extent of the mother, in the care of children whose parents are not rich. If so, all the traditional reasons for traditional morality will have disappeared, and new reasons will have to be found for a new morality.
 出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.

ラッセル『結婚論』第二十一章 結論 n.2

 第二十一章 結論 n.2

 かなり近代になってから,性道徳のキリスト教的および前キリスト教的な要素(parts 部分/パーツ)が修正されつつある兆し(sign 兆候)が現われてきている。キリスト教的な要素は,以前のような支配力(the hold 掌握する力)を持っていない。その理由は,宗教的正統の衰退及びいまだ信仰を失っていない人びとの間でさえ起こっている信仰の強さの減少にある。今世紀に生まれた男女は,無意識的には古い態度を保持している傾向があるにせよ,意識的には,大部分の人々は私通(不義密通)それ自体を罪であるとは信じていない。

(注:岩波文庫の安藤訳ではうっかりミスで「夫のみによって子どもを生むことが可能になった。」と訳されている。これはもちろん,「夫の希望や欲求だけで子どもを生むことを★避けることを可能にした」の意味。avoid が 2つ目の to にもかかることを見落としたと思われる。)

 夫の嫉妬が,新しい慣習によって(by a new convention),新しい状況に適応するようになり,妻が,(夫以外の)誰か他の男を自分の子供の父親として選びたいと言い出した時にのみ生じるということも,決してありえないことではない。東洋では,男たちは,つねに,ヨ一口ッパの夫なら大部分の者が憤慨するような,官官(かんがん)たちの気ままな自由(liberties 行動の自由)を大目に見てきた(注:もちろん,これは中国のことで、日本はあたはまらないであろう)。そういう行為を大目に見ていたのは,宦官の場合,父性に関する疑いが生じないからであった。同じような寛大さは,容易に,避妊具の使用に伴う自由にまで広げることができるだろう。

Chapter 21: Conclusion, n.2

In quite modern times there have been signs that both the Christian and the pre-Christian parts of sexual morality are undergoing modification. The Christian part has not the hold that it formerly had, because of the decay of religious orthodoxy and the diminishing intensity of belief even among those who still believe. Men and women born during the present century, although their unconscious is apt to retain the old attitudes, do not, for the most part, consciously believe that fornication as such is sin. As for the pre-Christian elements in sexual ethics, these have been modified by one factor, and are in process of being modified by yet another. The first of these factors is contraceptives, which are making it increasingly possible to prevent sexual intercourse from leading to pregnancy, and are therefore enabling women, if unmarried, to avoid children altogether, and if married, to have children only by their husbands, without in either case finding it necessary to be chaste. This process is not yet complete, because contraceptives are not yet wholly reliable, but one may, I think, assume that before very long they will become so. In that case, assurance of paternity will become possible without the insistence that women shall have no sexual intercourse outside marriage. It may be said that women could deceive their husbands on the point, but after all it has been possible from the earliest times for women to deceive their husbands, and the motive for deception is much less strong when the question is merely who shall be the father than when it is whether there shall be intercourse with a person who may be passionately loved. One may therefore assume that deceit as to paternity, though it may occasionally occur, will be less frequent than deceit as to adultery has been in the past. It is also by no means impossible that the jealousy of husbands should, by a new convention, adapt itself to the new situation, and arise only when wives propose to choose some other man as the father of their children. In the East, men have always tolerated liberties on the part of eunuchs which most European husbands would resent. They have tolerated them because they introduce no doubt as to paternity. The same kind of toleration might easily be extended to liberties accompanied by the use of contraceptives.
 出典: Marriage and Morals, 1929.